
Please, look at me

It was already evening, one pair after another came home. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were the first, the latter talked nonstop about spaceships and space suits.


“Where is Kyungsoo?”, Baekhyun asked.


Sehun was sitting on the couch and read the other volumes of fruits basket he had stolen from Kyungsoo.


“He is resting in his room.”

“And why are you sitting here and not in your room?”


Sehun didn't want to admit that he was sitting in the living room, so that he could see Kyungsoo immediately when he leaves his room.


“Just because. How was the movie?”


Chanyeol sniffed his chance and began to gabble on, he even revealed the end. Sehun rolled his eyes, but he didn't listen anyway. He thought of Kyungsoo. What did he do wrong to anger the other?


His thoughts were interrupted by Suho, Chen, Kris and Tao, who were coming home. They all were packed with bags full of clothes, especially Suho and Tao looked satisfied. Kris was obviously glad to be home again.


Then Lay and Jongin came home. A few members went to the kitchen to grab some drinks, Sehun sat down next to Jongin, who was sitting in the living room.


“Did you get “better”, poor sick boy?”.


Sehun pinched Jongin's side, “Just to inform you, I have a cough and I feel extremely weak.”


Jongin just shook his head, laughing.


“You wanted to talk to Kyungsoo, did you two talk?”

“I screwed up.”

“Why? Did he realize that you are a complete idiot?”

“Yes, maybe.”

“Sehun, what happened?”


To carry on a conversation was rather difficult, with nine other guys in the room.


“I will tell you later.”


Sehun stod up and walked over to Chanyeol to snatch away his popcorn.




* * * * * *



Kyungsoo woke up when he heard noises outside his door. It seemed that all the members came back already. He took off his headphones and wiped off his face. He had to wash his face, he thought, the tears dried on his face.


He opened the door and immediately all were staring at him.


“Soo, is everything alright?”, Suho sounded worried and approached Kyungsoo.

“Yes, everything is alright, I just fell asleep. I will take a shower now.”


He wanted to run to the bathroom as fast as possible to avoid seeing Sehun, but actually he did search for him... and he saw him. He was sitting in the kitchen, together with Jongin.


Kyungsoo saw that Sehun wanted to say something, so he quickly fled to the bathroom. He closed the door and heard Suho asking, “Sehunnie, did something happen?”.


Before he could hear Sehun's answer, Kyungsoo the water. He took a long and warm shower.



* * * * * *



Kyungsoo felt refreshed and livelier when he left the bathroom.


All members were assembled in the living room, Kris took notes of everyone's order.


“Oh great, you finished, what do you want to eat?”

“I am not really hungry, Kris.”


Kyungsoo wanted to go to his room and continue to hide in there.


“Don't you think it's Kris hyung? Tell me what you want to eat or I will choose a pizza for you.”

“Kris hyung, I really...”

“Pizza with peperoni, mushrooms and garlic.”


Kyungsoo was surprised, how did Sehun know about his favorite pizza? They went to eat pizza togeher, but it was just once and it was two years ago.


“Okay, I will order then.”



* * * * * *



Half an hour later, all were eating their pizza in the living room. Kyungsoo choose a seat which was the furthest away from Sehun, but from time to time he caught himself casting a glance to the other boy. Kyungsoo's heart skipped a beat, every time Sehun looked at him too.


Kyungsoo panicked when he saw that Sehun wanted to stand up. He thought that he possibly might go over to strike up a conversation, so Kyungsoo turned to Chanyeol and Baekhyun who were sitting next to him. Immediately Sehun sat down again and sighed. Out of the corner of his eyes, Kyungsoo saw how he took a way too big bite of his pizza and Kyungsoo was afraid that he would choke over his food.


“Such a brat”, Kyungsoo thought and smiled.



* * * * * *



Everyone was in high spirits, they all sat together, eating pizza and drinking cola. The boys talked and laughed, whereas Chanyeol and Tao were the loudest, they started roaring and singing the songs from the radio. Kyungsoo liked it like this, the atmosphere was pleasant and familiar.


Suho sat down next to Kyungsoo on the floor, “Are you alright?”, Suho's face was concerned, but curious.


“Yes, I am alright, Hyung. I was able to rest today, I was really exhausted.


“Okay then, I really worried about you.” Suho put his arm around Kyungsoo's shoulder, a brotherly gesture, Kyungsoo thought. Would Sehun put his arm around his shoulders like this, Kyungsoo would feel otherwise. Suho started lo laugh, he sang along with Chanyeol and Tao and dragged Kyungsoo rocking left and right. Kyungsoo really couldn't hold back his laughter, he looked up and saw Sehun staring at him. Kyungsoo's smile was immediately wiped away from his face. Sehun's stare was stern... and somehow... hurt?


But, why?


Kyungsoo looked away and sang along with Suho. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw how Sehun stood up and walked into the kitchen, to Jongin.



* * * * * *



After a while, all finished eating their pizza, when Kris spoke up, “Okay, what should we do now? Should we watch a movie?”


“Not again”, Baekhyun whined, “I already watched a movie today.”


“How about a game then? Truth or dare?”, Luhan stood up and pointed to Minsoek, “Minsokkie want to play it too!”


Said male was just stuffing his mouth with cookies, he nodded.


“Let's sit in a circle, everyone has to play along! I will go and find a empty bottle.”, and Luhan disappeared into the kitchen.


He came back with an empty bottle, and in addition Sehun and Jongin.


All boys helped to move the furniture, so that they had enough room on the floor to sit down. Kyungsoo sat down next to Suho and Lay sat down next to Kyungsoo on the other side.


When all settled down, Kyungsoo saw that Sehun sat between Kris and Jongin, exactly opposite from himself. Sehun stared at him again, so Kyungsoo tried not to look up that often.


“Because it was my genius idea, I will start with the game”, Luhan said and spinned the bottle. “Chen! Truth or Dare?”




“Well then”, Luhan smirked, he seemed to have a lot of fun, “stand up and dance to Orange Caramel's Liptstick!”


Chen lost all the color in his face, Tao whistled and Chanyeol acted as a cheerleader.


“I should have taken truth...”


Chen stood up and tried to dance, Luhan was obviously enthusiastic, Kyungsoo just shook his head. Then Chen started dancing wildly, everyone burst into laughter, even Kyungsoo who looked at Sehun and saw his serious face.



They boys played the game for a whole while, the atmosphere was playful and pleasant. Tao had to sing “Baby don't cry” (for Kyungsoo it sounded like bawling), then it was Kyungsoo's turn.


“Truth or Dare?”


Kyungsoo considered shortly, “Dare!”


“Then kiss Suho Hyung on his cheek!”


Kyungsoo cursed under his breath. The other boys cheered and rooted for him. Suho immediately blushed like a little school girl and pressed his hand to his mouth. Obviously he liked the situation.


“Come on!”


Kyungsoo looked at Suho who giggled, his face was of a bright red.


In this moment, Kyungsoo wished that it was Sehun. He closed his eyes, and thought of Sehun. He thought that he was sitting in front of him, not Suho. He slowly leant forward, reached out for Suho's face and touched his cheek. Then he pulled him towards him, kissing him softly on his cheek. The kiss lasted longer than planned, because in Kyungsoo's thoughts, it was Sehun's wonderful and soft cheek.


The cheering of the others jolted him out of his thoughts, he opened his eyes and saw how Sehun run out of the dorm.


“Se... Sehunnie?”, immediately Kyungsoo jumped up and run after him.




Where did Sehun go? And what exactly happened? It was already dark outside and it got pretty chilly. Kyungsoo worried about Sehun who ran outside, just dressed in his thin shirt.


After a while, Kyungsoo spotted Sehun on a playground near the dorm, sitting on a swing. Suho called Kyungsoo on his phone, without really listening to the leader's words, Kyungsoo said, “Don't worry, yes I found him. I will bring him back.” He hung up and slowly drew closer to Sehun, who was sitting on the swing, his back facing Kyungsoo.


“Sehunnie?”, Kyungsoo's voice was merely a whisper. He startled Sehun who wiped away his tears and faced Kyungsoo. “He cried”, Kyungsoo thought and suddenly, his heart felt so heavy. Kyungsoo couldn't handle a crying Sehun, for example when the younger missed his family. But now Kyungsoo seemed to be the reason for his tears.


“Why... what...?, Kyungsoo rang for words. He thought of thousand different things, he had so many questions, but he was unable to form a proper sentence.


“Do you like Suho Hyung that much?”, Sehun's voice was challenging, but even more sad. “that much that you had to kiss him? It wasn't a chaste kiss on the cheek, I saw how affectionate and lovingly you were.”


“Sehunnie, I...”


“Yes, you”, Sehun interrupted him. He slowly drew closer and closer to Kyungsoo, who was petrified and couldn't move at all.


“I am sorry, I...”, Kyungsoo's voice faltered, he looked down. Why was Sehun that sad? Perhaps he...


“Please don't say you are sorry, Hyung. Please don't say that you like another person, because I only have eyes for you.”


Kyungsoo immediately looked up, he looked at Sehun, shocked. Did he hear right? But it wasn't possible that Sehun...


“I only have eyes for you and I like you much more than I probably should. Actually this does no justice to that I am feeling for you. And these feelings... exceed feelings of friendship."


Kyungsoo wasn't sure if he could believe his own ears.


“I liked you, since the first day I met you. From the first day I knew that you are something special. I didn't feel like this before, but I knew what kind of a feeling it was when I first saw you. Your wonderful smile, your big and curious eyes... and then I heard you singing and I knew that this feeling was love.”


Another tear found it's way down Sehun's cheek.


“And since then”, he continued, “I thought I couldn't love you more, but I did, with every knew facet of you, with every character trait I didn't know before. These facets and traits were so endearing that I just fell more and more in love with you. I didn't know how to deal with it and I didn't know how you would react if I would have told you, this is the reason why I didn't tell you. I gave you so many hints, I often thought that I gave away my secret, but you...”


Kyungsoo advanced Sehun further and stood now in front of him, just a few centimeters separating them.

He wanted to take the younger into his arms, hugging him, but he wanted Sehun to finish speaking. His heart pounded fast in his chest, he was never that excited before.


“But now I know that you don't like me the same way, you...”


“Shut up, brat.”


Kyungsoo had to look up to Sehun who was much taller than himself. Since when did he grow that tall?


“Sit down again, I don't like the fact that you are much taller than me. Ad now you will listen to me carefully”, Kyungsoo didn't know how he was able to gather his courage. He pushed Sehun back on the swing and stood right in front of him. He was still confused that Sehun loved him back, but he was exuberantly happy and proud.


“I never said that I didn't like you. To be honest, I didn't know it myself until a short time ago...”


“That means, you...”, Sehun interrupted him and just wanted to stand up again, when Kyungsoo pushed him back.


“Don't interrupt your Hyung, maknae. I always looked at you in another way I look at others. I always watched you, I cared for you and I was worried about you, I thought it was okay, it was normal, but then I began to watch you more and more, my eyes always looked out for you. I began to feel comfortable around you, I wanted to talk to you, to listen to you, whatever you said. I began to saw you and to think that you are beautiful. You eyes, sometimes so sad beyond belief, but b over with life... I never saw such wonderful eyes in my whole life. Your bony , that looks incredibly good in jeans...”


Kyungsoo saw that Sehun couldn't hold back a smirk.


Kyungsoo cleared his throat and continued, “your wonderful lips, I wished I could...”


All of a sudden, Sehun jumped up and embraced Kyungsoo in his arms. His long and strong arms fitted perfectly around Kyungsoo's frame. Kyungsoo immediately felt secure and protected, he wanted to go to sleep in these arms and he wanted to wake up in these arms.


“I wished I could kiss.”, Kyungsoo said.


Sehun slowly leant forward and kissed Kyungsoo full on his lips. First he was hesitating and careful, then he got more courageous. Kyungsoo imagined that Sehun's lips were soft and tender, but the reality caped it all. He literally melted into the kiss.


“You have the most wonderful lips, Hyung. Soft like cotton candy...”


Kyungsoo couldn't hold back a smile, he still couldn't believe what was happening right now.


“But what was that with Suho Hyung?”, Kyungsoo could hear the sadness in his voice. “Perhaps you just imagined that it was me instead of him.”, he smirked.


“You indeed are a spoilt brat.”, he playfully punched Sehun's chest.


“I take this as a yes.”, Sehun couldn't take his eyes off Kyungsoo. Said man punched him again, harder this time.


“Come on, let's go back. The other surely already worry about us.”


Sehun theatrically dropped back on the swing, he clutched his chest, “I can't. I am seriously injured.”


Kyungsoo turned around to him, “Come on, I have some cotton candy for you later.”


Despite his "serious injury", Sehun immediately jumped on his feet and run after Kyungsoo.


“So you like my , hm?”, he said sneakily.


“Well, it comes on third place, I think.”


Sehun was totally taken aback, “Just on third place?? What on the second?”


“Your... belly.”


“On first place is surely my...”


“Your lips!”, Kyungsoo quickly interrupted him, “Your lips are perfect.” Kyungsoo looked down again, he hoped that Sehun didn't notice him blushing.


“You are so cute when you blush”, Sehun took Kyungsoo's hand, leant down to him and kissed him again.


Kyungsoo let it happen because they were perfect.


They were perfect for each other.





_____________________ END______________________________

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Chapter 2: Moreeeeeeeeeeeee~~~
Chapter 2: Omg sweetness overload!!
Chapter 1: Awww my poor baby :(
Chapter 1: Oh my God, that was so good! I squealed like a little girl all the time ^^ I loved it!
Rb2012 #5
Cute ^_^ .
Chapter 2: Lol cute story
Chapter 2: i want moreeeeee authornim XD
Chapter 2: oh~ yeah~ this is jjang!!!!
Veveracka #9
Chapter 2: That was so cute :3 i love sesoo ^^