
Heart of a Fan

The sun poked its head out from the horizon earlier than usual the next day. Exo's manager broke the peaceful silence of the morning. "Wake up!"

They all rose, rubbing their eyes and yawning. "Let's go! You have practice today!" The twelve of them walked like a pack of zombies to the practice room, dragging their feet. They gathered together in the dance room. "Just because you get a break doesn't mean you can laze off. So get practicing."

The twelve of them stretched and warmed themsleves up. Then they got into position and started the music. For the next five hours, it was practice, practice, and more practice. Finally, some of the members took a break. Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, Chen, and Luhan stayed standing to work on their vocals.

"Ah I'm so tired." Kai complained to himself. He threw his body on the bench and wiped the sweat on his head with his shirt. The second chapter, Kai thought. He grabbed his phone from his bag and opened it to Asianfanfics. He logged in and found the story in his Subsciptions. Once it was loaded, he tapped the second chapter.


Chapter 2

That firefighter from yesterday... I have to see him again.

For the first time, Jongin was trying to find something other than money. He came up to a passerby and asked him, "Excuse me sir, do you happen to know where the nearest fire station is?"

The old man rubbed his chin and said told him, "You know the supermarket over there?" he pointed to the distance. "If you walk past it, there is an intersection. Turn right and it is there."

"Thank you very much!" Jongin exclaimed. He bowed to the old man and he bowed back. The man walked away. Jongin picked up a nearby rock and drew three vertical lines and three horizontal lines on the ground. Ok if I am here, he placed a rock at the corner of his map. and the supermarket is there, he placed another rock near a juntion. Pass the intersection and turn right so it will be... there! Jongin placed a rock on where that would be. "To the fire station, Kim Jongin!"

Jongin dashed, the distance was about a mile, to the station. It was a painful run for him as he has never ran this much in his entire life. 


During that time, Kyungsoo was sleeping in the dormitory of the fire station. The incident from yesterday took away his resting hours. Then, the deafening siren startles all the firefighters awake. Once again, another emergency calls for their help.

"Go! Hurry!" the chief screamed.

The firefighters rushedly changed into their clothes and and put their masks on. "What happened?" Kyungsoo asked his friend as he strapped on his boots.

"Gas leak." the friend replied. Together, they ran into the truck under the chief's booming voice. They started the engine and the siren blasted from above the truck.

The alarm gave Jongin a jolt as he finally reached the station. When he got there, the truck had already departed. Jongin ran into the chief's office. "Excuse me, I'm looking for a firefighter. He has big eyes-"

"Do you have an emergency?" he asked Jongin.

"Well, no."

"Please get out then." he said sharply.

"I was from the mall fire yesterday! I just want to thank him!" Jongin pleaded.

"Get him out." the chief said to his men. Three bulky men appear, grabbing Jongin by the arms and dragging him out of the station.

"Wait!" Jongin screamed as they pulled him out. "Please!" 

"You shut your mouth!" the man said. He punched Jongin in the mouth and pushed him to the ground. They went back inside. Jongin laid outside on the hot cement. He wiped the spec of blood on his lip with the back of his hand. A tear ran down his face.

I will find you. And I'm not giving up.


What, Kai thought. The chapter ended there. He was unsatisfied with the disappointing ending. When Kai thought he could read another chapter, , Lay, came over. Kai quickly hibernated his phone and hid it behind his back.

"Jongin-ah. Come see my new dance. I choreographed it myself."

"Uhh, ok." Kai nodded.

Exo's leader, Suho, came over to the two. "C'mon Lay. He's tired, let him rest. I'll see your dance."

"No it's ok." Kai lied.

"No, Jongin you can rest." Lay said and followed Suho, who he secretly has a crush on.




That  night, Jongin sat own on the bed and took out his phone. He opened up to Asianfanfics again to read the third chapter.  He tapped on the next chapter and began reading. 


Chapter 3

Jongin spent the night outside the fire station. He decided to-


"Whatcha doing?" An interrupting voice behind Kai asked. It scared the life out of him. After he screamed, he slapped his hand on the screen of his phone and turned around. It was Lay.

"Ah-" Kai tried to stay calm. "Lay! I'm just- listening to music." He awkwardly laughed.

"Can I hear with you?" Lay asked.

"No." Kai answered strongly.

"Why? What's so bad?" Lay said as he slipped the phone out of Kai's hands.

"Hey give it back!" Kai shrieked. He wrestled Lay onto the floor to get his phone back, but it was too late. Lay was already reading its contents. When he was done, Kai took his phone back and got off of Lay's body.

"Jongin, you read those?" Lay giggled.

"Yes! Okay? Shhh!"


"Yes! But seriously hyung! You can't tell anyone!" Kai screamed in a whisper. "Anyone!"

"Okay, okay I won't." he laughed.

"Stop laughing! I'm trusting you with this secret. Promise you won't tell." Kai stuck out his pinky finger.

"Okay I promise." They interlocked their fingers. Lay stared at Kai and grinned. "You like him now don't you?" 

"What! No!" Kai said, avoiding eye contact. "Of course not."

"Yes you do." Lay teased. "Look at you, you're blushing."

Kai flushed. "No I'm not!" He got up from his seat and took off to the bathroom, slamming the door shut. I'm not blushing, he told himself. There's no way. He raised his head up and looked at himself in the mirror. His face was scarlet.



Sorry i took long,

School and other things...

Thanks subscribers btw!

Love you~


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thuisthu #1
kkkkkkkk lay found out kkkkkkkkk
Chapter 1: Awwww so cutiee^^ , love the first chap good job!I'll be waiting for the next updates
thuisthu #3
Chapter 1: omg cute how kai confused the fic with real life XD
this story rocks!!!!! update soon !!!!!!
KaiSoo~~~update soon!^ ^