
Heart of a Fan

"Go! Go! Go!" their manager screamed, as the Exo members hurried in the vans. It was early November, and the members were preparing for a Kpop festival. The cars took off speedily. When they arrived at the festival, the members quickly got off, changing their clothes while running. Stylists made their last minute touch-ups. Then, they were ready to perform.

"Let's go." leader Suho said. The members put their hands together and screamed 'Let's love!' Kai, Sehun, D.O, Suho, Kris, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Luhan, Lay, Xiumin, Chen, and Tao one after another appeared on the stage. The audience went wild, deafenening the ears of people around them. Once the screaming subsided, the music began playing, causing the fans to cheer again. They performed untill the sky became dark, fans tirelessly screaming until their throats got sore.

At 10pm, they were finished. They hopped off the stage, sending hearts out to fans who were shouting, 'Don't leave!' and climbed back in the vans. Mobs of girls followed after them. Kai leaned back on his headrest, wiping the sweat on his forehead. He scanned the group of fans.

"Hey Kyungsoo." he said. Kyungsoo looked over. "Cute girl on the third row, with the trench coat."

"She's pretty." Kyungsoo said and nodded. "I'd give her a seven out of ten." Then Kyungsoo observed the girls. "What about her? Second row, pink phone?"

"Ehh." Kai said. "Six point five." Once the fans finally cleared the way, the van started moving and they departed. Kai leaned on Kyungsoo's shoulder and went to sleep. When they arrived back at their dorms, the members passed out on the floor, groaning because they were tired. 

"Good news for you kids." The manager said. "You guys have nothing on your schedules till the end of the year performances."

"Yes!" they all cheered. 

"Now go shower and get some rest." he left the room. The members remained cheering in relief.

"I'm going to shower." Tao said. Kris, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun went to shower also. Lay and Suho went to sleep, and the rest of the members except for Kai left to buy food. 

"Coming with us?" Kyungsoo asked him.

"Nah. I'll stay here." Kai replied. They exited out the door, leaving Kai in the room by himself. I should read fans' messages, he thought, and reached for his phone. He went on the fanboard and saw the millions of messages sent in. Ok, I'll read one. Kai closed his eyes and placed his finger on a random message. He opened his eyes and read it.

"Jongin-ah! Noona loves you ♥"

Ah, so plain. Kai thought. He replied with a heart and decided to read another one. Again, he closed his eyes and read the message his finger landed on.

"Oppa! Have you read a fanfic? Here's a really good one oppa. Read it! 사랑해~" Below the message was the link to the story.

Kai scoffed at the message. Fanfics? How dumb. They're just stories about us loving each other, he thought, and disregarded the message. When he scrolled out of the message, his thumb accidentally landed right on the link, leading him to a new page: What the- no! he thought as the new tab was loading. When it appeared, Kai was ready to exit out of it, but the cover image intrigued him.

Woah. He thought.That looks like a movie cover. He read the description, foreword, and characters. KaiSoo huh. So this is what fans do with their livesBut he decided to read the first chapter, because the others were still gone. He sat back and tapped on the first chapter.


Chapter 1

Jongin sat on the floor against the wall of a shopping mall. People would walk past him, not caring.                                        

"Please," he cried. "Please give me some change." But they all ignored him.

Wait, Kai thought, I'm a ... beggar? 

Jongin sat there for many hours. Pulling on the legs of bypassers, only to get himself kicked in the face. He weeped, staring at the few coins he collected in his cap. How will I ever have enough to buy myself a house? he thought. Just then, a little boy runs towards Jongin, snatching the cap from his hands and running away with it.                                                                                                    

"Hey! Give that back!" Jongin screamed, and chased after the little boy into the mall. The boy dashed into a shop and Jongin follwed behind him. "Give it back!"

The two ran around, not seeming to lose any energy. As they were running, the fire alarm screeched, startling shoppers. They began screaming and running for the door. Apparently, the fire started in the food court kitchen. Jongin, instead of running out, ran further inside.

"Hey you little brat! Where are you! Give me my money back!" he screamed. The fire roared and the wall collapsed, trapping Jongin. Now he was aware that he was in trouble. "Help! Help!" he cried.

A few minutes later, firefighters burst inside screaming, "Anyone in there?" 

"Over here." Jongin said with his last bit of breath. Then, a firefighter wriggles himself through the flames to get to where Jongin is laying on the floor, coughing for air. The firefighter's big eyes was visible under his mask, and his name badge read Do Kyungsoo. He swooped in and picked Jongin up in his arms, and fought his way out of the fire.

"Pfft!" Jongin burst into laughter. Kyungsoo? Carrying me? With those kinds of shoulders?! He can barely carry his own bag! Kai wiped the tear coming out his eyes and calmed himself down. Ah, that's funny. He continued reading.

Jongin's bronzed face turned into a blackish shade. He was in Kyungsoo's arms, staring up at the man carrying him. The two fortunately managed to escape the mall. Kyungsoo set Jongin down.

"Thank you." he said.

"It's part of my job." Kyungsoo said.

"I will pay you back." said Jongin.

"You making it out alive is my reward." Kyungsoo said. He headed back into the burning mall to find any other trapped people.

"I will pay you back!" Jongin screamed at Kyungsoo's back view. "We will meet again!"


The first chapter ended there. Kai, hooked in, wanted to read on, but he heard the door open so he quickly hibernated his phone and joined them to eat.




The next day, Kai and Kyungsoo went to the convenience store together to buy a bag of chips. Kyungsoo reached for his wallet and asked the cashier how much it costed.

"I'll pay for it." Kai told him.

"Why? I already have my wallet out." Kyungsoo said.

"I'll do it." Kai said. "I have to pay you back after all." Kai realized what he just said and mentally hit himself in the head. , Jongin-ah! What are you saying? That was in the story!

"Pay me back?" Kyungsoo asked. "For what?"

"Uh, nothing." Kai said. He hurriedly grabbed a dollar from his pocket, slapped it on the table, and fast-walked to the door. Kyungsoo followed him but halted when he heard the shopkeeper call them.

"Excuse me, boys." the old man said. "Will you please help me and put this water in the fridge?" He stood beside a pack of water bottles, rubbing his aching back. "My muscles are no more good." he chuckled.

"Sure." Kyungsoo said and walked towards the pack of water. He placed his hands on the sides of the pack and lifted it up with ease. Kai stood there, amazed.

Is this Kyungsoo I'm looking at? he thought. Kyungsoo's veins were visible on his arms which was slightly bulky. He's been working out. That water probably weighs like thirty pounds. Kyungsoo was finished carrying the water and came to Kai.

"Ok, let's go." he said. He looked at Kai, who seemed a bit dazed. "You alright? You look kinda red."

"Red?" Kai said. He felt his own cheeks.

My face is burning, Kai thought. Am I ... blushing?



In case you weren't sure,                                                                                                                                            

Kai's fic is in bold                                                                                                                                                  

and any thoughts are in italics.                                                                                                                                    

Hope you liked the first chapter                                                                                                                            

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thuisthu #1
kkkkkkkk lay found out kkkkkkkkk
Chapter 1: Awwww so cutiee^^ , love the first chap good job!I'll be waiting for the next updates
thuisthu #3
Chapter 1: omg cute how kai confused the fic with real life XD
this story rocks!!!!! update soon !!!!!!
KaiSoo~~~update soon!^ ^