The Bathroom

Soccer Is My Game

*Katlyn's P.O.V*

She slid down the bathroom wall tears flowed stedly down her cheeks. She was mortified. How could Melisa have done that to her?? What had she done to her?? Nothing that's what!!


*Luhan's P.O.V*

"What the hell?? Why would you do that??" Luhan growled at Melisa. 

Melisa turned around and smiled and Luhan

"Hi Lulu!!! Did you say something??"

" I said why the hell did you do that?? Do you have any feelings or remorse??? Do you realse that you could have burned her or worse killed her!!"

"Why do you care?? You don't even really know her!!"

" Yes , I do I know her beter than you. I may have just meant her but she's beter that you!!"

"You don't really care!! You just think she's cute!!!"

"Thats bull!!!'

" No it's not it's the truth"

"Shut up!!"

With that Luhan stalked anrly out of the lunchroom.


If I was a girl where would I go to hide?? Luhan asked himself.  The bathroom!!


*Katlyn's P.O.V*

As she cryied she heard the bathroom door open. "Go away Melisa!!" She shouted expecting  Melisa to be comeing to mock her .

"Katlyn it's me" She heard luhan said softly.

"Luhan!! What are you doing in the girls bathroom??"

"I had to find you!! I had to see if you were o.k" Luhan said blushing madly

"Are you o.k??" He said.

" I'm fine....but I think I got burned"

"Let me see... I'm not trying to make a move I just have to see how bad it is."

Katlyn sighed but took off her shirt. Her back was an angry red. Luhan toutched her back softly. She yelped in pain.

"Your defiantly burned."

"Great. Not only did my new shirt get ruined,but I got burned!!"

" I think I might have some aloe and a shirt in my locker. Stay here I'll go get  them." Luhan said.


When Luhan came back with the shirt and aloe,Katlyn motioned for the aloe. Luhan shook his head. "Let me do can't reach all of you're back."

Katlyn smilied happily  when Luhan put on the soothing aloe on her back.

"That feels beter."she said.

Luhan smiled at that he handed her a shirt that had an X-Men comic book cover on it. Katlyn smilied at him."I love the X-Men!!"

"Me too...I'm going to go outside now."


"So you can change."


The rest of the day was realtively uneventful other than Katlyn meeting Tao, and Kris.

She had been in P.E her last period of the day, and they had to dress out.

Ewww she had thought to her self she hadn't had P.E at her old school. The P.E Coach Mrs.Kerr called her up."What's your name kid??" she asked.

"Katlyn Yeager."


*Tao's P.O.V*

There was a new girl in their P.E class. Mrs.Kerr called her up and said "What's your name kid??" The girl smiled and said "Katlyn Yeager."


They were working on a baseball unit in P.E. Mrs.Kerr put them into teams.

The Red team and the Blue team.

"Blue team:Tao,Kris,Timmy, Jessi,Larry..........and Katlyn."Mrs.Kerr said before starting to put the rst of the class in the Blue team.


After the game Tao and Kris walked over to Katlyn. "That was a heck of a game girly."

"Thanks."She said.

"I'm Tao" 

"And I'm Kris."


Hey guys!!! Thanks for reading. Heres the shirt I was thinking Luhan woulg give to Katlyn:

I also realised I never showed you what Luhan was wearing this is what Luhan looked like when Katlyn first saw him:

I'm curious to what you see in him - George (my jelous invisable boyfrirnd)

Well he's adorable 

I don't see it. He looks sorta like a deer.

They call him Lulu deer for a reason -_-

And why would you fing that cute??

Because I do

He's not cute

Sometimes I don't know what I see in you


Sure whatever you say

Hey I'm not jelous!!!

Yes you are

No... I'm no-

Yes you are

I'm no-


Anyways Thanks for reading guys!!


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filipina_korea #1
Chapter 1: I like this fanfic, update please(: