At the Mall

A Series of DaeJae

In which Daehyun is misbehaving at the Mall.

(in style: mega lazy -- only dialogue.)

"Daehyun would you just behave please."

"Behave? Are you my mother?"

"I'm so glad I'm not. How the hell did she put up with you? I'd go mad if I had a child like you."

"Well one day, maybe you'll have a child who is half me, who knows."

"Oh god, don't wink, you creep."

"You're going to call your child a creep?!"

"What is wrong with you?"

"I'm lovesick."

"Please shut up."


"I swear to god I'm going to chop your head off. Great, people are staring. Because this isn't embarrassing~"

"Aw, my boo is blushing~! How adorable."

"For s sake Daehyun. Why didn't I choose Junhong? That kid was so sweet, I miss him."

"Wait, who is Junhong?! You cheating on me?!"

"I wish I was."



"....but seriously who is Junhong?"

"That kid in our music class that had a crush on me."


"Holy , calm down please."


"He said it in the front of the whole class, how do you not remember?"

"Woah, I just thought he was kidding. I thought he just did it to wind me up?"

"Oh he did, that whole confession was a set up. His crush was unbelievably real though."

"Well I feel cheated."

"You and me both. I could've had a really nice boyfriend; one who was caring, sweet, gorgeous--"

"You saying I'm ugly?"


"Ouch. That hurt."


" this Jun kid, did he really have a crush on you?"

"Yup, he confessed the day after you actually."

"WHAT?! But if it was the other way round, you still would've picked me right?"


"YES! on that, Jelly!"

"It's Zelo."

"Same thing."

"*sighs* He was so much more caring though, I miss him."

"I can be caring too you know."

"Yeah right."

"Watch this."

"Daehyun? Dae, what are you doing? Get out from under there!"


"Daehyun? Daehyun, please stop embarrassing me, get out from under the rack!"


"Daehyun, please just get out! I'll stop being so -- mnnghhh"

"What was that, Jae?"
"Daehyun please s-stop, not here."

"Why not? It just looks so inviting!"

"Daehyun I swear to god, people are gonna start lookin--oh my g-god"

"Sorry, I can't hear you."

"Dae please s-stop, I c-can't do --mmff --"

"I wish I could taste you right now, you look so delicious."

"Oh my god D-Daehyun, please don't I c-can't-"
"No I won't. Not here anyway... there are nice big changing rooms we could go into."

"Hi sir, are you okay? Do you need any help?"

"OH I uhh-- um, n-no thank you, I'm f-fine..."
"Are you sure? You look a bit flustered. Are you feeling okay?"
"I um, I'm f-FINE OH. um...well, I'll uh, oh I think my phone is r-ringing, excuse m-me."
"Uh, okay?"
"He's gone, now D-Daehyun please g-get out, this is so -ngggg- embarrassing."
"Aw, and here I was hoping you'd say 'come out', because that's what I'm waiting for too, babe~"

"Just get out here for 's sake!"
"Alright alright, no need to get your in a twist, geez."
"You're so unbelievable!"

"I'm caring though, right? I mean, I took care of you! I could see you getting all wound up and angry, so I was helping you let loose a little. You can't say I'm a bad boyfriend now, right?"
" you."

"You wish, baby."
"Where are those changing rooms, anyway? Because you're gonna ing finish what you started."
"Mm, anything for you, my y bubble ~"




a/n: ..... I don't even know what this is, I apologise for wasting your time.

If by any chance, you want to see more of this  totally amazing, totally original stuff, you can give me a situation/setting/whatever and I'll attempt to destroy that fantasy for you ^-^

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Chapter 2: Omg but this is funny (?
I like it :)
Aww so, would you write something about teacher and er Daehyun and inocent student Yoo?
Whatapoo #2
Chapter 1: Aww I love cute scared Dae! You write him so well :p
Just take it Dae. Just take Jae's offer ^_-
Chapter 1: Did he really leave? Funny~xD
Chapter 1: OMG That was so funny kkkkk
Good job author-nim