Saving Christmas
“Haera~” the student’s mother cooed and knocked on the bedroom door of her daughter. She didn’t receive any reaction however, so she knocked a little harder. Still no reaction. “Yah!” she finally yelled and kicked the door, earning groans from inside of the room. “Get out of bed, you have a visitor.”
Haera sat up from her bed, confused of her mother’s words. It was a Saturday and it wasn’t like she had made any plans with friends so she was surprised to hear that. She threw her legs over the edge and stood up, glancing at her alarm clock. Her eyes widened when she saw that the numbers read 8.14am. Normally when Haera would wake up on weekends, there would’ve been two number before the dot so the student groaned and dropped herself back onto her bed. She closed her eyes and ignored what her mother had said earlier, already making up an excuse for when she would ask what took Haera so long.
After a few minutes, Haera heard footsteps tap on the staircase and thought it was her mother so she buried herself more into her blanket, mentally preparing for some scolding. The soft sound of knuckles tapping against her door resonated through the room but Haera just ignored it again, pretending to be asleep. The knocking didn’t stop, however, and started irritating Haera. She sighed heavily and threw her blankets off her body, scrambling out of her bed and making her way towards her door. “Mom, I was already getting read – ”
“That’s a lie and you know it.”
Haera’s eyes widened when she saw, not her mother, but Luhan stand in front of her when she swung the door open, but soon they returned to their normal size. When she met the male at the movie conference, he was all donned up and looked more than handsome in his all black getup. But now, in casual clothes and his dark bangs pushed to the side, he had gotten more perfect - if that were even possible.
He had ditched the dark clothing and wore a red jumper with some dark denim jeans and black high tops and even then, he managed to make Haera’s heart beat faster and louder than normal. The student tried to ignore his whole handsome being by sighing and tiredly rubbing her face, suppressing a yawn. “For a girl, you’re not that surprised to find me here,” Luhan said a little stunned himself when he saw Haera’s lack of reaction. The latter just shook her head. “For some reason, I kind of already saw this coming,” Haera sighed and walked back into her room. “That’s a good thing right?”
Haera stretched laughing and walked towards her chair to grab her sweater and pull it over her head, since it was pretty cold in her room. “Not really.”
Luhan pouted and remained in her door opening, contemplating what to do next because honestly, he hadn’t really thought it through. Haera’s mother had proposed for him to go and get Haera himself since she knew her daughter’s morning routines and didn’t expect her to come down without a little push. “You might as well come in,” Haera said and motioned for him to enter. Luhan was still amazed of her whole attitude towards him and hesitantly stepped over the threshold into her room.
“So,” the student began while tying her hair in a loose bun. Luhan remained standing in the middle of her room, looking around and running his eyes over Haera’s stuff. “Luhan.”
The male snapped his head towards Haera with a blank expression. “What?” he asked oblivious of the situation he found himself in. Haera raised her eyebrows and lifted her hands to move them animatedly. “What are you doing here!”
Luhan’s mouth rounded into a silent ‘O’ and cocked his head in thought. “Mission,” he stated simply and slowly started pacing around in Haera’s room. The student followed his every move and sighed when she didn’t receive any enlightening continuation. “And how the hell did you find out where I live anyway?” she muttered when she sharply in air when she saw Luhan touch her picture frames. “Yah!”
Luhan turned his head to her with a goofy grin and retracted his hand before continuing to walk along her desk and running his fingers against the back of her books. “I asked the organization from the conference where they rented that deer suit, and they told me they hired a small business,” he uttered and took a book from Haera’s bookcase, mindlessly flipping through the pages. “I contacted this place and asked who wore that suit that night et voila,” he closed the book with one hand, “here I am.”
Haera sneered at him and stood from her chair, approaching him to grab the book from his hands with a glare and placing it back into her bookcase. “That’s not stalkerlike at all,” Haera chuckled and crossed her arms. “Seems like you’re taking this pretty serious, huh,” she muttered and wanted to turn to walk away but Luhan stopped her by holding her arm. Haera was surprised by the sudden contact but it soon faded when she met the male’s eyes and seemed to drown in his dark orbs. “Of course I’m serious,” he said softly and stared back at the girl. “I really want to help you, Haera.”
The latter was taken aback by the sudden contact and it made her cheeks flush the moment she met eyes with him and saw them twinkle.
“Luhan, is she- oh you found her!”
Haera snapped her head towards her door opening, eyes widening when she saw her mother stand there and quickly retracted her arm from Luhan’s grip. “Be down in 5 if you want breakfast~” her mother said in a sing song voice and winked before leaving again. Haera sneered and muttered some curses under her breath before turning to Luhan, who rubbed the back of his neck with a faint blush on his cheeks. Haera narrowed her eyes at him and shook her head before pushing him out of her room. Luhan struggled against her but soon found himself outside her door. “I need to change so wait outside,” and with that Haera closed her door and softly slapped her own reddening cheeks.
Haera took her gloves from her pocket and put them on the moment Luhan and her stepped out of the warm bus that drove them to the famous Christmas market in town. Luhan had been going on and on about this small fair-like market where they sold all kinds of Christmas themed food and had various Christmas related activities. “Day one of ‘make Haera love Christmas’ is as of now a go!” Luhan fist pumped with a huge grin on his lips. Haera sighed and looked around if no one was staring at them because of Luhan’s loud voice. Not to her surprise, there were a few young girls gaping at the oblivious male who was looking around like a kid in a candy shop. Haera stuffed her hands in her pockets and nudged Luhan with her elbow. “Uhm Luhan, I think you gained yourself some admirers.”
The male glanced at Haera before he followed her sight and saw some girls staring at him with expectant eyes. He winced, as if feeling caught, and put on a small smile while waving hesitantly at the girls. They all squealed and ran towards them. Haera widened her eyes and took a step back when she saw the group heading their way. They instantly surrounded Luhan and before Haera knew it, a camera was pushed into her hands by a girl who asked for her to take a picture. Haera’s eyebrows rose in surprise and met eyes with Luhan, who shrugged apologetically and smiled. The female sighed and complied. She lifted the camera and pointed it at the group in front of her.
“Say ‘I hate Christmas’~” Haera said in a disinterested voice and laughed inwardly when she saw the confused faces of the girls. Haera looked up from the camera and rose her eyebrows expectantly, as if waiting for them to say it. The girls looked at each other warily before nodding. Haera smirked faintly and looked at the screen again. Luhan smiled his heavenly smile again and made Haera’s knees buckle under her. She cleared and waited for the girls to take their place again. “I hate Christmas~” the girls said still wary but smiled brightly nonetheless. Haera took a few pictures for them and handed the camera back to the girl who was close to tears.
They all waved and said some encouraging words to Luhan, leaving Haera more confused than she already was. The girls left all squealing and happy chattering with Luhan approaching Haera again. “I’m sorry about that,” he said shyly and rubbed the back of his head. Haera shook her head chuckling. “You’re more of a hotshot than I thought,” she laughed and saw Luhan stiffen, seemingly uncomfortable talking about this subject. “But I won’t ask,” she added with a small smile and turned to walk into the mass of people that were standing next to food- and clothing stands. Luhan heaved a sigh of relief and quickly followed the female.
“So where do you want to go first~!” he sang while hooking his arm through Haera’s. The latter flinched but didn’t move away, throwing him an annoyed glance. “Home?”
Luhan pinched Haera’s cheek and pouted. “Yah! We’re here to have fun and fulfill a mission so stop being so grumpy and smile!” he exclaimed and pulled her cheek. Haera winced and tried to pull her face out of his grip but Luhan didn’t let go. “Yah Wruhan! RLet go!”
Luhan laughed when he saw Haera’s face and lifted his other hand to pinch her other cheek. “Look at you smiling!” he laughed and moved his hands up and down so she would smile and frown every time he did. Haera whined and slapped his hands but he refused to let go. “Oh what a sweet couple!”
Luhan and Haera turned to a stall where an elderly woman smiled at them. They remained still for a moment, when they realized in what position they were and quickly stepped away from each other. Haera cleared and rubbed her red stinging cheeks, sneering at Luhan who adjusted his jacket. “W-we’re not a couple,” he corrected and glanced at Haera for a moment before looking at the lady again. “Oh that’s a shame,” she replied disappointed but smiled nonetheless. Luhan let his eyes travel over the contents of the stall and let out a small gasp when his eyes fell on something. “Haera look!” he exclaimed and pulled the female with him, pointing at the food. “What!” Haera groaned and followed Luhan’s example by looking at the food stalled out.
“May I?” Luhan asked the elder politely. The woman nodded and watched how Luhan ran his fingers over the boxes until he grabbed one with a happy smile, lifting it in front of Haera. “I used to love these as a kid!” he said happily and did a dance in his place. “I can’t believe they have these here,” he continued softly and looked nostalgic at the box in his hands. “Christmas trees?” Haera asked disbelieving and eyed the box. Luhan’s mouth fell and grimaced at her. “Not just any Christmas trees, chocolate trees!” he said pointedly. “These are the most delicious things in the whole wide world, Haera. You haven’t lived if you haven’t had these before.”
“I haven’t.”
Luhan widened his eyes and quickly patted his jacket for his wallet. “How much is this?” he asked the elder. The woman waved her hands in a dismissing manner and shook her head. “It’s okay dear, I can see these are very important to you so you can just have it.”
This made the smile on Luhan’s face only wider and his eyes twinkle brighter than the Northern Star. Haera smiled softly at the sight of this. How food could make someone so happy, she didn’t know but she was pleased to see Luhan so content. Luhan opened the box and took one tree, looking at it for a moment before he hesitantly took a bite from it. He closed his eyes and savored the taste, happy memories flooding into his mind.
Haera let Luhan have his moment and ran her eyes over the remaining boxes on the table until they fell onto one particular box. She slowly reached out and held it in her hand, taking in the contents. The cover was clear and allowed her to see what was inside, her own memories running wild in her head. “What are those?”
Luhan’s voice snapped Haera out of her thoughts and made her look up at him. He watched how she took off her gloves and placed them on the table to take off the cover. She looked at the woman for a second, asking for permission which she received and continued to take one of the red colored confections out of the box. “You never heard of these?” she asked and held one up for Luhan. He just shook his head and took it. “Macarons,” Haera smiled and ran her fingers over the Santa face that was drawn on the top with white icing. “A sweet meringue-based confection made out of eggs, sugar, almond and food coloring. It’s originated from France and oh so delicious.”
Luhan nodded with pursed lips and placed the red macaron back in the box. “You like these?” he asked softly and saw Haera’s expression harden. She placed the clear cover back onto the box, placing it back on the table, and stuffed her hands in her pockets. “I did but not as much anymore,” she finally answered and smiled at the elder before turning and walking away. Luhan bowed at the woman and scrambled his stuff together before following Haera. He saw the smile on Haera’s face fade as she let some people pass. “Are you okay?” Luhan asked gently and placed a hand on her shoulder. Haera flinched but soon eased in his touch. “I’m fine,” she smiled and looked at the box in his hands. Her eyes widened when she saw that it was half empty. “God Luhan, how many did you eat!”
Luhan chuckled shyly and hid the box behind his back. “I m-might’ve gone all out a little.”
Haera narrowed her eyes at him and tried to grab the box from behind him. “I think three!” Luhan said quickly and jumped away from Haera’s grabby hands. “Luhan.”
“Maybe s-seven?”
“Okay eleven, but they were so good and there are still some left!” he whined and hugged the box to his chest. Haera held out her hand with one on her hip and raised an eyebrow at him. “Give them to me.”
Luhan gaped at her with a shocked expression and hugged the box closer, almost crushing the clear walls of it. “No!”
Haera raised both her eyebrows and looked at him with an amused expression, pleasantly surprised by his cute childish antics. “Excuse me? I didn’t quite catch that,” she asked almost menacingly, leaving Luhan to cower under her intense stare. He pouted and handed her the box. “Fine,” he huffed and crossed his arms like a little kid. “You’re cut off, mister!” Haera laughed and stuffed the box in her bag. She watched Luhan’s sad expression and really didn’t want to give in but his jutted lower lip and sad eyes really tugged on her heart. “Okay fine, how about we go for some hot chocolate?”
Luhan’s eyes lit up at the mention of the drink and danced happily. “Yes please!” Haera laughed at his behavior and shook her head. “You’re quite childish for your age, you know that?”
Luhan stopped dancing and gaped at Haera. The latter thought for a second and realized that she didn’t even know his age. “How old are you anyway? You’re probably barely legal, aren’t you,” she asked playfully and cocked her head – quite cutely, if it was up to Luhan. “I’m 23, thank you very much,” he pushed her forehead with his index finger and chuckled. “I get that a lot, though.”
He pouted and rubbed his hands together. “I wonder why,” Haera laughed and dashed when she saw Luhan’s face fall into a frown again. “Yah! Just wait until I get my hands on you!”
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Chapter 6: omoooo!!! awww!!! so cute! its so beautiful! those twelves items! now i know their significant! how some events can be so meaningful~~ she's so lucky!
good job author nim! i love it! so much! thank u for the great story! please write lots of stories in the future k?! HWAITING!
Chapter 6: Awww so cute! Hahaha astig mascot ngayon ah! Lumalablyf hahaha
jesyra #4
Chapter 6: Wow this confession is awesome. I love the creativity~
Chapter 6: gah, just get a chance to check this story.. and it is already completed!
let me catch up with the chapters first~
omg.. the last chapter is so sweet... with luhan who reenact everything that already happened with haera from the first time they met... especially the random appearances of exo boys. make me smile all by myself in front of my pc~
thanks for writing! :D
Chapter 4: heolll this story is light yet so cute and sweet at the same time. I enjoy reading this a lot! Thank you for updating ♥
hi the story line is interesting..and i enjoy the the first three chapters so far... looking forward for more :D
Chocolato #8
Chapter 2: isn't she lucky. hahah, but i can't quite imagine Luhan in such a scenario tbh.

and also, i think you write beautifully.