I'm A Serial Killer [ Contest ]




“But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?”- Mark Twain

Envisaging have to live your whole life hating one thing.The one thing that is unquestionably cannot be removed from you.The one thing that you have to bare no matter how it nauseatte you.The one thing that make you suffocating, gasping for the air,and that particular one thing is just as simple as being a HUMAN.


This is my  one-shot specially for Kestrelsong's Summer Contest.Hope you like it !

And one more thing thank you to" Forever Here For You" shop for reviewing my fic *sniff* *big hug* They really did a great job, do request from them!



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OMG. NEVER EXPECTED TAEMIN TO...be the killer. o_o

and this is just daebak! WHEW.
Hmph well sorry I have different views than you, my dear Andi (person below me), but like I said, it's just an opinion ><<br />
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Sorry if I offended you (abclolipop) in any way.
Weird after-comment: I feel that this would hit home if you had written it as prose and not in paragraph form. Oh, my God. That would have been publication-worthy. You, my dear, seem like an aspiring writer and perhaps even a poet. :) Keep it up!
Karlo (person below me) has to sound so stuffy...and way to generalize, dude. "All the other stories on this site..." Hmph. Anyway, I disagree with him; the colloquialisms put that touch on the story that made it. This was beautifully written, beautifully dark, and I love the small inserts of HELP! that you put in. Very lovely. A+ ^^
Overall, however, it contented me to find something that diverged from the extreme commonality of all the other stories on this site.
It's rather short...mixed feelings about it though, but not because of its dark nature.<br />
I guess it seems as though the colloquial language mixed in with the flowery style of writing sort of clashes.
So dark and love that feeling!!! Awesome!!! Great description!!!
---BaboMich #8
Very interesting and dark . Overall , good work . It was nice reading something that I normally don't read , and you did a good job catching my attention with this story . C:
larrystylinson #9
Omg this fanfic is really unique ^^ <br />
Enjoyed it! You portrayed the character really really well! Really interesting to read ^^
Wookphilic #10
WOW... this is different fanfiction than I'm used to reading but its was awesome. I really liked how you portrayed the proagonist in here. I guess the snowball effect does exist. This was really well-wrritten.~