
I'm A Serial Killer [ Contest ]

He saw the silhouette of the man, trying to runaway, leaving the statue-dead him and the drenched blood corpse of his mother, ALONE! Wait… Help please… Please help …


                It was yet another common winter. But that day they decided to walk out to the park nearby. Cold filled in the gaps where their body heat surrendered to the merciless air that caressed their chubby cheeks while walking down to the park. The scenery was magnificent. It seemed to be a gift from heaven for its creativity and blends of colour that could only be a majestic working of a great artist. he laid his head across his mother arms while chatting about the picturesque view, appreciating the beauty of nature. Neither did he know that it was the day he would lost his other soul, his angel of salvation on that particular day.


                On their way back to the house, he could still remember the smile of satisfaction that painted across his mother's face. They were joking and running along just like small kids. This is what he like the best about his mother. She’s willing to do anything for him after his father left them for some abscure reasons. The road they in was usually quiet during winter. Then, BANG! A lorry came out of nowhere, and the next thing he knew; there she was, lying on the ground and the white snow coloured red. Her clothes become drenched with the puddle of red crimson liquid and he felt all of his body became numb. He was gasping for the air, not be able even to digest the small embolus of sweet that they had earlier. He ran to her as soon as he got to his senses. HELP!! HELP!! PLEASE HELP!! But that ruthless man just left,leaving him crying tears and blood, just in the hope that his mother will open her eyes again. Don’t leave, mom, please…



Shivering under the gloomy sky of dawn, a pale wash of light gleamed beyond the horizon where the turquoise sea meets the dull gray sky in total contrast. In addition to the imposing milieu, there was the range of coastal hills with its small stone islands; enhanced by a silhouette of an ephemeral fishing boats. It was a captivating sight for everyone, almost everyone.

He sat there on the bench, not moving even an inch, just like a statue-dead corpse; except that the excruciating, agonizing feeling had been dwell in his flimsy body. It impaired so much with involvedness, while he’s trying to set his mind up, endeavoring to deem the paramount of escapism… so stupid of him to suppose that running until your feet ablaze with soreness will succeed in the midst of fleeing the callous authenticity.

“But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?”

He's going to be the one ! He's getting enough of life! And most of all, he's going to be the SINNER !


“P-please don’t kill me. P-please.” he grinned underneath the face mask he was adored in as he leisurely let himself shower from the man’s elixir of life. The crimson red liquid splurged comfortably onto his face, while he it, to satisfy the bloodlust quenched that he have since that day. What has been happening would never be erased. Somewhere in his mind, there is that one particular portion that still lingers fresh. The urge to reminisce the past was there and he welcomed it with both arms spreading wide open.

                Since the accident, he'd become who he is today. The craving to kill, to seek revenge will never be erased from his mind, as long as the pulse still beating along with him and the blood is still rushing through his vein providing adrenalin that generates the hatred energy. That day shattered all the happiness. The beautiful portrayal of a happy family had been scattered into thousand pieces. It feels like someone just simply throbbing a wire into his throat, all of the things that kept him alive and left it hollow. It hurts him so much just to know how lackadaisical human can be, the fact that human is heartless, human is selfish and the bitter fact that he's also a HUMAN BEING.

                If only that day the man stopped, if only he help, if only he has an ounce sense of emotion,his mother will be around here with him, cooking his favourite food and showered him with her affection. And he wouldn’t be here, assassin another victim…  Anyhow… maybe this is the road fated to him… The route that has no end…The world is bleeding from the deed of human being and he’d be and will be the angle of death to people who received it. Yes! He did kill! But he kill with one purpose… To dispose the animal masked in individual and saved the world for the better prospect of future for the upcoming generation. The life he's been taken is numberless. “Serial Killer Strikes Again” “ killed by Serial Killer” “Another Murder by Serial Killer” He smirk as he read all these titles on the newspapers. He don’t know for how long he can keep doing this as the hunt by the government had been rapid. Maybe next year, maybe next month, maybe next week or even maybe tomorrow, he’ll be gone, leaving the earthly container of his. But one thing for sure he will be and still will be the eradicator and if one day he depart this life he, Lee Taemin will be pompous to divulge that "He's A Serial Killer". 


And that's how he die...

With the thought that he's been doing the right decision to help the world...

But he forget to remember ...

Evil does not come with kindness...

And most important, never reason kindness with evil...

Because at the end of the day, he'll be damaged...

And guess what??

He killed himself...

No matter how he reason himself, the guilt will never faded...

As at the end, he started to kill the innocent people...

People say good will win against evil...

But the hardcore truth is...





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and this is just daebak! WHEW.
Hmph well sorry I have different views than you, my dear Andi (person below me), but like I said, it's just an opinion ><<br />
<br />
Sorry if I offended you (abclolipop) in any way.
Weird after-comment: I feel that this would hit home if you had written it as prose and not in paragraph form. Oh, my God. That would have been publication-worthy. You, my dear, seem like an aspiring writer and perhaps even a poet. :) Keep it up!
Karlo (person below me) has to sound so stuffy...and way to generalize, dude. "All the other stories on this site..." Hmph. Anyway, I disagree with him; the colloquialisms put that touch on the story that made it. This was beautifully written, beautifully dark, and I love the small inserts of HELP! that you put in. Very lovely. A+ ^^
Overall, however, it contented me to find something that diverged from the extreme commonality of all the other stories on this site.
It's rather short...mixed feelings about it though, but not because of its dark nature.<br />
I guess it seems as though the colloquial language mixed in with the flowery style of writing sort of clashes.
So dark and love that feeling!!! Awesome!!! Great description!!!
---BaboMich #8
Very interesting and dark . Overall , good work . It was nice reading something that I normally don't read , and you did a good job catching my attention with this story . C:
larrystylinson #9
Omg this fanfic is really unique ^^ <br />
Enjoyed it! You portrayed the character really really well! Really interesting to read ^^
Wookphilic #10
WOW... this is different fanfiction than I'm used to reading but its was awesome. I really liked how you portrayed the proagonist in here. I guess the snowball effect does exist. This was really well-wrritten.~