Miracle in December ~:: KyuMin Version ::~

Miracle in December ~:: KyuMin Version ::~

The room is very dark.

Curtain closed tightly leaving no room for the sunlight to enter the dark room.

Above the made-up bed was a man on his late twenties, lying there looking at the ceiling as if it was the most beautiful thing in this world. Slowly, the man raised his right hand, trying to hold something invisible up there, a small smile playing beautifully on his handsome face. His right hand continue to go up, trying to reach the invincible hand that was trying to reach out for him, to wake him up from this bad dream but then the smile disappear from his face, his hand dropped loudly on the bed when he realized that the hand was not there. He wasn’t there. He realized that this is not a dream, this is reality. A painful reality.

He closed his eyes, single tears falling from his closed eyes.

How come his life becomes so messed up like this?

They were so happy back then.

Why can’t they be happy now?

A sad smile crept up on his handsome face when remember him. The person who taught him about love. The person he love very much.




“Kyuhyun-ah… could you please show him around the school. He’s the new student so he still not familiar with the school building”

Kyuhyun look at the boy in front of him. He looks so pretty for a man and don’t forget that he looks adorable too when he look at him with his big eyes. Kyuhyun couldn’t help but smile, offering his hand for the boy to take it. His smiles grow wider when the said boy takes his hand, a beautiful smile plastered on his beautiful face.

“I’m Cho Kyuhyun”

“Ah, Hello Kyuhyun-ssi… I’m Lee Sungmin”

Sungmin looks so excited when Kyuhyun show him around the school. He keep mouthing a ‘wow~’ word when they go to different place as if it was something magical and something that he never seen before. Don’t forget that he keep jumping on his feet like five years old boy who was going to the amusement park for the first time. Kyuhyun wondered, how could someone can be as cute as him?

“Ne, Kyuhyun-ssi” the said boy words brought him out from his thought. The boy look at him with his big eyes, amusement could be seen on his black pearl.


“Where are we going now?” the boy titled his head, blinking his eyes cutely. Kyuhyun have to forced himself not to pinch that white cheeks right away.

“Oh” Kyuhyun said after a while, “We’re going to the school garden, I’m sure you’ll love it”

“Really?” Sungmin look at Kyuhyun with questioning look which make him more adorable in Kyuhyun’s eyes, “Why?”

“I don’t even know myself but I just thought that you’ll like it”

“Is there a lot of flowers in there?”

“Yeah” Kyuhyun look at Sungmin, confused when he suddenly hear the said boy’s cute giggle, “Why?”

Sungmin stop giggling, he give Kyuhyun the brightest smile that – in Kyuhyun’s thought – even beat the sun and it make a warm tingling on his heart. “I’ll love it!” he exclaimed.


“Because I like flowers, Kyuhyunie~” Sungmin then close his mouth with his two hands, a slight fear could be seen on his black pearl. “Sorry” he muttered quietly.


“We just meet today and I already giving you a nickname” Sungmin’s head hung lowly, his hand gripping into each other. He feel so stupid, even though he feel like they could be a close friend but he make such a bad move. Nobody like it when someone giving them a nickname on their first day meeting with each other.

The sound of laughter can be heard clearly in that quiet hallway. Sungmin raised his head to look at the laughing boy in front of him. He titled his head confusedly then he pouting his lips when he realized that Kyuhyun was laughing at him. “What so funny?” he said with annoyed voice.

Kyuhyun stop laughing and look at the annoyed boy in front of him with smile plastered on his handsome face, “You don’t have to be so afraid like that” he lowered himself a little so that he was in Sungmin’s eyes level. “You can call me Kyuhyunie if you want to” he said while pinching Sungmin’s right cheek. “Come on, let’s see the flowers” Kyuhyun ruffle Sungmin’s hair before he walk away. After a few meters away, he suddenly stopped. Realizations finally come to his sense. He look at his right hand in disbelief. But then bright smile make its way to his face and he continue to walk away, leaving the pouting bunny in the hallway. Sungmin’s hair and skin… they are so soft. It makes him want to touch them more.

“Yah! Kyuhyunie~ don’t leave me~” a shouted and the sound of rapid footsteps could be heard from behind. Sungmin stop himself in front of Kyuhyun, making the said person to stop as well, “Kyuhyunie, you meanie~ how could you leave me behind. I’m still new in this school. What if I lost?”

“It wouldn’t happen. Because I know you’ll chase me”

Sungmin pouting his lips once again then he look at Kyuhyun with a questioning look, “How could you know it?”


“You know that I’m afraid that you’ll be mad because I give you a nickname in our first meeting” Kyuhyun just give him a smirk as his answer. As gasp could be heard from the bunny boy, his eyes widen a few centimeters, “Don’t tell me that you can read my mind?”

Kyuhyun just ruffle Sungmin’s hair once again before continue to walk. Sungmin, on the other hand, didn’t want Kyuhyun to leave him once again, he started to walk faster. He grab Kyuhyun’s hand when it was already on his reach, tugging Kyuhyun’s hand like a five year old boy, “Ne, ne, Kyuhyunie, could you really read my mind?” Sungmin ask him again and again but Kyuhyun refused to answer him. Of course he couldn’t do it and he wouldn’t tell Sungmin about it. No… not now. Not when Sungmin was tugging on his hand like this. A shy smile plastered on his hand when he close his hand around Sungmin’s.

He love it.

Sungmin’s hand, it was so soft.

It make him want to hold it again and again.




Kyuhyun open his eye once again.

He remember now.

The first time he had fallen for Lee Sungmin.

It was love at the first sight.

Most people will find it silly. How can someone love the other one when they just meet for the first time? But believe it or not, Cho Kyuhyun had fallen for Lee Sungmin that time. He didn’t know that it was love when he feel the warm tingling on his heart when he see Sungmin’s bright smile, when he want to touch Sungmin’s hair and skin, to hold his hand but he realized it when they are on the school garden. When he see how beautiful Lee Sungmin is.

He realized that he, Cho Kyuhyun, had fallen for Lee Sungmin.

Exactly 1 hour after they first meeting on the headmaster’s room.




Kyuhyun couldn’t help but smile when he see how happy his Sungmin is when they go to the school garden that time. Sungmin didn’t lie to him when he said that he really like flowers. He was jumping on his feet when the first time he saw their school garden.

Fortunately, their headmaster really like flowers very much so she told the gardener to plant a lot of flower and build a beautiful garden and he is very thankful to their headmaster. Because of that, Kyuhyun could see Sungmin blended beautifully with the colorful flowers as if he was one of the flowers itself.

Sungmin was walking around the garden, sometime smelling the flower. His eyes closed when he smell the flower, inhaling the sweet scent given by the nectar of the flowers. A bright smile plays on his pink lips making him to looks even more beautiful in Kyuhyun’s eyes.

Kyuhyun just stand there in front of the gate, unable to walk further into the garden. He is afraid that if he come closer, he will ruined the beautiful picture in front of him. Kyuhyun could swear, for the first time in his life he could feel that his heart beating wildly. A warm sensation filling his heart when he see Sungmin’s beautiful smile when he’s walking around in that garden, caressing the flower’s fragile petals and inhaling it’s sweet scent.

In Kyuhyun’s  eyes, Lee Sungmin looks so beautiful.

So perfect.

Their white uniform fitting perfectly with his white skin.

The flowers blended beautifully with Sungmin’s beautiful form.

He looks like an angel.

An angel sent by God just for him.

A wingless angel who come down to earth just to meet him.

He, Cho Kyuhyun, had fallen in love with that angel.

Really hard.




Kyuhyun and Sungmin has become very close friends in these 2 months. Wherever you see Kyuhyun then you’ll see Sungmin too. There are a lot of rumors about the two of them. They say Kyuhyun and Sungmin are dating so they will go everywhere together.

No, the rumors are not true.

Even though they know each other very well, even though their parents already know about them but no, they are not dating.

They are just a really close friend.

Only that.

But, there is something that Sungmin didn’t know about Kyuhyun. The thing that he kept secret from anyone.

Kyuhyun is in love with Sungmin.

Since the very first time they meet 2 months ago.

Call him a coward for unable to confess his feeling to Sungmin. But he didn’t want to ruin their relationship because of his feeling for Sungmin. He know that homoual relationship is still a taboo in their country. Even though there are a lot of gay couple out there but most of them are being looked down by their society.

No, Kyuhyun is not afraid of that.

He is not afraid if other people look down on him just because he is a gay. But what about Sungmin? What if he didn’t feel the same way as him? What if he leave him? Kyuhyun couldn’t imagine how is his life without Lee Sungmin in it.

Kyuhyun was walking out of the classroom. School just ended a few minutes ago. He check his phone for the umpteenth time that day. Sungmin didn’t come to school and he didn’t contact him at all that day. Kyuhyun continue to try to contact Sungmin but the answer is still the same, he will be transferred into a mail box.

“For the God sake, Lee Sungmin. Where are you and why didn’t you call me?”  He muttered to himself when he ended the call.

He was about to leave the school when his phone vibrated. It was Sungmin.

[Meet me at the school garden]

He turned toward the direction of the school garden. He walk, no, run as fast as he could. Kyuhyun grip his cell phone tightly, he can’t wait to see his face. He miss him very much. Although it was just one day but to live one day without Lee Sungmin is like a hundred years for Kyuhyun.

He miss him.

His voice.

His laugh.


He miss him very much. Kyuhyun swear that he could die if he didn’t see Lee Sungmin even if it was only for a day.

Kyuhyun could feel smile crept on his face when he see the school garden. He slowed down and calm his breath. He wipe his sweat away before he walk slowly into the school garden. And there he was, Lee Sungmin, standing among the blooming flowers. His eyes closed but Kyuhyun could see the beautiful smile that plastered on Sungmin’s face. ‘Beautiful’ Kyuhyun thought.

“Sungmin-ah” Kyuhyun called softly but it was loud enough because now, Sungmin open his eyes and looking at him with his big eyes. “What are you doing here? Why didn’t you answer my calls?”

Sungmin didn’t answer his question. He continue to walk closer towards Kyuhyun, he didn’t dare to look at Kyuhyun’s eyes. He is afraid. He is afraid that Kyuhyun would be mad at him. He’s afraid that Kyuhyun would leave him after this.

Sungmin stop a meters away from Kyuhyun. His hand gripping tightly on each other. He always doing it whenever he is nervous and he is sure that Kyuhyun know about it too. Because they really know about each other, even for the smallest thing.

“What happened, Min?” Kyuhyun asked softly. He know that something had happened to his best friend but he didn’t know why. Surely, Sungmin has a reason to why he did not answer his calls today and it bothered him because when they finally met after a full day, Sungmin was just standing there, gripping his hand tightly. “Min…”

“Kyuhyunie…” Sungmin said softly, he was about to continue his words but he couldn’t do it. He didn’t know if he has to tell Kyuhyun about it. He closed his eyes, trying to gather all of his courage. He only has one chance. And this is the right time to do it.


Sungmin exhale softly before he open his eyes, looking at Kyuhyun straight on his eyes, “Kyuhyunie… I know that we just meet a few months ago. But I want to thank you that you want to be my friend… my close friend. I don’t know what would I do if you are not there with me. I don’t know if you still want to be my friend after I said this. But, really Kyuhyun-ah… you are the best friend that I ever had in this world”

“Did something happened, Min?” Kyuhyun asked, worry began to spread throughout his body. He suddenly feel so nervous. Why Sungmin thank him for being his friend like this? Is he going to leave Kyuhyun?

“Maybe after you hear this you will disgust me, maybe you’ll leave me and wouldn’t look at me again. But I have to tell you this Kyuhyun-ah… I… I can’t deny it anymore. This feeling grow bigger and bigger everyday and I don’t have the power to stop it. I once try to stop it. Really, Kyuhyun-ah… but it wouldn’t go away. It wouldn’t leave me alone. Everytime I see you, this feeling would grow faster and… and… I thought that I have to tell you this. I  don’t know what will happen in the future but I thought that I have to tell you faster because I’ll lose my chance if I didn’t do it now. There are a lot of girls who like you and I’m afraid that sometime, I’ll lose my chance to one of those girls” Sungmin close his eyes one more, he inhale deeply before he continue his words, “The thing that I have to tell you is… I love you, Kyuhyun-ah. I love you. Not as a friend. Not as a brother. But something more… something deeper. I love you like a man loving girls. I love you like that. I know that you’ll disgust me but I can’t stop it Kyuhyun-ah. It’s up to you if you want to le––“

Sungmin couldn’t continue his words because the next thing he knows is Kyuhyun was holding him tightly. Kyuhyun was kissing his temple lovingly, “Stop it Lee Sungmin. Stop it” he whispered in Sungmin’s ear, “You don’t have to talk again. I know… I understand” Kyuhyun tighten his hold and put his right hand on the back of Sungmin’s head, “You don’t know how much I want to hear that. You don’t know how long I was trying to suppress my feeling for you. I can’t do it again Sungmin-ah… who said that I’ll feel disgusted? Who said that I’ll leave you? No, I won’t do that… because I feel the same way Sungmin-ah. I have this feeling since our first meeting in the headmaster’s room two months ago. I’m sorry. I’m such coward for not being able to tell you. Because I’m afraid that you’ll feel disgusted. I’m afraid that you’ll leave me and didn’t want to look at me ever again. But I’m happy now… I’m happy Sungmin-ah… because I love you. I love you so much until it hurts. I really love you until I didn’t know what would I do if you leave me. I love you, Sungmin-ah. I love you”

Sungmin could feel tears start to fall from his eyes. He grip on Kyuhyun’s back uniform tightly. Burying his face on the crook of Kyuhyun’s neck. Inhaling Kyuhyun’s scent deeply.

“I love you, Lee Sungmin”

“I love you too, Cho Kyuhyun”

“I’ll love you forever, Lee Sungmin. Remember that”




Kyuhyun let out a mocking laugh. How could he even forget about it? Something that is very precious to him. Someone who taught him about love.


Che, how could he forget about it? A very beautiful feeling about someone you hold dear. Kyuhyun remember now. He told that person that he will love him forever. But what did he do to make that person to go?

Didn’t he say that he’ll protect that person?

Where is he now?

What did he do?

Did he feel the same as him?

Missing him like crazy.

Regretting what he had done back then.

A loud sobs come out from Kyuhyun. He remember. He remember it now. Sungmin parent’s last word to him. How could he forget about it? He already promise them that he’ll take care of Sungmin. He promise them that he will protect him, loving him and he promise them that he would never hurt him.




“Please take care of our Sungmin, Kyuhyun-ah”

Kyuhyun could hear Sungmin’s father last word when he see two caskets was lowered to the ground. Sungmin was weeping loudly in his arms. Kyuhyun have to hold him tightly because Sungmin was trying to break free from his arms, to reach out for his parents once again. Sungmin was crying out for his parents. Calling their names again and again. Telling them that he's not ready for this. Asking them why they leave him alone in this world.

Kyuhyun couldn’t take it anymore. He hold Sungmin’s head and embrace him tightly. Sungmin buried his head on the crook of Kyuhyun’s neck. His hand gripping on the back of Kyuhyun’s shirt tightly.

“Why did they leave me alone, Kyu?”

Kyuhyun couldn’t answer it. He just continue to hold him tightly. Hoping that it could make Sungmin feel better. Because truthfully, Kyuhyun didn’t know the answer of Sungmin’s question.

Maybe it was fate.

It was Sungmin’s parent fate to die on that car crash.

After the funeral is over, everyone began to leave the grave. But they are still there. Sungmin and Kyuhyun still standing there, in front of Sungmin parent’s grave. Sungmin still crying in Kyuhyun’s arms, tears still fall freely from his eyes but he didn’t let go from Kyuhyun’s embrace. Sungmin still holding on Kyuhyun tightly, like he was Sungmin’s lifeline.

Maybe, for Lee Sungmin, Cho Kyuhyun is his lifeline.

Sungmin grip on Kyuhyun’s shirt tighter, as if Kyuhyun would disappear if he looses his hold even for a second and it scared him, to know that he’ll be alone in this cold world.

Seeing the distraught look in his boyfriend face, Kyuhyun embrace him tighter and kiss his temple deeply as if to tell him that Sungmin is not alone in this world, that he still have Kyuhyun by his side. “I’m here” he whispered softly on Sungmin’s ear.

“Don’t leave me, Kyuhyunie”

“I won’t”

Kyuhyun look at the two fresh graves on last time before he and Sungmin leave the graves.

‘I promise you uncle, auntie… I’ll protect your son. I will take care of him and loving him so he won’t feel lonely in this world. I promise that I will never hurt him on my entire life. I will make him happy for the rest of his life’




Kyuhyun turn his body, facing the now cold side of the bed. Tears fall freely from his eyes. Everything feels so suffocating. He hit his chest hard as if it will make him feel better. But it didn’t, it just make him more angry.

Angry at himself.

He, the one who promise to Sungmin’s late parents, to love him and take care of him.

He, the one who broke that promise.

He, Cho Kyuhyun, who make the person he love will all his life leaving him alone in this cold world.

Kyuhyun move his body to the other side of the bed, burying his face on Sungmin’s pillow, trying to inhale Sungmin’s scent in it but he couldn’t find it. Sungmin’s scent, he couldn’t find it at all. Kyuhyun didn’t even know when the last time the other man was sleeping on this bed until he couldn’t smell Sungmin’s scent at all.

“Where are you Sungmin-ah…? Where are you? I’m sorry, Sungmin-ah”

Kyuhyun let out a dry laugh when he remember what he had done that time. What he had done to made Sungmin leaving him like this.

He still remember.

Bit by bit.

And it hurts him.

It hurts him very much because he was the one who hurt Sungmin.

He is the one who make Sungmin leaving him like this.




Everything changes

Kyuhyun realized it.

He and Sungmin are not as sweet as when they are on highschool.

Ever since Kyuhyun started working at one of the famous companies in Korea, he always spend his time on the company. Sometimes he did not even have a time go home. Kyuhyun feel guilty at first but Sungmin always said that it’s okay because Kyuhyun had to work hard for the both of them but it slowly become a habit for him. He always spend more time in his company instead of in his house with Sungmin. He even go to a club when his friend ask him to, flirting with a lot of girls and sometime going home in a drunk state.

He didn’t care about Sungmin’s feeling. He always go to company early in the morning, ignoring Sungmin who was cooking a breakfast for him and going home late at night just to find Sungmin sleeping on the dining chair with a cold food in front of him.

He never answer Sungmin’s call when he was working and they rarely talk when Kyuhyun was home. It was because Kyuhyun always spend his time on his workroom and sometime come out when it was dinner time.

Until one day, Kyuhyun going home really late that night. His boss need him to fix some problem on the company. He is really tired and he just want to sleep on his bed as soon as he arrived at his home but he couldn’t do it. When he walk into his room, Sungmin was there, sitting on their bed while holding onto his white shirt. He look at Kyuhyun with furious eyes and throw the said shirt to Kyuhyun face.

“What the hell, Lee Sungmin?!”

Sungmin get up from the bed and slowly walking towards Kyuhyun, “What the hell did you say? I should be the one who said it, Cho Kyuhyun!” he screamed, “What is that?!”


“The lips mark on your shirt?! Are you cheating behind my back?” Sungmin scream louder, his hand balled tightly on his side.

“You accuse me of cheating? Che, don’t make a joke Lee Sungmin!”

“I’m not joking Cho Kyuhyun! That lips mark on your shirt is the proof that you are cheating on me!”

“So what if I cheat on you? You are not even my wife?! I'm still free to do whatever I want to do”

Sungmin’s eyes widen after he hear Kyuhyun’s words. Yes, Sungmin is not his wife but a year ago, Kyuhyun said that Sungmin will be the only one on his heart. He said that Sungmin will be the one who become his wife. But now…

Tears start to fall freely from Sungmin’s beautiful eyes. Kyuhyun’s word hurts him. It hurts him very much. Sungmin look down, he couldn’t bring himself to look at Kyuhyun’s eyes anymore. Kyuhyun change… the person who stand in front of him right now is not his Kyuhyun. There are no love on his eyes. Where are his Kyuhyun right now?

“But you said that you’ll love me forever, Kyuhyunie” Sungmin whispered, hoping that Kyuhyun’s nickname could bring his Kyuhyun come back to his arms again.

 “Forever?” Kyuhyun laugh mockingly, “There’s no forever in this world Lee Sungmin. Everything going to find its end. Human, earth, sun, planet… everything going to find their end and now you telling me that I will love you forever? Love?” Kyuhyun continue to laugh, completely ignoring the crying person in front of him, “How could such an abstract thing will last forever?”

The next thing Kyuhyun know is pain on his face. Sungmin was throwing their couple ring to his face. “You change Cho Kyuhyun. You are no longer the person that I know anymore! I didn’t even know why I still want to live with a person like you!” Sungmin wipe his tears harshly, “If you said that everything going to find its end then fine! I’m done with you! Don’t ever try to find me again, Cho Kyuhyun!” Sungmin grab his bags and rushed out of the room with tears still falling freely from his eyes.

 “Fine! Just go Lee Sungmin! Go! I don’t need you anyway!”





Kyuhyun regretting what he had said that day.

He regret everything that he had done in the past.

He regrets for hurting Lee Sungmin, the only person he love with all his heart.

Maybe it was the right decision for Sungmin to leave him, to leave the egoist man that hurt him everyday.

But not with Kyuhyun.

After Sungmin leaving him, Kyuhyun realized that he couldn’t live without Sungmin. He realized that Sungmin was always there for him, taking care of him, loving him and support him.  Kyuhyun realized that, even though he always ignoring him, Sungmin always smile at him, as if everything is okay in their relationship. That nothing had change between them.

So why didn’t he try to find Sungmin if he need him in his life?

He already did it. He try to look for him in Sungmin’s parents house, on their friend’s house, on Sungmin’s parents grave, he even search the whole Seoul to look for him but he still couldn’t find him. It was as if Lee Sungmin was disappear in a thin air and it frustrated him.

He was fired from his works because he couldn’t focus on his work but he didn’t care. He didn’t care at all. The only thing in his mind is Lee Sungmin. Where is he? Is he okay? Will he forgive him and come back to him?

The sound of fireworks bring him out from all of his thought. He slowly get up from his lying position, looking at the calendar on the night stand. There was a heart sign on today’s date.

24th December.

Christmas Eve.

Kyuhyun smile slightly when he remember it. Sungmin always made a heart sign on Christmas Eve, it was the first thing he do when they buy a new calendar. He said that he didn’t want to forget their special date on Christmas Eve.

Kyuhyun’s eyes widened when he remember that. He rushed out to put on his jacket and run out of his house.


He will be there, right?

In the place where they always spend their Christmas Eve every year.




“Look Kyuhyunie~~ fireworks~~!” Sungmin jumped on his feet while tugging on Kyuhyun’s arms excitedly.

“Shhh Minnie-ah… don’t talk too loud. They could find us if you are talking too loud”

Sungmin look at him then nodded his head. He smile brightly when another fireworks was glistening on the night sky.

“Ne, Kyuhyunie” Sungmin whispered softly. They were sitting on the end of the fountain. Sungmin head was resting on Kyuhyun’s shoulder. Their hand’s holding onto each other tightly, “Can we go to this place again next year? I really like this place. Even though the flowers are not bloom yet but I can feel their presence. It’s so calm and it make me happy”

Kyuhyun caressing Sungmin’s hair lovingly, kissing Sungmin’s temple deeply, “Of course. We could come back here next year. Then next, next year. Next, next, next year too. Then next, next––“

Sungmin peck on Kyuhyun’s lips to stop his boyfriend ramble, “Silly Kyu” he smile then nuzzled his face on Kyuhyun’s neck.

“But it’s true, Min. We could come here every year if you want to” Kyuhyun tighten his hold on Sungmin’s body. He was caressing on Sungmin’s soft hair when a good idea popped out from his mind, “Hey, Min”


“How about we make a special date on Christmas Eve, in this place, with just the two of us?”

Sungmin look at him with bright smile plastering on his face. He kiss Kyuhyun’s lips and hug him tightly, “I love it!




Kyuhyun was running. He continue to run even though the other people look at him weirdly. He doesn’t care about what the other people thinking about him.

He only care about someone.

Lee Sungmin.

Kyuhyun continue to run, he didn’t slowed down even for a seconds. He need to go there fast. There are a big chance that his Sungmin is there, in that place. Kyuhyun slowed down when he could see the familiar building in front of him.

His high school building.

He walked toward a small hole on the side of the school, a hole that big enough for him to enter the locked school ground. He carefully walk in through the hole then continue to run to the place where he hope that Sungmin would be there, waiting for him.

The school garden.

A place that has a lot of memories about them.

Kyuhyun froze on his feet when he arrive at the said place, he couldn’t walk in. His heart beating so hard and tears start to fall from his eyes.

Even though the sky is dark already but the little bulb on the trees shining the quiet garden. There, sitting on the edge of the fountain is Sungmin.

Lee Sungmin.

The only person he's always looking for the last two months.

The only person who was very dear to his heart.

The only person that he missed so much until it hurts.

The only person he loves in his life.

He is there sitting quietly. His eyes closed, enjoying the winter breeze that was too cold for Kyuhyun’s taste.

It was like déjà vu for him.

Even though the flowers still not blooming on this season but Sungmin’s figure… it blended beautifully with the garden. His white skin is still the same. His blonde hair is still the same. With the little bulb all around him, he is shining. He shine brighter than the little bulb itself.

He is stunning.


Kyuhyun want to run to him, to hug him, kiss him, and telling him to never leave him again. But his feet couldn’t move, he couldn’t walk into the said garden. It was as if there was something magical playing around that place and Kyuhyun is scared… he scared that if he walk into the garden right now, he will broke that magic and ruin the beautiful picture in front of him.

“It’s not the right time for you to think of something like that Cho Kyuhyun” he whispered to himself, “He is the person that you love so much in your life, right? He is the person that you need the most in your life, right? He is the person that was very hurt because of you, right? So why did you just stand here and do nothing. He is right there, right in front of you. Talk to him, apologize to him, beg for him to not leave you again. Don’t be such a coward, Kyuhyun-ah. You’ll ruin that beautiful picture more if you didn’t walk in and apologize to him right now”

Kyuhyun close his eyes, inhaling deeply before he step into the garden, walking slowly to approach the beautiful man in front of him, “Min…” he whispered when he stand beside the said man.

Sungmin open his eyes slowly. He look at the person beside him. His eyes widened a few centimeter when he know who that person is. Sungmin get up from his seat quickly, he was about to leave that place when a hand holding into his right hand, “Don’t go, Sungmin-ah”

“Let me go, Cho Kyuhyun” Sungmin said, he didn’t look at Kyuhyun at all. He pull his hand harshly, hoping that his action would make Kyuhyun to let him go but Kyuhyun just hold it tighter, “You hurt me, Cho Kyuhyun. Let me go” Kyuhyun didn’t know if Sungmin is talking about how he is holding Sungmin’s hand tightly right now or what he did to Sungmin a few months back.

“No… I will not let you go ever again Sungmin-ah. We need to talk”

“Nothing else to talk about. Everything is over, Cho Kyuhyun”

“No, Min. We need to talk” Kyuhyun grab Sungmin’s shoulder tightly, making the said person to look at him. Anger and hurt could be seen from Sungmin’s eyes, “At least let me talk to you, Sungmin-ah”

“What did you want to talk about?! Everything is clear enough for me, Cho Kyuhyun! You hurt me! You ignore me! You even cheat behind my back! Isn’t it enough, Cho Kyuhyun? You promise me happiness but then you throw me away like a stray dog! Isn’t it enough for you?” Sungmin glare at the person in front of him, his hands balled tightly beside him. He try to wriggle away from Kyuhyun’s hold but he couldn’t… Kyuhyun is still too strong for him.

“I’m sorry, Sungmin-ah… I’m sorry for everything. I regret what I had done to you back then. I’m sorry” Kyuhyun hold both of Sungmin’s hand tightly. Seeing that Sungmin didn’t do anything to stop him, Kyuhyun take it as a sign for him to talk, to apologize and to explain everything to Sungmin. “I’m sorry Min-ah… I know I hurt you very much but Sungmin-ah… please give me one more chance”

Kyuhyun couldn’t hold his tears anymore. It falls freely from his eyes. “I need you in my life Sungmin-ah, I couldn’t live without you. It hurts so much to know that you are not there beside me. I search for you in these past two months. To your parents house, to your parents grave, to your friend’s house. I search all around Seoul and you know what I feel when I couldn’t find you, Min-ah… it hurts so much” Kyuhyun step closer when he see Sungmin bowing his head, he hold Sungmin’s head to look at him carefully. It hurts him when he see tears glistening on Sungmin eyes, “I know I hurt you back then. I know that you hate me right now. But Sungmin-ah… could you please give me one more chance to be with you? To fix everything? To make you happy once again?”

“But you hurt me” soft sobs could be heard from Sungmin, “It hurts so much Kyuhyun-ah…”

“I know… I’m sorry…” Kyuhyun wipe the tears away before he hug Sungmin tightly.

“It hurts so much…” he whispered softly, didn’t do anything to break free from Kyuhyun’s hold. “It hurts so much Kyuhyun-ah…”

“I’m sorry. I know I’m selfish… to hurt you very much but I still want you to come back to me. But, Sungmin-ah… I realized that I couldn’t live without you. When you’re gone, it was like my heart is gone with you. I didn’t know what should I do if you leave me once again, Sungmin-ah… I rather die than live without you”

“It hurts so much” Sungmin continue to whisper. Everytime he whispering the same thing, Kyuhyun would tighten hold and tell him that he is sorry, “But why… why can’t I hate you? Why did I keep remembering you? Why I always hope that you’ll search for me, finding me, telling me that you are wrong… that you are sorry…” he sob louder, holding at the end of Kyuhyun’s shirt tightly, “Why can’t I stop loving you?”

Kyuhyun break the hug slowly, he hold each side of Sungmin’s face and look at him directly on his eyes, “I’m sorry… I know that I can’t promise myself that I won’t hurt you again in the future but I promise you that I will try hard not to hurt you again. I’ll fix myself. I’ll promise you that I will heal you; I will help you to pick up the piece. I will try my best to make you happy again, to make you smile again. Please Sungmin-ah… be mine again?”

Sungmin didn’t respond to Kyuhyun’s words. He didn’t shake his head or nodding his head. But, from the look on his eyes, Kyuhyun could see that Sungmin is willing to try again… to be his again. He kiss Sungmin’s forehead deeply and hug him tightly, buried his nose on the crook of Sungmin’s neck, inhaling the sweet scent that he miss very much, “I love you, Sungmin-ah… even though the world’s end, even though humans are died but I will always loving you, Sungmin-ah… in this life or in my afterlife… there’s only you and you only”

In that winter.

The snow starts to fall from the sky.

The fireworks start to light the sky.

But, in that quiet garden, that two people was still hugging each other dearly. Telling the other how much they miss each other… how much they love each other.

In that winter.

Kyuhyun finally find his Sungmin.

The only person that he love very much.

In this life and in his afterlife.



Author Note:

I submit this fanfic into KyuMin Writing Contest

Rule number vi. I encourage the readers to comment in participant's entry. (You Guys will play the big part. Please.)

so please~~ don't forget to subscribe and leave a comment *puppy eyes*


See ya~~~ *wave hand and vanish like a ninja*

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i realy want to share it with my friend, l realy hope you let me, plz.
can I translate it ? I 'm sure more people will fall in love on it...
can i do that?!!! (@'-'@)
ayawani #2
Chapter 1: ".... I know that I can’t promise myself that I won’t hurt you again in the future but I promise you that I will try hard not to hurt you again. ...." :| Kyu should promise that he will never ever hurt Min again in the future..
Chapter 1: Gosh this is really a good one wow I love it
Chapter 1: The ending killed me :') thank you for writing this!
Chapter 1: I love this fic
zuttoo #6
Chapter 1: this is so sweet. I'm glad they're back in each other's arms :-)
Gaemer #7
Chapter 1: you truly love someone if no matter what he did wrong to you, you still forgive him. salute to min ^^
this is beautiful...
people often lost sight of the most important things, and lead to pain
but I guess, its all part of life.
this made me tear up a bit
thank you for writing
goodluckwith the contest
elmokyu #9
Chapter 1: Read this before and re-read it again, it's beautiful to me. In life, you might miss something that is so dear to you because you started to take things for granted. But in actual fact, that dearest thing is irreplaceable, and you'll lose it if you are so blind to see the treasure behind it.
Thanks for the fic, & all the best to you in your future writings!
Chapter 1: Thank you author-nim for this Beautiful story. Min I know ur feelings, no matter what he did wrong , u just forgive him and continue loving him, can't even hate him!