Don`t Come After Me.


[At home]

"____, have you made up your mind yet?" Donghae asks.

"About what?" I asked.

"Are you going to do the surgery?"

I took in a deep breath.

"I guess. It's better to take a risk."

"Well. Then lets go tell the doctor that the decision is made."

[Going to the doctors]

We passed by Kyuhyun's place. Everything was different now. I felt pain run through me. I hope what I did was right. Please let him stop loving me. Don't let him go through pain...

"____." Donghae called.

There was no answer.

"____!" Donghae screamed this time.

"Huh? Oh. What oppa?" I said, snapping out of my thoughts.

"You miss him alot, don't you?" Donghae confronted.

"It doesn't matter."

"Let me call him out to meet you." Donghae said, taking out his phone.

I immidiately snatched the phone from him.

"No. Don't call him."

"Okay. Fine. But you didn't have to snatch it out of my hands." Donghae pouted.

"I'm sorry. It's just my reactions." I smiled.

[At the doctors]

"Doctor, my sister wants to do the surgery." Donghae tells him.

"Are you sure? There's a high chance that she won't make it." the doctor tells Donghae.

Donghae oppa looks in my direction.

"Yes doctor. I'm sure." I smiled at Donghae oppa.

"Okay then. I'll arrange for the quickest time possible."

The doctor checks his computer.

"How week?" the doctor asks.

"Uhm...Next week is fine." I said.


"____, it means you only have 1 week left to..." Donghae couldn't finish it.

"To live. Yeah, I know." I said.

"Are you sure you're just going to leave Kyuhyun like that? He's clueless right now." Donghae stated.

"I don't want to...but..."

"But what? You love him. He loves you. That's all that counts."

"No. I love him enough to keep him away from the pain that's coming at him."

"But you letting him go like this puts you both in pain."

"Oppa, forget it. I want to go home."

[At home]

"Oppa. I'm going upstairs first."

I walk up the stairs && into my room. I looked around.

I have only one more week left here...Then I'm gone completely.

The ring of the doorbell distracted me from my thoughts.

Oppa answered the door. I heard someone asking for me.

"Hyung. Is ____ here?" the voice asked.

The voice sounded familiar...

"Yeah, but I don't think she'll want to see you."

"Please hyung. Just let me see her."

I remember! It was Kyuhyun's voice.


"Hyung. I know everything. Before ____ went to the doctors, she was different. When she came back, she wasn't herself. So I went to the doctors. And he told me everything."

"She still loves you..."

"Hyung. Please."

"Okay, okay. She's in her room."

"Thanks hyung!"

As soon as I heard footsteps approaching, I immidiately closed the door && locked it.

"____!" Kyuhyun screamed.

"____, please let me talk to you."

"Go away! I don't want to see you or talk to you!" I screamed.

"____, why are you being like this?"

"Don't you know everything? I have liver cancer && I don't love you anymore." I said.

Suddenly, the door opens.

"Stop lying to him && yourself. The only people you're hurting is yourself && him." Donghae says.


I tried to run away but Kyuhyun caught me.

"____, I know you still love me."

"I don't love you anymore. Don't you understand?" I said, starting to cry.

I turned away from him, making sure he doesn't see.

Kyuhyun turns me back around to face him. He wipes my tears.

"____, you still love me. I know you do. I don't care if you have cancer or not. My love for you will never change. You're the only one for me. I'll take care of you. I promise I'll never love anyone but you. Just let me take care of you && stay by your side."

I started to cry even more. No one has ever said those words to me. He started to hug me. I pushed him away.

"YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HARD IT IS FOR ME! I LOVE YOU ALOT BUT I'LL BE GONE SOON. I want to be by your side me. But I can't. You still have a whole life in front of you. You can't just forget about it. I only have 1 week left. That should be enough time for you to get over me. If you stay with me, you'll regret it. Just leave." I cried.

"NO! I'm not leaving you! I'm not leaving you now && I never will! I admit. I've done many things in the past that I regret but this is one thing I won't regret. I love you,____. Just let me be with you. If you keep pushing me away, we'll both be in pain."

I knew he was right...I gave in. I didn't know what to do anymore.

"Kyuhyun, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

I started to sob. Kyuhyun hugged me. I dug my head into his chest.

"It's fine. Don't apologize. As long as I have you by my side, everything's okay." Kyuhyun said, smiling.

"I'm sorry, Kyuhyun."


I looked up at him.

"I thought we would be better off alone. But...I didn't know it would hurt this much."

I looked down. Kyuhyun lifted my head up.

"Listen. You'll never be alone. Not with me here. You understand? I love you && nothing will change...ever."

I hugged Kyuhyun. He returned the hug.

"Get to bed. It's getting late. I'm going to go home."

"Kyuhyun...Stay here."

Kyuhyun was shocked by my request.

"I don't want you to leave me...ever." I said, not letting go of his hand.

"Okay. I'll stay but I told you I'll always be there for you. So I wouldn't leave you. But I have no clothes...Plus no where to sleep."

"You can borrow Donghae oppa's clothes. && you can sleep right here." I said, hitting the pillow next to mine.

Kyuhyun laughed.

"Okay, okay."


"Babe, are you sleeping yet?" Kyuhyun asks.

"No. Sleep first. I still want to write something." I replied.

"Okay. Nights babe." Kyuhyun said, giving me a kiss.

Kyuhyun was in bed.


I looked over to Kyuhyun. He was asleep. I took out my diary && started to write.

Dear Diary,
Everything's solved between me && Kyuhyun. Yay! But...I feel like I'm a burden to him. I didn't want it to be like this but who told me to have this stupid liver cancer? Sigh. It's only one more week of happiness. I don't know if that's enough. I hope it is. Goodbye diary. I better go sleep before Kyuhyun wakes up. :3

I wrote a note on a separate sheet of paper. I stook it on my paper holder...

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Dodoisone #1
BlueBang #2
Chapter 12: awwwh donghae TT^TT
New Subbie and I LOVE IT ! I CRIED :'( Donghae is SO Sweet for Doing Such a Thing :)
T.T donghae dies~~~ nice story~~~ *thumbs up*<br />
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shirlayyxb #5
@BlueBracesofDOOM : Haha. Thanks. Was it really that sad ? Lol.
BTW, Donghae was a lover, not the brother.. Y.Y my eyes are still wet after that story..
I think I heard that Idea somewhere XD Donghae, yeah, he died too.<br />
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It's called, 'The Pink Fish'<br />
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It's like your story, but like, Sungmin was Kyuhyun.<br />
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---BUT,,, This story was nice. I got sad ):<br />
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