Chapter 4

Loving You

More than three days had elapsed since the accident, leeteuk and eunhyuk were discharged from the hospital with strict instruction of rest and shindong discharged early due to very minor injuries. Kangin, donghae, reyowook had accompanied the twosome back to the dorms. As for the others, they had taken turns to be at the hospital with kyu and siwon, who had resisted every attempt to be dragged home. Heechul along with hangeng spend most of their time in the hospital, going home to only freshen up and take naps, so that they themselves won't fall sick taking care of siwon. Kyu had been making steady progress over time and was declared fit to be operated on.

The day the operation was scheduled, all the members had assembled outside kyu's room to send him off. They stood there with prayer on their lips for the beloved maknae. Siwon had bought a bible to the hospital and was reciting passages that would help in the success of the operation.

Though Dr. Jessica had operated numerous times with successful results, siwon wanted to leave no stone unturned and had been busy for the past few days reading up on the procedure as well as on the doctor. He realized that the chances of kyu regaining his voice was very high and with that happy and positive thought he sent off his beloved with a soft peck on his head to the operation theater.

While the operation was in progress the wait was unbearable, it was only after the doctor came out with a smile on her lips that siwon felt his life come back. She said that the operation was successful and kyu should be awake soon.

Siwon could hardly stop a smile from on his face. He was very excited to see his babykyu back and had managed to get permission from the doc to stay with him while he comes to senses. Only siwon was allowed inside kyu's room and the other members waited patiently outside.

He sat there holding the others hand, now he was seeing up close, he could make out the improvements the other had made over the days. Kyuhyun had a healthy color to his face and the tubes were thankfully removed and he started to resemble a little like the old kyu.

He spoke to him about all that had taken place during the time he was asleep. He spoke about memories from his childhood, he fears, his regrets, his sorrows, his success and dreams and above all about his feelings, his love for him. Suddenly there was a lot he wanted to say and he did not mind one bit that he was indulging in a one way conversation for he knew that there will be repeat telecast when his baby kyu is well enough to contribute.

While he was busy rattling of an embarrassing episode where he was cornered into cross-dressing, he saw small movements made by kyu. It was first they hand he was holding and slowly he scrunched his eyes and opened them and was looking intently at him. The feeling of kyu seeing him after such a long time was reminiscent of the first time he realized that the feelings he had for the maknae transcends more than brotherly love. He kept hitting the door in an effort to gather the attention of the members who were outside.

Soon the doctor arrived with the nurses and the members managed to squeeze themselves inside the room. Kyu had looked at the members and had smiled in recognition, and had lingered his gaze longer at siwon. Dr. Jessica smiled at how her patient's room was packed. It warmed her heart to see such strong bonds shared by the members in this day and age, when even blood brothers did not hesitate to break off over trivial issues.

Siwon was standing beside her and was bouncing in excitement. The preliminary checkups had signaled that kyu's vitals were performing at their capacity. Kyu had yet to speak anything, they figured that once the doctor gave the go ahead he could get started. He was offered a glass of water and asked to speak slowly.

Dr. Jessica explained that his voice maybe scratchy in the beginning but he should be okay after an hour or two. The hospital room was silent, no one wanted to miss out any sound made by kyu. After being granted permission to speak, kyu started putting efforts into forming words and saying them out loud. There was so much he wanted to share and he couldn't wait for this test drive of his voice over so that he could speak to everyone and more importantly with siwon.

The wait for kyu to speak was getting longer but no one was complaining they allowed him to pace his recovery. The excitement that was waiting to burst into jubilation shattered when kyu open his mouth only to have no sounds to come out.

Kyu was in tears all his desperate attempts had just produced vague sounds. Siwon rushed to his side and held his hands, even his eyes were brimmed with tears. He could still remember the helpless feeling that had taken over him when kyu looked up to him with pleading eyes. The scene shattered his heart, after countless prayers and the best possible medical assistance his baby was still unable to speak. The most precious thing in the world for kyu, for what he fought to have and knows the other values more than his life was now lost.

The doctor at once sprang into action and asked everyone to leave the room. The members had to literally pull away a hysterical siwon from a weeping kyuhyun. All the members were outside and heechul was handling siwon while the other members were busy taking care leeteuk and eunhyuk who also had a meltdown. In between the crying, weeping and consoling, siwon freed himself from heechul’s grip and ran off without a word to others.


One more chapter to go....

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ohmysuperjunior #1
Chapter 5: You are one of the best authors on asianfanfics EVER. this story is so heartwarming and emotional and beautiful. write so well and portray Siwon's feelings so descriptively. Kyuhyun is my ultimate bias and the thought of the accident always makes me cry. this story really made me sob ;-; ugh i ship wonkyu so hard. thank you for this story, its absolutely beautiful.
Chapter 5: This is really a beautiful story... Love it very much....
KukkiMonster #3
Chapter 5: What a sweet story..
You ended it beautifully ^^
Thank you for writing!
Chapter 4: You'll be alright kyunnie....:-)
Chapter 3: Wonnie you must be strong for must take care of yourself and pray for him....
Chapter 2: Like this.... Kyunnie's accident is one of the hardest time for them...
Saravy #7
Chapter 1: Kyu's accident is always so hard to read but I'm really curious as to how this will play out.^^

I love how you described Siwon's belief so beautifully. I think it's admirable how devout he is despite all that's around him. I really respect that you are respecting that. Some authors indirectly make fun of him and sometimes it's funny but others it's disrespectful. Anyways, I can't wait to see what happens next.^^
can't wait :)
That is just good