The Magic of Love

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In a fantasy land where witches and trolls exist, lived a beautiful young boy called Jaejoong. Pitted against his companions in a ruthless battle to become the mate of their enemy's king, Jaejoong found himself drawn towards a mysterious male senior in a weird land called earth instead.


No bashing.  You can criticize the story but don't complain about something personal (about me) if you don't want to get banned.



And, no plagiarising as well.





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rottenlove #1
Is this abandoned :(
Chapter 1: wow!!! This sound amaizing!! please update soon ;)
adlahabuzaid #3
Please update
libella #4
Chapter 1: Yunjae in world full of magical creatures! Arghh! I cant wait! The first chapter already make me wanted to read more.
Please update authornim! I already can imagine Yunjae & the dragons, that will be super hot!!!
ShoJoongia #5
Chapter 1: So spectacle design but heehe when i began to read i thought it was note then realised it way of introudction silly me any way i think this is gonna be my favourite not that all your stories are not girl you make me adicted really
ShoJoongia #6
Chapter 1: So spectacle design but heehe when i began to read i thought it was note then realised it way of introudction silly me any way i think this is gonna be my favourite not that all your stories are not girl you make me adicted really
Hi um i really want to continue reading the elixer of life and i subscribed to it some time ago and i was notified that it was updated today but when i tried to read it, it said only people who were invited by the author can read it? How can i read it? And i couldn't message u either because the message button on your page wasn't showing for me. I also sent you a friend request maybe that would help it? Anyways i really would like to read it thank you!^^
Kattan69 #8
Chapter 1: Can't wait for more to come.....^-^
jj_yuki #9
Chapter 1: Awesome! I love it! cant wait for the next chapters! Ill be looking forward to this great story :)
alice03tina #10
Chapter 1: Oh My.. That is really worth reading
so good, your story telling is one of the greatest
Like wow, I love historical ficts 0.0