12 Roses of Love

Santa Yeol
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It’s still Christmas Eve since it’s only 11 PM on December 24. Once again, I go to Myungsoo’s home, this time to decorate the big tree where I usually hide. I have my tools and also a bouquet of colourful roses in my hand. While bouncing happily, I sing a certain happy song..


“ Lalalalalalalalalalala~”


You don’t know it? Are you sureee? You must be kidding? How could you didn’t know what song is it?? It’s Smurf’s happy song~ Yea, those blue buddies.. XDD


When I finally arrived, I walk straight to the usual tree and put my things on the ground carefully and for the bouquet I give the more extra care. I don’t want to ruin them.. Next, I take out the candles and other ornaments for Christmas tree, like baubles, snowmans, snow flakes, candy canes, Christmas stocking, and so on, not to mention the mini string lights. Where do I get the electricity? Ah. That’s such a good question. I use the electricity from my house of course. I’ve already brought the terminal that connected with my house~ X3


For the start, I wrap that tree with the mini string lights, then check if the lights works well. It’s absolutely perfect~ I let the lights off while I decorating the tree. The ornaments were hanging cutely in its branches. It takes quite a while, since I bring various ornaments and I hang all of it. But, because I don’t bring a ladder, I hang it in the-not-so-high branches.. Hehehe.. ^^,


Settled with ornaments and lights, now I’m arranging the candles in the ground, before lit it up one by one. I check the time and it’s already 00.21 AM. It’s Christmas already!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS, GUYS~~


Gathering my courage, finally, I call Myungsoo’s phone..


“ Hm? What is it, Yeol?” he asked with his husky voice.


“ Uhm.. Can you come out? I’ll be waiting in your yard..” I spoke.


“ ‘Kay. Wait a minute..” he answered, then cut the line.


I prepare the whole things and moreover my own self while waiting for him. As soon as he comes out, his eyes was landed on me who stood awkwardly under his tree with a bouquet in my hand..


“ Hi, Myung..” I smiled nervously.


“ Hi, Yeol.. Merry Christmas..” he replied gently, walking towards me.


“ Yea.. M-merry Christmas..” I looked down, avoiding his gaze.


“ I see you put so much effort for this..” he smiled, ruffling my hair gently.


I bit my lower lip, couldn’t find any words to say..


“ Uhm.. Myung..” I mumbled.


“ Hm?”


“ T-this is for you..” I stuttered, handing the bouquet.


“ Thanks. It’s beautiful..” he flashed a beautiful smile while accepting the bouquet.


“ And, Myung..” I paused, “ It’s.. Well, someone told me to say it with flowers.. A-and so I did..” I stuttered, “ I just wanna say that.. Uhmm.. I.. I-i love you..” finnaly, those words escaped from my mouth.


He reply me with a subtle smile, making me confused for a while, before he actually said..


“ I know, and I love you, too Yeol..” he hugged me tightly.


I was giggling in his embrace, feel giddy, happy, and light, until he abruptly released me from his hug and landed a light wack on my head..


“ WHY?!!” I protested.


“ Stop it, will you?” he asked with a lazy

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Hannah0906 #1
Chapter 5: Chapter 4:Can't u give me some too Yeol??Urghhh I want apples!!
Hannah0906 #2
Chapter 4: Ok ...I did not plan to comment only after 3 chapters but ur story made me to do it fast
Chapter 1: Haha what a funny first encounter :)
Serenaaayye #4
Chapter 15: This was too cute omg c:
And i really like the Tri part! It is so funny~ :3
Hope you will make a fic with Tri involved again, hahahahaa~
This fic really overly cute, sweet and adorable, hahaha, i really like it, it sooo much enjoy to read this, hopefully i could do like yoellie do to my crush ^////^ *if only i have money..*
Chapter 17: Asdfghjkl you really got me there! kkk this fic is so sweeeeeeeeeet kkk i admire yeollies way of showing his lovee to myungieee such an adorableee choding~~ <3 but kkk i felt sorry daeyollieee bwahaha i really had so much fun reading this one.Wonderful. your works are really great. and kkk my favoritee is the story of Tri haahaaaha surely it is yeollies best pal x)
exoukissfan #8
Chapter 4: hi authornim, how do u know me? well u caught me, i'm one of those sient readers but i gotta say i love all the fluff ^-^ i've recently fallen in love with myungyeol after hunhan so plz continue the good work. lots of love, authornim fighting! <3
Exonomics #9
Aish. This was just too cute. :3
I could literally feel the fluff surround me xD

Sungyeol's cheesy antics just made me smile over and over. That cute choding. I just can't handle it sometimes. c: It made me anticipate about the next gift and such.
And Myungsoo being Myungsoo, that uber cute man.

I really enjoyed reading this! Thanks for posting~

Myungyeol foreveerrrrr~ hurr hurr
rositamyungyeol #10
Chapter 16: uhmmm, no se, particularmente yo prefiero POV. de personas, pero tampoco esta mal, usted escribe muy bien, no se preocupe ;)