
Our Secret Love

Haii there! Miss me? Winglin ish being so stupid -__- so sorry I couldn't update soon enough!
Btw,I'll sure to update I'M ALREADY MARRIED!?! soon,okay? Enjoy!!

Last time

"What a !"

I started playing with my food then it came to me.

I know what I'm going to wear to the Lover's Renaissance.

_____'s POV

         Lunch is over now,so now I'm back in class.I got out my drawing notepad and started getting brainstorms.I'm so thankful I sit all the way in the back.Too bad Mrs.Kim assigned Jonghyun behind me.I'm starting to feeluncomfortable,as if someone was staring at me.Suddenly something hit me,there's only one person who could've sent that.Oh well,I like I care.I continued
to listen to the teacher and took my "notes".Two seconds later I felt another ball of paper being thrown at me,I turned around.
Did I mention Jonghyun was a bad liar? No matter what he could not just tell a lie,back in the old days.I turned around to
see Jonghyun staring blankly at the window.I guess his acting has in improved but whatever.I decided not to pick up those
paper balls and just continue designing.Fifteen minutes passed,class is over.I packed up my stuff and ran straight through
the door.I strided through the school hallways to see Hyoyeon waiting for me.

   "Hey ____! The girls and I are going dress shopping today! Wanna come with?" She said excitedly.

Oh shoot!I have to go buy some fabric for my dress! But I can't not go shopping.It's like a drug! How can I not? Oh well,
technically I would be going shopping.

   "I can't believe I'm saying this but no I can't go shopping with you guys," I slowly felt a pout unresisting.

   "GASP!! ____ not shopping!?!? Are you mad?!!" Hyoyeon yelled out shocked.

  "Hahaha I know right,the thing is I need to buy fabric for my dress." I whispered.No one can know about my dress.It would be
so embarrassing!! Those s would be thinking and telling people that I'm poor.Which I'm not.Only my closet friends know
that my mother is a famous fashion designer in Paris. It's best to keep it secret,otherwise I'd be getting a bunch of
requests for fancy dresses and pretty blouses.

  "OMO! You thought of a design already??" Hyoyeon said in disbelief,she seemed pretty amazed alright.

  "Yup,so I won't be going out with you guys for a while..Sorry.." I said then pouting.Who wouldn't want to hang out with their

  "It's okay,work hard so we can all see your beautiful dress!Fighting!" Hyoyeon yelled cheerfully.This is why she's my
best friend.

  "Arasso!And you guys better send me pics of your dress!" I said excitedly.We then left and I headed for the fabric shop.
Hmm go straight,make a left,cross the street,and take a right.What fabric?Organza? I stayed for about 15 minutes and bought
some sparkly sequins and something floofy.I entered my condo and went online.Ooo one new message!Oh wait.Its from Jonghyun.

xBlingBlingx says : Ignoring my notes,eh?

FobulousxGurl says: Oh opps,sorry I didn't know :P

xBlingBlingx says: Yeah,right don't lie to me! >:D

FobulousxGurl says: Haha okie I won't,I was busy ;3

xBlingBlingx says: With what?Doodling?

FobulousxGurl says: Whats so important that you needed to throw paper balls at me??

xBlingBlingx says: I had a question about my wish!! But someone was tew busy to read eet >.<

FobulousxGurl says: Sorry can't help you with that. Btw,you do know that your deadline is this week?

xBlingBlingx says: But then what about my question!! =(

Gosh Jjong always so pouty !But I guess its cute in a way.

FobulousxGurl says: Did yew not read my instructions? You have 2 weeks to think about you wish.Tell me your wish and I'll make
it come true.Wishes can't make me force someone to do something.

xBlingBlingx says: Arasso! But do I have to tell yew mah wish this week?? How about next month :D

FobulousxGurl says: No :P Your b-day ish not next month its this month,arasso?

How cute,but hes not gonna get away with that.I've been going too easy on him lately and its just unfair.

xBlingBlingx says: Fine D:<

  I logged off.Just to piss him off :P I'm already granting him a wish.What more could he want? Now I'm gonna start working on
my dress. Like I said before,I want something..different. The dance is on Black Day so how about a emo themed yet sophicated
dress.I doubt anybody would have a dress like mine.Who needs a mask when you have tinted sunglasses? BUZZ! Omo I got a text!
2 actually.One from Jonghyun and one from Mom. I opened Jonghyun's text first.

From: Jonghyun

Meanie! =(

Haha what a child.Now onto Mom's text,did something bad happen?

From: Mom

Hey sweetie! How are you? I just wanted to let you know I'm coming home 2morrow n that I'm leaving on Saturday.Expect a
gift! -Love,Mom

   EEP!!MOMS COMING HOME!!! I miss her sooo much! Finally! I don't have to cook anymore! I miss Mum's homemade rice
crispie treats.Yummm! What's even better is that she brought a gift! I hope its something cute!
Okay now back to my dress.What do I need to do first? Ah,the silloutte! Well since the masquerade is on black day and since
the theme is all mysterious my dress will be black.With a hint of silver,glimmering,sequins.I'll pair it with my awesome
sunglasses with butterflies Mom got me in Paris;since everyone would be expecting a mask. I got it!! I'll make my outfit
butterfly themed!! Butterflies are like free-sprirted loners. No companion along side, just a free loner. Perfect for Black Day.

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Dodoisone #1
Dodoisone #2
Geegee123 #3
Chapter 43: I lovee your story!! Please update!! :)
Lettice #4
Chapter 43: Update~~~ I LURVE your story~~~~
sujushineegg #5
great job
When are u gonna update? >.<
I miss reading your fanfic! Update soon ok? Hwaiting^^
jungminian0403 #7
why no updates? *pouts*
jungminian0403 #8
more please? new reader*waves*
shineaholic #9
shineaholic #10
best one out all the stories i have read<br />