Chaos I - Part 1

The Life of Me and The 12 Idiots

So, today mum and dad went to Hong Kong early in the morning since they need to attend a business conference, leaving their children behind for probably about two weeks. After two days in Hong Kong, mum still needs to meet her supplier in Paris and dad would be visiting his franchises in Italy. Right now, sprawled on the floor is me, trying to let the fact that I'll be living with those idiots for two weeks sink in my mind. Well, it's not like this is the first time our parents temporarily leave us behind, in fact this might as well be the millionth time. Though I can't help being anxious about what kind of danger awaits for us in the future because the last time mum and dad left us, Baekhyun tried to burn off our kitchen, Chanyeol finally smashed our dad's favorite Lamborghini with a hammer - because he thought that the car was too old to his liking, and my hair was being cut in the same hair style as Kyungsoo's mushroom head. By none other than the tower model-slash-artist, Kris.

"Move it, fatty. You're blocking the way,"

That is Jongdae, trying to roll me off by nudging my side with his feet. Somehow after I ignored him in the car the other day, he had changed completely. Well, not completely but almost. He used to call me baby sis but now he would just call me fatty, or sometimes shorty when he's in a good mood. I decide that I don't have any idea on what's going on in his childish mind. 

"Shut up, you troll. You're interrupting my session with my miserable inner self," I retort as I make no effort of rolling to the side. I'm lying flat on all four in the middle of the corridor, and it was big enough for Jongdae to keep on strutting the space as if he bought it without paying attention to this 5 years old sized me. Why is he even bugging me in the first place? Is he trying to reconcile with me? We're not really fighting though. 

Jongdae tsk and the next second, my sight welcomes his annoyed face. He's crouching with his legs at both of my sides, his upper body is craned to my right as my head is turning that way. "Regret this, maknae," with that, he crushes his weight on my back. Too much force! I'm going to die! Noooo!

"Get up! Get up, you idiot! You'!" I scream at the top of my lungs and it seems like I'm running out of breath. Tears are welling in my eye sockets, the lack of oxygen is overwhelming. Please just get off of me, troll. But of course, he can't hear my mind. Jongdae maybe thinks that crushing my little body isn't enough as he begins tickling me.

"PUHAHAHAHA! STOP IT! STOP IT, I CAN'T BREATHE! PUHAHAHA- STOP!!!" I laugh ever so loudly, draining more oxygen from my body and Jongdae's weight is not helping me at all. I can't breathe, can't inhale air, it's making me dizzy. Soon enough, darkness welcomes me.


Jongdae abruptly stops as he feels the wriggling body under him stops moving. Instantly, panic washes over him. He chuckles nervously, poking Hana's cheeks from behind. "H-hey, y-you're not dead, are you?" He asks as he picks himself up from the small human. 

Just then, Kris' head pops out from his room on Jongdae's left. "What's with the noise, you brats?" He snarls and Jongdae immediately regrets for waking up the eldest. Moody Kris at noon is never able to bring happiness in his siblings' lives. Lost in his thought of shouldn't have woken up the tower, Jongdae has completely forgotten about his close-to-lifeless sister.

As Jongdae is being oblivious, Kris' eyes widen as they lay on the flat form on the floor. "Why is she sleeping on the floor?!" He shrieks in fear of getting the floor stained by the dwarf's saliva. Jongdae's eyes transform, too. "Oh, right! She's dead! Hyung, help me to dispose of her body!" Jongdae teleports, now standing in front of Kris with his hands clasping Kris'. Kris looks bewildered. What the heck is this troll saying.

It takes a few seconds before Kris finally digests Jongdae's words. Kris shrieks once more, "What do you mean she's dead?! Did you kill her?! Did you-" "Shh, hyung! Don't let the others know. I don't wanna end up being in jail," Jongdae cuts Kris off with a hiss. He sure hopes that none of his other siblings would have heard of this or else he would seriously be charged for a first degree murder. Knowing just how loud they are.

Unfortunate for Jongdae, his hope comes in vain as the door beside Kris' room angles wider, revealing a wide-eyed Luhan. "Who's dead?! Who killed who?!" Luhan frantically asks in a high-pitched voice. Jongdae mentally face-palms and Kris purses his lips to Hana's direction. Luhan gasps in horror. "My baby!" Luhan rushes and kneels beside Hana as he turns her body around to pull her in an embrace. Kris and Jongdae watch Luhan from the side as the red-haired clears his throat and begins to mourn over his only sister's death. "My baby, please come back! Please, your brother's begging you! Come back, come back!" 

Kris and Jongdae exhange weird looks, finding Luhan's reaction a little over the top. Seriously, it's just a girl who had just passed away -maybe- it's not that big of a deal. "So, help me?" Jongdae sends Kris his puppy eyes and Kris sighs, giving in. He nods, "Get me a spade from Chanyeol's room, I'm sure he has one," Jongdae nods before going to the happy virus' room. Kris turns to the drama that's playing in front of him. "Come on, Lu. We need to bury her," Kris taps Luhan's shaking shoulders lightly. "B-but.. she's so young to die.. W-what are we supposed to tell mum and dad?" Luhan hopes for an answer as his glistening eyes meet Kris' uncertain one.

Kris shrugs, "We'll figure it out later, okay?" he assures. Luhan nods as he lets go of the body, still a sobbing mess. Luhan stands back on his feet, "I-I don't think I can watch her funeral, hyung. I'm sorry," he mutters. Kris ruffles the younger's hair, "It's okay. I totally understand, Lu," 

"So, where're you and Jongdae gonna bury her?" Luhan asks in a soft voice.

"The garden," Comes Kris' casual reply.

Luhan widens his eyes.

"But that's just right beside this house!" 

"Exactly. It's much easier to bury her nearby. Saves my time,"

"But her ghost would flutter around!"

"Nah, dwarfs won't turn into ghosts."

"But the gardeners will find out!"

"Then we'll all end up in jail, then,"

"Oh. Okay,"

Luhan walks away. Going downstairs. Kris crouches, pulling the small but heavy form and slings her on his shoulder. Just then, Jongdae comes running towards them with a spade in his hand and what seems like Chanyeol behind him. "Here, hyung," Jongdae is about to hand the metal thing to the eldest but then noticing the body he killed slinging on Kris' shoulder. He pulls back and Chanyeol puts his song on a pause. "Is that Hana?" he asks and Kris nods, mumbling something about the girl is dead. Chanyeol shrugs and trails behind the two.


My vision blurs as I finally have the energy to flutter my eyes open. The light is too intense, thus I squint my eyes for a bit. From not-so-afar, I can hear some voices which probably belong to the idiots. Though I'm not quite sure which is who. 

"Hyung, the ground's too hard,"

Ooh, I can hear Chanyeol's complaining. But why is he complaining?

"Then dig the other spot, idiot,"

That was Kris. Definitely Kris with his cave-like voice. Are they digging something? 

The sound of something being shoved into the ground stirs me up some more. What the hell are they doing? I slowly try to get up, but why am I on the ground? What the hell's going on?


Jongdae who is standing right beside Hana notices her small movements almost immediately. He jumps in surprise and out of reflex, he flies and clings onto Kris' tall body. The elder gives him the infamous "What the ?' look.

"She's alive! Holy , she's alive!" Jongdae screams like a madman. He untangles himself from Kris and begins running in circular. Kris and Chanyeol share 'the' look. They turn to Hana, whose body is finally half-way off the ground. Their eyes widen, and soon, both of them start to join Jongdae and run in circular. "It's a ghost! , it's a ghost!" Kris screams.

"What the hell are you guys doing?!" It's Hana's turn to scream. Automatically, the three idiots stop running. They pant heavily, "We thought you're dead," Jongdae states, his breath is still heavy. Kris jumps in, "No, you are dead," Kris looks at the confused Hana, then to the wide-eyed Chanyeol. "It's your ghost floating around!" Chanyeol exclaims.

"What are you talking about?" Hana tries her best to stand, stopping mid-way when she feels pain on her back. The three guys panicked, "D-don't come any closer, you demon!" Jongdae warns. Hana finds them funny and decides to tease them some more.



It's just that I've been busy with my life (cuz I'm in my junior high which means exams and studies) and since I'm currently going to a boarding school (where internet connections seem to be off-limits, I guess) thus I couldn't find the perfect time to update. 

BUT! I, however, managed to get this part done -actually it was supposed to be a full chapter but I don't wanna keep you waiting for too long, thus I'm posting what my best gave me. TA-DAH! XD

I won't promise that the second part will be updated soon, but know that I'm doing my best right now! So please, stick with me and this weird fic, okay? :)


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A SORRY MESSAGE FROM AUTHOR-NIM TO LOVELY READERS! I'm so sorry, you guys. School has been hard on me lately (+^+)


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Chapter 1: I love it! Update soon! x