Stress Reduction - Bang Head Here

Stress Reduction - Bang Head Here

The corners of Jongdae’s mouth tilt up as the ASB president flaps his arms in distress at something the vice president tells him.

“Isn’t he precious?” Jongdae coos as Luhan briefly tears his eyes away from a very educational game of Sudoku. He glances up at his friend currently perched on top of his desk, then towards the front of the room where Jongdae’s object of scrutiny is still in anxiety.

“If you think pigeons are cute,” Luhan grimaces before returning back to his game. Jongdae gives him a withering glance and considers whacking Luhan’s head with the stupid Sudoku book but decides it’s too much effort and opts for returning his gaze to Junmyeon.

“So endearing,” Jongdae continues as their math teacher runs into the classroom three minutes after the final bell.

“Mr. Kim, kindly remove yourself from the desk and sit down properly,” calls the teacher, tossing his briefcase on his desk at the front of the room and fixing his glasses.

“Yes, sir,” Jongdae mock salutes before sliding back down into his seat.



“What do you mean we don’t have the DJ booked yet?” Junmyeon wails at Minseok, who is rapidly scribbling antiderivatives onto his incomplete homework assignment.

“Yixing says we don’t have enough funds yet to hire one,” Minseok replies without looking up from his paper.

“But the Sadie Hawkins is next week!”  Junmyeon cries, flailing his hands to avoid grabbing hold of his hair and yanking it out by the fistfuls. He happens to like having nice hair and no bald spots, thanks.

“We can hold a fundraiser,” Minseok suggests as he finishes jotting down the last of his answers exactly the same moment the teacher rushes in.

Junmyeon heaves a big breath before plopping down into the desk next to Minseok.

“We’ll talk about it during meeting,” Minseok reassures before turning his attention back to the front of the room, feeling somewhat proud that he’d finished his homework in a record time of ten minutes before class.

Junmyeon bangs his forehead against the table and moans pitifully.



“So tickets are selling at a decent pace, posters are finished, refreshments and decorations are set, teacher chaperones are set,” Junmyeon paces around the ASB office as he checks off the to-do list. “Only thing we need is a DJ, correct?”

“Correct,” Yixing quips, chewing slowly on a piece of tuna salad sandwich, as Kyungsoo types away on his laptop, making a record of everything that is discussed in today’s meeting. Kyungsoo reaches around his laptop for a piece of french fry.

“So then, how much exactly do we need to fundraise?” Junmyeon asks, stopping mid-pace to grab his venti iced Americano.

“About $400,” the treasurer replies, taking another bite of his lunch.

“$400” Junmyeon whispers, closing his eyes and whimpering softly. “That’s so much, and not enough time.”

“We can have a cookie dough fundraiser,” Minseok proposes, sticking a peanut m&m into his mouth. “People like cookie dough. And we can have a carwash this weekend. We'll advertise all week. Make posters, fliers.”

“Good, good,” Junmyeon resumes his pacing and nods his head absently, inhaling a giant sip of his Americano. “Ideas are good. Plans are good.” He chokes on a particularly large gulp of coffee. Minseok reaches over from his seat and pats his friend on the back.

“Okay, so. Cookie  dough fundraiser and carwash fundraiser,” Junmyeon coughs, hitting his chest. “Any objections?”

“I object,” Jongin says, sauntering into the office. “You can get salmonella from cookie dough.” He stops right behind Kyungsoo’s chair and leans over his shoulder, staring into the laptop screen. Kyungsoo barely shifts, unfazed, and continues typing. Jongin smiles before tilting his head and quickly pecking Kyungsoo on the cheek.

Junmyeon chokes for the second time as Kyungsoo’s cheeks turn a delicate shade of pink.

“What are you doing in here, Kim Jongin?! You are not ASB!”

“I’m here to relay a message,” Jongin smirks, tossing his arms around Kyungsoo’s shoulders and leaning onto his back. Kyungsoo sniffs in mild irritation but doesn’t remove the arms.

“Then get relaying!” Junmyeon splutters. “Why are you harassing my secretary?! You shouldn’t be here!”

“Hey, hey. Calm down,” Jongin straightens up, raising his hands in surrender. “Just came to tell you Jongdae wants to see you.”

“Who wants to see you?” Zitao asks, walking in twenty minutes late for the meeting. He plops himself down onto an open chair next to Minseok.

“Why does Jongdae want to see me?” Junmyeon asks cautiously, taken by surprise, eyebrows furrowing in anxiety. “Why would Kim Jongdae want to see me?”

Zitao’s eyebrows shoot up into his hair.

“He’ll see you after school,” Jongin shrugs vaguely before ruffling Kyungsoo’s hair and prancing out the door.

“Kim Jongdae wants to talk to you?” Zitao asks incredulously, leaning over the table. “Why would he want to do that?”

“Where were you?!” Junmyeon suddenly turns to Zitao, ignoring his question and pointing a threatening finger a centimeter away from his nose. “Why are you so late?!”

“I was at the basketball practice,” Zitao’s eyes go cross-eyed before leaning back into his chair, away from the accusing appendage.

“You don’t even play basketball,” Kyungsoo deadpans as Yixing snorts.

“I have my reasons,” Zitao states matter-of-factly, crossing his arms. “As historian, I am required to cover all bases of this school and memorialize every little detail this campus has to offer.”

“Yeah,” Yixing grins in amusement. “More like memorialize the captain of the basketball team.”

Zitao sniffs, turning his head away.

“You’re not even denying it.”



“Did you tell him, did you tell him?” Jongdae asks excitedly, jumping on his seat at the popular table in the back of the cafeteria. A group of freshman girls passing by the table quickly glance at him from under their lashes and scurry off giggling. (“He’s so cute!” “I want to touch his hair, it looks so soft!”)

“Calm down kitty cat. Yeah, I told him,” Jongin replies, sliding into the space next to Sehun, grabbing one of his potato chips. Sehun glares and slaps his hand away. Jongin grins and pops the chip into his mouth. “Said you wanted to meet him after school.”

“Okay good,” Jongdae smiles, settling back down onto the bench.

“You know, you’re not as cool and stuff as people think you are,” Chanyeol states while tuning his guitar, one eyebrow raised, as he watches Jongdae squeal like a school girl.

“I am totally cool,” Jongdae huffs, eyes squinting as he glares at Chanyeol. “And why are you here again? I don’t recall ever befriending you and letting you be part of this posse.” Chanyeol snorts.

“I don’t want to be part of no posse, thanks. Nonconformist and all,” Chanyeol grins in amusement. “I’m just here for Baekyun’s cheese fries.” Jongdae turns his glare to Baekhyun.

“This is all your fault.”

Baekhyun just shrugs as he pops a particularly cheesy fry into Chanyeol’s mouth. He gently tugs on one of his boyfriend’s curls before turning back to Jongdae. “I’m a er for musicians.” Chanyeol flashes him an indulgent smile and pecks him on the cheek.

“Ugh, whatever,” Jongdae groans. “You two are gross.”

Chanyeol looks down and smiles, strumming the cords for “So What” by Pink.

Luhan snorts into his coke, still scribbling numbers into his Sudoku book, as Jongdae sighs in annoyance.

“You leave right now,” Jongdae points imperiously at Baekhyun. “And take your boy toy with you.”

“I’m still a rock star,” Chanyeol smirks before vigorously playing MC Hammer’s “U Can’t Touch This.”



By the time his last period literature class is over, Junmyeon’s mind is so weighed down by stresses and concerns regarding his presidential duties and the impending failure to uphold said duties that he is completely taken by surprise when Jongdae appears out of nowhere and drags him by the arm to the nearest empty classroom.

As they hurry down the hall, girls point and squeal. (“Oh my gosh!” “Totally dating!” “Not fair!”)

Junmyeon’s eyes all but pop out of its sockets as Jongdae closes the door and faces him with a feline smile on his lips. Junmyeon is frozen to the floor. What?

“So,” Jongdae begins, circling Junmyeon like a bride would her wedding dress, thoroughly examining. “I’ve been thinking.”

“You think?” Junmyeon bursts out unintentionally, still taken aback by this whole situation in general. He mentally whacks himself on the head. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid. Where’s your mouth filter?!

“Yes, I do,” Jongdae coughs before continuing, still grinning his kitty-like smile. “Anyways, I was thinking. You’ve been looking cute lately, and I’m cute, and Sadie’s is coming up, and we can go to Sadie’s looking cute together! Super cute!” Jongdae throws his hands into the air as if this is the best surprise in the world.

“What,” Junmyeon gasps, finding it really difficult to breathe.

“You. Me. Sadie’s. Cuteness,” Jongdae repeats slowly as if explaining the concept of asking someone to a dance to a three year old. He points to himself, then Junmyeon, then moves his arms into the air and mimes dancing with an invisible body.

Junmyeon blinks. Then in a panic, he flees the room.

Jongdae shrugs. “That went well.”

Completely unfazed, he shoves his hands into his pockets and whistles as he follows after Junmyeon out the door.



“So you use the molarity to find the moles in the 350 gram solution, and each mole of this electrolyte releases three times as many moles of ions as the solution. So you find the moles of that and use the molar mass to find the mass, and there you go.”

Sehun stares blankly up at Minseok as he tries to explain the AP chemistry problem in the easiest way he knows.

Minseok sighs, leaning down to explain again, when Junmyeon comes pelting through the library door.

No running in the library,” the librarian whispers loudly, giving Junmyeon a disapproving look as he throws himself down next to Sehun. Minseok frowns, watching Junmyeon continuously bang his forehead against the table.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Why,” Junmyeon stops hitting his head and moans into the table as Sehun huffs, disgruntled that his alone time with Minseok is being intruded upon.

“Why, what?” Minseok asks for clarification.

“Why is life,” Junmyeon groans, resuming his rhythmic banging.


A little irritated by his nonsense, Minseok grabs Junmyeon’s shoulders and props him up into a seated position.


Junmyeon looks at Minseok with wide eyes.

“Jongdae asked me to Sadie’s,” he whispers, inching his forehead closer to the table again. “Why would he ask me to Sadie’s?” Minseok blinks in surprise.

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

“No! No, it’s not a good thing! I don’t know him! He doesn’t know me!” Junmyeon wails, flailing his arms like earlier this morning. “He’s popular! I’m ASB president! We have nothing in common!”

Having had enough of his little meltdown, Sehun smacks the back of Junmyeon’s head with a quick flick of his wrist.

“Shut up! God you are an idiot,” Sehun hisses. “He likes you. He’s popular. What can possibly go wrong for you? Just say yes and be over it.”

Junmyeon stares at Sehun, mouth hanging open.

“Ugh!” Sehun gets up from his seat in disgust, dragging Junmyeon up with him. “Go home! Leave us alone! I have things to learn!”

“Shhh!” hisses the librarian, glaring in their direction.

With a huff, Sehun shoves Junmyeon out the door.



Junmyeon wakes up the next morning with dark circles under his eyes. He wasn’t able to sleep a wink, tossing and turning in his bed all night, dreaming about thousands of kittens trying to drown him alive.



Mr. Wang clicks his tongue in disapproval as he prods Junmyeon’s shoulder with the whiteboard eraser. Junmyeon jolts awake, slamming his hands down onto the table, and mumbling something about twinkies and the Boston Tea Party.

“Glad to see you think about my subject in your dreams as well,” Mr. Wang states, lips pressed thin into a line. “Class is over and lunch has started.”

Junmyeon glances around the empty classroom, still slightly disoriented. He looks back up at the history teacher.

“I’m so sorry Mr. Wang,” Junmyeon says apologetically, putting his notebook and pencil away in his backpack. “Things have been extra stressful lately and I haven’t been sleeping well. But that’s still no excuse to fall asleep during class,” Junmyeon adds.

“It’s fine,” the history teacher says, patting Junmyeon on the back. “Just don’t let it happen again.

Junmyeon hurries out of the classroom, late for ASB meeting.



To say that Junmeyon is merely surprised would be an understatement. He is thoroughly bewildered to see Jongdae in the ASB office, standing inside a huge purple gift-wrapped box, holding a cardboard sign in his hands with ‘SADIES?’ stenciled across in big pink paint and glitter bordering the letters.

Something big catches in Junmyeon’s throat and he doesn’t know how to language. Jongin smirks from where he’s currently perched on top of the table next to a disgruntled Kyungsoo, squishing Kyungsoo’s cheeks.

“Surprise!” Jongdae shouts, waving the sign above his head.

Junmyeon stares at Jongdae.

He stares at the sign. It’s very sparkly.

He stares at Jongdae again.

“Please,” Junmyeon gurgles. “This is the ASB office. ASB members only. You can’t be in here.”

“Then say yes,” Jongdae pouts. “Do you know how long it took to get the glitter out of my hair after I finished?” He points to his hair. “It’s still not out yet. I look like freaking Edward Cullen.”

“Please,” Junmyeon pleads again. “We have business to attend to. You can’t be doing this in here.”

Jongdae huffs, putting his arms down, and steps out of the box.

“Fine then, I’ll ask you again later. And you will say yes.”

Jongdae tosses the sign into the box. “Come on Jongin,” he orders. “Help me get this out.” Jongin gives Kyungsoo’s cheeks one final squish before pecking him on the forehead and jumping off the table. Kyungsoo’s cheeks are flushed where Jongin’s hands had been touching.

Junmyeon watches Jongdae and Jongin carry the box out of the room with his lips slightly parted. He blinks, shaking his head.

“Where’s Yixing?”



“Why won’t he just agree to go?” Jongdae moans into his hands as Luhan’s eyes drift to somewhere else. “Nobody says no to me. Everyone loves me.”

After Jongin helps Jongdae toss the box behind the cafeteria dumpster, he rushes off to the gym for his dance club, Luhan insisting they all go with him.

“Mhm,” Luhan agrees absentmindedly as he watches Yixing move and twist his body in such graceful ways that it makes him want to cry tears of rainbows and unicorns.

“You’re not even listening to me,” Jongdae wails even louder, pushing Luhan off the bleachers, as Chanyeol plays “Misery” by Maroon 5 on his guitar, Baekhyun tapping his foot to the music on the wooden stands.

“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” Jongdae shouts, throwing his hands into the air. “You’re so annoying! Go away!”

Chanyeol glances up, and staring into Jongdae’s eyes, he switches the song to Lil Twist and 2Chainz “Do What I Want.”

Jongdae stomps his foot as Luhan climbs back onto his seat, eyes still glued to Yixing dancing to “Holy Grail” blasting from a boom box.

“He’s definitely my holy grail,” Luhan states, finally turning his attention to Jongdae who has his arms crossed and is staring angrily at the ceiling. “I’m gonna ask him to Sadie’s.”

Jongdae wails again at the reminder of his failed attempt.

Luhan’s eyes narrow as he sees Jongin place a hand on Yixing’s shoulder, telling him something Luhan can’t hear, and Yixing laughs in return.

“Nope,” Luhan says, jumping from his seat. “That little prick. Yixing is mine!” And with that Luhan marches over to the center of the gym where the dance club is having their practice.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol watch with mild interest as Luhan subtly pushes a confused Jongin away and gesticulates something to Yixing with big arm movements.

Jongdae glances up as Luhan returns, ecstatic grin plastered to his face and a bounce to his step.

“We’re gonna do a toga theme,” Luhan sings happily as he resumes his place next to Jongdae, wiggling his fingers at an equally happy Yixing.

Jongdae moans in metaphorical pain as Chanyeol plays The Killers’ “Everything Will Be Alright.”



“So, explain to me again,” Junmyeon says slowly, staring over Zitao’s shoulder at the laptop screen. “Why are all these pictures of number 25?”

“Because Kris makes a very good subject,” Zitao shrugs as Junmyeon rubs his temple. “He’s tall, and got nice shoulders that balance out his height. And his hands, he’s got really long, elegant fingers,” Zitao pauses. “And his face might be kind of nice too.”

Junmyeon closes his eyes and breathes through his nose as Minseok bursts into laughter, Sehun lounging next to him with his calculus homework spread out on the table.

“Please tell me you have other photos to add to the yearbook,” Junmyeon begs as Zitao opens another folder. Junymeon takes one glance and walks over to the far wall, contemplating bashing his head through the plaster.

Kyungsoo stands up from his chair and walks over to Zitao, curious as to what Junmyeon had seen.

“These are all pictures of you.”

“Yeah,” Zitao replies flatly. “I make a good subject too.”

Junmyeon begins steadily hitting his forehead against the wall.

“Okay, okay,” Minseok tries to pacify the agitated president. “Let’s just get back to business and talk about the fundraisers. We have fliers and posters everywhere for the car wash so that’s good. How is everyone doing with the cookie dough?”

“I got my cat lady neighbor to buy eight tubs,” Zitao says, staring at his nail beds.

“My mom bought a few,” Kyungsoo adds, returning to his seat.

“See?” Minseok says, popping a piece of brownie into Sehun’s mouth as the younger scribbles down integrals on his notebook. “We’re moving along. After the carwash, we should have enough money to finalize the DJ and everything will be set.”

“Car wash,” Junmyeon whispers, red circle forming on his forehead, as he returns to the table and drops himself next to Minseok. He takes a deep breath. “Okay, I’m calm now.”

Sehun snorts and coughs as a piece of chocolate chip lodges in his throat. Minseok pats him on the back and hands him a carton of milk.

“So what about Jongdae?” Sehun coughs, clearing his throat.

Junmyeon resumes his bizarre calming technique.



For the length of the entire week, Jongdae continues to stalk Junmyeon, surprising him with little gifts and goodies each time he materializes out of thin air.

“Look I baked you a muffin!”

“I heard you like sunflowers!”

“See I added extra glitter!”

And every time, Junmyeon chokes, panicking and running away before Jongdae can even utter another word.



“It’s Friday!” Luhan stretches in his seat as Jongdae remains face down on the table. “Tomorrow is Saturday!”

“Yes, Luhan,” Sehun says sarcastically as he takes his peanut butter and banana sandwich out of the Ziploc back. “Glad to establish that you know the order of the days of the week.

Jongin laughs as Luhan shoots Sehun a withering glare.

“What I meant,” Luhan clarifies, “is that the car wash is tomorrow and I get to see Yixing scrubbing dirty cars. Soaking clothes. Wet. Bubbles,” Luhan loses his ability to form comprehensible sentences as he imagines a soapy Yixing, lying on top of dirty cars.

Sehun sniffs in mild distaste as he takes a bite of his sandwich, swatting Jongin away as he tries to nab a bite.

“We’re all going,” Jongdae declares, suddenly shooting his head up from the table, a fanatical gleam in his eyes. “And before we go, I’d like to explain to you my idea as to how to get ASB president to go to Sadie’s with me.”

“Oh lord, here we go again,” Chanyeol says, strumming tunelessly on his guitar. Jongdae shoots him a glare before continuing.

“Sehun, you are going to help me make Junmyeon jealous by pretending to be all touchy feely with me,” Jongdae states, pointing at Sehun. He merely raises an eyebrow, taking another chunk of sandwich.


“Are you my friend or not?”


Jongdae pouts, stamping his foot. His idea is brilliant and Sehun is being insubordinate. No one resists his charms for this long. Jongdae opens his mouth to say something else, when Jongin beats him to it.

“I’ll do it.”

Jongdae glances at Jongin snatching Sehun’s lunch.

“Sounds like fun,” Jongin says, taking out half of the sandwich in one bite.

“Cool,” Jongdae grins as Sehun grabs Jongin by the shoulders and shakes him violently, screaming at him to spit it out. Baekhyun tries to pry Sehun’s fingers off before Jongin breaks his neck from whiplash.

Chanyeol rolls his eyes and plays the melody for “Idiot Wind” by Bob Dylan.

“I’m surrounded by idiots,” he stares up at the ceiling, shaking his head, as Luhan shouts “I did it!” and tosses the completed Sudoku book onto the table.



Saturday morning, Junmyeon wakes up bright and early, climbing into Minseok’s car as they head over to the grocery store parking lot where the car wash is to be held.

“The rest of the team should meet us there,” Minseok informs. “Kyungsoo’s bringing his car for us to wash.”

“He better pay up,” Junmyeon responds as they pull into the parking lot. The president and his VP spend the next hour notifying the grocery store of their arrival and setting up the hoses and tools when Kyungsoo final pulls up with the rest of the ASB team.

“Sorry we’re late,” Yixing says, pulling posters out of Kyungsoo’s trunk. “Zitao wouldn’t wake up.” Said boy hmphs in annoyance from the backseat.

Yixing and Kyungsoo help hang the posters on the side of the store building as Zitao lounges inside Kyungsoo’s car, setting up his DSLR.

“Don’t be lazy and help us,” Junmyeon commands as Zitao raises an eyebrow.

“I’m the historian. I take pictures. I don’t do manual labor.”

Junmyeon huffs as Minseok shoves a sponge into his hand. Minseok shakes his head.

“Just, don’t.”



Jongdae pulls up in his white Mercedes with Jongin, Luhan, and Sehun.

“Why are there so many people?” Luhan wonders, pressing his face against the glass in search of his special little flower. Whoever owns a car amongst the entire student body seems to be here.

Jongdae hums as he parks his car in the back of the line, turning off the ignition.

“Where’s Baekhyun again?” he asks anyone in general, looking around for the president’s face.

“He went on a date with Chanyeol,” Jongin answers as Jongdae grimaces.


They climb out of the car and head off in the direction of where all the posters and signs are hanging.



“Hey!” Minseok smiles, elbow deep in grimy soap suds, as Sehun launches onto his back. Junmyeon looks up from the Range Rover he’s currently toweling off and takes a sharp intake of breath as he sees Jongdae and his little clique, standing not ten feet away from him.

Junmyeon watches Luhan break away from the group, prancing over to Yixing where he is hosing off another car. Luhan drapes an arm around Yixing’s shoulder before grabbing the hose and spraying it on the unsuspecting boy. Junmyeon watches this exchange for a minute or two before turning his attention back to the object of his inexplicable sleepless nights.



Jongdae internally cheers when he feels Junmyeon’s burning gaze on the back of his head as Jongin slips an arm around his waist. They’re currently hanging around Minseok and Sehun as Minseok tries to wash an extremely dirty 4Runner and Sehun keeps interrupting by whacking his with a wet towel.

Jongdae purposefully leans closer into Jongin’s body and giggles when he hears a strangled choke behind him.


Jongdae slightly turns his head, leaning his chin against Jongin’s shoulder, when he feels a cold splash of water showering on top of his head.


“What the heck!”

Jongdae and Jongin both spin around to find the source of the water and spot Kyungsoo clutching a hose in his hands.

“What?” Jongin says, slightly disoriented from the sudden attack.

“Oops,” Kyungsoo shrugs. “My hand slipped.” He then turns around and continues washing the soap off of a black Lexus.

Minseok and Sehun stare at Kyungsoo’s back before turning back to the soaked pair.

“What just happened?” Minseok asks, eyebrows shooting up into his fringe, as Sehun falls to the floor wheezing in laughter. Jongin continues to stare at Kyungsoo’s back, extremely perplexed.

Jongdae spins around to glance at Junmyeon, back facing him now as Junmyeon scrubs down an SUV, and Jongdae can swear he sees his shoulders shaking.



“We now have enough monetary funding to hire the DJ and everything is settled,” Junmyeon declares during Monday’s ASB meeting. Way more customers had shown up to the carwash than anticipated and the group managed to raise double the amount their goal was originally set on. “Good job team.”

“I already booked one,” Yixing states, taking a bite of his chicken caesar salad.

“Good,” Junmyeon replies, falling back down into his chair. “Now all we need to do is set up on Friday and that is that!” He does a little cheer, fists raised in the air and wiggling around in his seat.

He then quickly deflates as an image of Jongin wrapping his arm around Jongdae invades his mind. Junmyeon frowns as he tries to shoo this image away.

“What’s wrong with you?” Zitao asks, going through the photos he’d taken during the carwash. “You were all happy one second, now you look like someone just ran over your dog’s tail.”

“I don’t have a dog,” Junmyeon’s frown becomes more pronounced.

“Figure of speech,” Zitao says flatly, still clicking through the pictures. The clicking pauses for a moment. “Look, this one of Kris,” Zitao smiles to himself. “Don’t his shoulders look extra broad in that polo shirt?”

Junmyeon internally laments ever pushing Zitao to join ASB with him.

“Hey,” Yixing speaks up, crunching on a piece of crouton. “Have you guys seen Kyungsoo?”



“Sorry Jongdae,” Jongin says as he drops himself down on the bench in the cafeteria. “I can’t do the jealousy plot acting thing with you anymore.”

“Huh?” Jongdae furrows his brows in confusion. “Why not?”

“Kyungsoo asked me out,” Jongin flashes a really big smile, one that could almost possibly rival that of Chanyeol’s. Almost. "I am a taken man. Oh yeah!"

“Ugh,” Jongdae throws his head into his arms, knocking over Sehun’s apple juice.

“What the heck,” Sehun hisses as he quickly uprights the bottle before everything spills out.

“You guys are all useless to me!” Jongdae mumbles, head still down, as Jongin and Baekhyun high five. “Nobody loves me anymore!”

“Yeah!” Baekhyun cheers. “Now me and Chanyeol finally have someone to do double dates with!”

Jongdae shrieks into his arm as Chanyeol begins to hum Akon’s “Mister Lonely.”



“General meeting adjourned,” Junmyeon calls as Friday’s meeting comes to a close. “Don’t forget, we have set up after school!”

“Yeah, yeah. We know,” Kyungsoo waves his hand as he exits after Yixing and Zitao, currently debating whose couple look will be the greatest. (“Seriously? Kobe and Vanessa? That’s not even original. And you’re going to be Vanessa? Lord have mercy on our eyes.” “What, I pull off eyeliner really well, FYI.”)

Junmyeon shakes his head as he finishes stacking his papers and folders, putting them into his backpack. He glances up to see Minseok heading out, scooping out bits of cookie dough straight from the bucket with a cafeteria spork.

“Hey Minseok?” Junmyeon calls hesitantly. “Can I talk to you for a sec?” Minseok turns back, eyes round with curiosity.

“Sure,” he says, placing the bucket on the table and sitting back down. “What’s up?”

Junmyeon rubs his hands nervously.

“Spit it out,” Minseok prompts, gesturing with his palms facing up.

Junmyeon takes a deep breath.

“Jongdaehasn’tbeenharassingmelatelyandit’smakingmefeelkindofweirdandthefactthatitmakesmefeelweirdis weirdingmeoutevenmore.”

Minseok frowns, shoveling another sporkful of cookie dough into his mouth.


Junmeyon huffs.

“I said, Jongdae hasn’t been harassing me lately and it’s making me feel kind of weird and the fact that it makes me feel weird is weirding me out even more.”

Minseok eats another mouthful.

“I mean, he’s been randomly showing up to surprise me every day last week. This week, it’s complete silence, as if nothing ever happened at all,” Junmyeon pouts.

Minseok swallows the food in his mouth before answering.

“Do you like him?”

“What?” Junmyeon splutters, falling into a chair next to Minseok. “Like him? Why would I like him? I barely know him!” his voice goes up a few notches, squeaking at the end.

Minseok shrugs. “I mean, that’s what it sounds like right now.”


“You miss him,” Minseok clarifies, slowly. “You feel weird because you miss him not constantly surrounding you and smothering you with his presence.”

Junmyeon thinks he’s lost all of his mental facilities.

Minseok smiles sympathetically, patting his friend on the shoulder, before standing up with his bucket of cookie dough and heading off to class.

“You’re gonna be late,” he calls through the door as he leaves.



Junmyeon zombies through the remainder of the day, not really paying attention to anything, as he mulls over what Minseok had said.

During class, Junmyeon either zones out completely, staring at the little dot patterns on the ceiling panels, or lightly banging his forehead on his desk, up until the chemistry teacher chucks a marker at his head, shouting about obnoxious students and deliberate sabotage.

By the time his last period teacher finishes scrawling out which chapters of Wuthering Heights they are to read over the weekend, Junmyeon has strengthened his resolve to find Jongdae and talk it out.

Junmyeon rapidly collects his belongings, shoving everything into his backpack, and throws himself out the door as soon as the bell rings. He runs and runs and runs down the halls, searching for Jongdae, but doesn’t see any signs of him anywhere.

Fifteen minutes of circling the campus and Junmyeon finally spots Jongdae, thumbs tucked into the straps of his backpack, heading towards the front entrance.

He huffs, giving one final spurt of speed, and sprints down the rest of the hall, grabbing Jongdae’s arm and dragging him outside towards the back of the school building, girls sighing about romance and love and oh my gosh why can’t someone do that to me as they pass.

Jongdae just stares, bewildered, as Junmyeon leads him to a quiet corner of the campus towards a cluster of benches. Junmyeon shoves him down onto one of the seats and doubles over, hands on his knees, heaving for air as his lungs constrict from the exertion.

After giving Junmyeon a few moments to recover, Jongdae sniffs and crosses his arms.

“What do you want?”

Junmyeon, still heaving, raises a finger.

“One,” huff, “moment,” huff.

Jongdae sits back, leaning his back against the table, arms still crossed. Junmyeon finally catches his breath and straightens up.

“May I sit down?”

Jongdae rolls his eyes and pats the spot next to him. Junmyeon cautiously sits down, leaving a polite three inches of space between them.

“What do you want?” Jongdae repeats as Junmyeon fiddles with his fingers nervously.

“I just,” Junmyeon begins. “I…” he freezes, unable to find the presence of mind to make coherent sentences.

Jongdae sighs in irritation, getting up to leave.

Junmyeon’s hand shoots out, grabbing Jongdae’s arm, and pulls him back down.

“I’ve never dated anyone before,” Junmyeon pushes the words out quickly before he swallows them again. “I don’t, I don’t know how these things work. And I’m nervous. And I’m sorry I’ve been so rude to you. I just, I didn’t know how to react.” Junmyeon feels his face heat up as if the sun had exploded behind his cheeks.

 “You’ve never,” Jongdae blinks. “You what?”

Junmyeon stares down at his hands folded in his lap. But his gaze suddenly snaps up to see Jongdae laughing with his head hanging back, slapping his hands on his thighs.

Its Junmyeon’s turn to huff and stomp off in indignation, but Jongdae catches up to him, pulling lightly on his shirt.

“Look, I’m sorry,” Jongdae apologizes, still smiling. “I didn’t mean to laugh. It’s just,” Jongdae bites his lip. “You’re just so damn adorable.”

Junmyeon pouts, looking anywhere but at Jongdae.

Jongdae moves in front of Junmyeon and lightly cups his cheeks, forcing Junmyeon to look him in the eyes. Jongdae gives him a soft smile.

“It’s okay if you don’t have experience or whatever,” he says gently. “It’s just a dance. And whatever happens after, we can take it slow.”

Junmyeon blinks, taking a slow, shuddering breath.

“Take it slow,” he whispers back. “I like slow.”

Jongdae laughs, squishing Junmyeon’s cheeks, and quickly pecks him on the lips before Junmyeon has the chance to protest.



“Okay time to go!” Jongdae exclaim, dragging Junmyeon towards the parking lot and his car.

“Go where?” Junmyeon frowns as Jongdae unlocks the doors. “I have set up to attend to.”

“Got my friends to take your place,” Jongdae says briskly, nudging Junmyeon into the passenger seat and sliding the seatbelt on for him, before closing the door and hopping into the driver’s side.

“Gotta go shopping, duh,” he continues obviously. “We only have a few hours and we gotta find the perfect outfit that’ll have heads turning!”

Junmyeon sighs, lightly bumping his head on the window while sliding down the soft leather seat.

Dear god, what has he gotten himself into.

a/n: lol wtf have i done ㅠㅜ

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Chapter 1: Ahahah so funny gosh I'm laughing like a dork! This was ing awesomeee! I loved it!!
I can't believe Chanyeol always found a song to fit the situation (Baekyeolll my adorable puppies)!! LOL Everything was so awesome but my favourite will always be Queen Bee Jondae.
Chapter 1: Such an amazing fanfic. The couples were all so damn cute. Good job
HOMG, I was laughing really hard whenever Chanyeol strummed his guitar to fit the situation! xD
Such an inspiring musician, eh? xD

Zitao's obsession with Kris, Baekyeol lovey-dovey moment (w/ Yeol being an annoying adorable jerk), denial Kyungsoo w/ flirty Kai, genius Minseok with forever-studying Sehun, and persistent Jongdae with awkward turtle Joonmyun...
Dumb! Dumbo everywhere!
All of them was soooo dumb -yet so adorable- here! xD

Sucha crack humorous fanfic! :>
Kudos for you, Author-nim! (^-^)d
Chapter 1: Hihiihii.. finally Jongdae got what he want. Hahahaa..
So thats the reason why Joonmyeon keep on ignoring Jongdae ...
Btw, Jongdae making his move so fast (he pecks Joonmyeon lips) but still so cute and sweet. ^-^
Thank you for the story authornim :)
Chapter 1: Oh God, this was /beyond/ adorable I literally could not contain myself.

There's so much going on here and it's all handled so well and I really couldn't stop myself from smiling as I read it.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
honhonbaguette #6
Chapter 1: Suchen unff. They're so cute together sobs. And jongin omg jongin. The Kaisoo. ;A; hep meh
D_S_H_ #7
Chapter 1: Cute! Haha. I enjoyed LuHan's character and I loved the Kaisoo - Jongin getting all surprised that his flirting panned out. Junmyeon is such a precious cutie in this too! Yay for SuChen!