Wake Up


Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.


[ →Wake up ← ]

  "Ill met by the Moonlight"





The warm sand engulfed my bare light skinned feet as I stepped forward slowly making my way to the smoke I had seen earlier. I had no doubt it was my father cooking again, as it was his daily hobby to do for the family. I ambled my way towards them, keeping an eye out above for any shooting stars. It was then I noticed how close the sky was. So close that if I reached out, I bet I could pick a star off the sky.

A soft wind whispered to me as it blew small clusters of my hair to the side. My hands going up to hold them in place instinctively, as I stood chill to absorb the calm moment.

Laughter rang into my ears as I neared my house and family. I gazed ahead taking in the wonderful scene I constantly had to remind myself I lived in. The house laid still ontop of the sand, but we were not on a beach. Only a few walks away was the river that didn't flow. The river would then become a large unsullied lake that hid behind my house. The river respectively separated us from the tall green forest that surrounded and covered the earth.

Fire cracked warning me not to go anywhere close as the heat accompanied me. I looked around to see if I was needed, or even noticed. But I was not.

Mom and Dad were laughing as they sat down on the sand. My twin sisters ran around the fire, singing along to a song that had no lyric. I looked up at our house, two-story to be exact, before finally deciding I was not needed, and therefore made my way back into the forest.

I stared down at my feet, watching it gracefully step and repeat, for my neck had gotten sore from trying to count all the stars earlier.

The forest didn't scare me, but it didn't feel familiar either. As a matter afact, nothing felt familiar. Not even my family, which is why I would often leave and come back to see if they ever needed or notice me, and when they didn't, the forest would be my home.

The moonlight always lit my path and I was never left in the darkness.

It was then I heard an unfamiliar sobbing from a distance.


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Chapter 3: Can i ask a question? Where did taeny go? Especially taeyeon? TY is dead when she jumped, but after that taeny met/bumped again under the sunlight. So that means she's in the real world? I'm sorry im just confused
svela2233 #2
Chapter 3: Doooooooooooode, wtf! This killed me! Made me think! Love it!(:
cindyvania #3
Chapter 3: Omg this story is SO amazing. Its a perfect imagination, a sequel would be great <3
Chapter 3: Will u make a sequel for this story? I cant get enough of this.. So peeeeaaaassseeee?
HungryDog #5
Chapter 3: Inception movie? If you die in dream, you will wake in real world? Lucid dream,
Chapter 3: im going to drop out of school
Chapter 3: It reminds me of a movie...i cant seem to remember the movie's title