Part 2

Do you like me? (I know I do)


A/N: Sorry it took so long! I was hoping to update it when the poster for this is done, but it's taking so long :( I hope you enjoy~ 


Step 1: Transform into a hottie.

Sehun doesn’t really remember why he agreed to shop with Baekhyun of all people. It’s like suicide. He swears that if he has to go through any of the situations he had went through, he is going to die first.

Scenario 1.

“Here,” Baekhyun s a pair of really skinny jeans in his face. “Try this. And this. And this. And this. And this.”

Sehun watches, mouth agape as his best friend starts to pile pants into his arms until it obscures his vision. “Hyung!”

“What? Oh yeah, thanks. And this,” Baekhyun flings another pair into the towering pile and shoos him off to the changing room. “Hurry!”

Sehun grumbles at him but obediently goes to the changing room, the pile tilting dangerously to the side. He grunts, wriggling a bit so that he could fit his legs in. He groans when it gets stuck mid-thigh and yelps when his head hits the wall as he yanks on the pants. “It won’t fit!” He calls out after some more few grunts and groans.

“It does, just squeeze,” Baekhun throws open the curtains unceremoniously, and ignoring Sehun’s squawk, he hooks his thumbs under the hem of the pants, and pulls.

“Hyung,” Sehun squeaks out. 

“Hold on,” Baekhyun says, grunting with each pull. “It’s almost in.” 


“There!” Baekhyun claps his hands in satisfaction. “Perfect fit. We’ll get you 5 more of these.” He leaves before Sehun even gets a word out; Sehun is put out.

“…I can’t feel my legs.”

Scenario 2.

In all honesty, choosing between colors that look exactly the same is not really Sehun’s cup of (bubble) tea.

“What do you think?” Baekhyun asks, holding up a couple of designer tees.

Sehun stares. “Hyung, they’re the same.”

“No, they’re not,” Baekhyun frowns. “This,” he holds the first a bit higher, “is burgundy. While this,” the other one, “is red.”

“…But, they’re both red…”



“Oh, white? Why didn’t you just say so? Could’ve saved us the trouble,” Baekhyun rolls his eyes, grabs the white tee and heads off to the cashier.


Scenario 3.

Baekhyun is ridiculous, Sehun thinks as he was shoved onto a chair at a parlor—the best, Baekhyun had said. Sehun likes to think that he believes his best friend with all his heart, but when he spots a cackling male with cat-like eyes and a feral grin, snapping his scissors, he really really wants to deck Baekhyun in the face (and maybe wrench at his hair while he’s at it). 

“Make it snappy,” Baekhyun says to the crazy unique stylist. “Make it colorful, make it wow.” 

“Hun, that’s what I do.” And Sehun can only gulp when the male approaches him slowly, grin growing wider with each step.

(And Sehun also blames Baekhyun for the wonderful parrot hairdo that he’s currently sporting and the permanent scarring that will forever haunt him every time he sets foot in a salon.)

Scenario 4.

What Sehun hates the most is that Baekhyun (that shortie) had immediately abandoned him after the most frightening experience in his life. And people had been eyeing him (“People, please, I know I’m fabulous, but do you really have to stare at me?” Clearly, he had been hanging out with Baekhyun too much) and he is beginning to get uncomfortable and he swears if he hears another—

“Sehun?” Said person whips around, eyes narrowing into slits before widening in surprise when he sees the person in front of him.

“Luhan-sunbae?” Sehun blurts out. Luhan gives a cheery wave. 

“Just call me hyung,” he tells, giving him a large smile. Sehun tries not to faint. 

“Luhan-hyung,” Sehun tests, blushing madly.

“I almost didn’t recognize you,” Luhan says, giving him an appreciative glance. Sehun tries not to blush. “You look hot.”

“T-thanks,” Sehun replies, hands the hem of his shirt.

“Nice hair too,” Luhan adds. “It makes you look… colorful.”

“Thanks, I would dye my hair every possible color just to look like a freaking parrot” words are spewing out of his mouth and Sehun is horrified. Sehun is about to bow apologetically, but the burst of laughter from Luhan’s lips makes him halt.

“You’re funny,” Luhan says, hand coming up to rest on Sehun’s shoulders. Sehun stares because gfdskakjhdal HIS hand is resting on MY shoulders gusdkajhdahj.

“You want to drink bubble tea?” Luhan asks, but he’s already pulling on Sehun’s arms and tugging him into the shop. Sehun could die happy now.

(So he really needs to thank Baekhyun for ditching making him meet Luhan. But he’s still going to punch him.)

Step 2: Bake him cookies.

Sehun fidgets as he waits outside the classroom of Class 3A. Shifting his feet, he glances at the bright pink container in his hands and holds back a groan. Damn Baekhyun, he curses. How he managed to switch his normal looking container into a florescent, pink, girly one without him noticing will forever remain a mystery.

His heart beat speeds up just a little bit faster when the bell rings, and almost immediately, the door slams open and people rush out, some in groups while some trudges forlornly. He immediately spots his a tuft of blonde hair in the crowd and rushes forward.

 “Luhan-sunbae!” Sehun calls out. “Luhan-sunbae!”

Said boy turns around and a smile appears when he sees him. 

“I thought I told you to call me hyung!” Luhan scolds once he’s standing in front of him.

“I—,” Sehun blushes, “I baked these for you.” He s the box towards Luhan and bites his lip, waiting for him to take it.

“Thanks,” Luhan beams, giving him his famous eye smile. But he adopts a curious look when he notices the color. “Pink? Never knew you were the type, Sehun-ah.”

“I—I,” Sehun’s blush intensifies and Luhan laughs, prying the lid open and gingerly takes a cookie. “It’s ugly. But I swear it tastes good!”

“I’ll be the judge of that,” Luhan takes a huge bite and lets out a moan. Sehun pats his hair absentmindedly. Don’t you get excited, Oh Sehun, he tells himself. Think of Chanyeol. Baekhyun in drag—Oh wait, that’s actually kind of hot—Oh my bubble tea, eeewwww.

Luhan gives him a weird look when Sehun begins to slap himself in the face, muttering about “pansies” and “bacon”. “So…”

“Yes?” Sehun perks up.

“I think you forgot to remove the shells from the eggs when you beat them,” Luhan states. Sehun lets out an embarrassed laugh.


“Nice try, though,” Luhan gives him an eye smile and Sehun tries not to faint. “See you! I’m late for Math.”

 “W-wait!” Sehun yells desperately at Luhan’s retreating figure. “Do you want to—oh forget it,” Sehun pouts.

Step 3: Act charming.

“Smile,” Baekhyun had told him. “But not like an idiot. And giggle at his jokes. And do some skin ship, but don’t overdo it okay? You don’t want to be branded as a ert.”

And Sehun had nodded, dutifully jotting down notes as Baekhyun droned on and on about “proper conduct” whatever that means.

So, here he is, sitting across the table from Luhan in study hall. It was a free period and he had taken advantage of that fact to follow the older boy to “study.”

“So,” Sehun says with what he thinks is a seductive tone, “宝宝不哭了,你很美丽。(Baby, Don’t Cry. You’re so beautiful.)” He sits back, a full grin at his lips expecting Luhan to blush prettily with the corners of his mouth lifting into a shy smile.

He only gets a flat look in return. “I’m a guy,” is his response. “And I’m not crying.”

“It’s the thought that counts, right?”

“I don’t think that applies here.”

“Well,” Sehun pouts.

Luhan laughs and lays a hand on his arm. Sehun stares at it. “You’re so cute, Sehunnie.” He croons, eyes twinkling and hand covering his mouth as he throws his head back in laughter.

“I’m not cute, I’m handsome!” Sehun protests.

Luhan ruffles his hair. “Whatever you say, Hunnie.” And Sehun feels something fluttering in his stomach. Hunnie. He smiles shyly.

“You’re so mean, hyung.” He says and Luhan gives him a quick smile before rummaging through his backpack and tells him to close his eyes. Sehun tilts his head in confusion but does as he’s told.

A few seconds later, he feels something a bit heavy lie on the bridge of his nose and he opens his eyes to see Luhan beaming at him.

“I thought you looked a bit uncomfortable,” Luhan says, watching as Sehun touches the glasses tentatively with his fingers. “So I got you a new one. It was the closest I could find to your old ones. Besides, I always thought you were cuter with glasses.”   

And when Luhan gives him another beaming smile, eyes twinkling, Sehun thinks he’s falling in love all over again.

Step 4: Write a poem.

Screw what Baekhyun says about his poetic skills. Actually, screw what he says in general. Sehun takes it upon himself to actually study some squiggly lines (that makes absolutely no sense at all) and attempts to write a poem. And if that isn’t hard enough, he tries to write it in Chinese. Yeah, Sehun isn’t exactly the brightest out of the bunch (no matter what his hair color says). 

So, Sehun (being the diligent, smart, *insert other adjectives* student) immediately goes to the library (“…where’s the library again?”) and sets off to start on the poem. And unlike other writers, his pen continuously scribbles on the paper, words forming phrases, slowly knitting into a poem.

“There,” Sehun says in satisfaction. Except, he starts to frown. “Damn. Chinese.” He grumbles a bit and bangs his head on the wooden table.

He grabs a dictionary and slams it onto the table. The librarian glares at him and he mouths an apology to her, grabs the dictionary again, and gently slams it onto the table.

It takes him a couple of hours, maybe 3, to finish translating the poem and he nearly yells out in relief but the glare boring at his back thinks otherwise.

你的皮肤好像雪花那么白似的 (Your skin is as white as a snowflake)

好像天使 (Like an angel)

你比每人更漂亮 (You are more dazzling than anyone)

很美丽 (So beautiful)

你不是一个人 (You are not just a person)

但是你是我的整个世界 (But you are my whole world)

不论你做什么事 (No matter what you do)

我都会永远在你身边 (I will always be by your side)

因为我爱你 (Because I love you)

永远不变 (And that will never change)

He’s about to pack up his things when a shadow looms at him from behind and small hands cover his eyes. He yelps, hands immediately flying up to clasp the arms of the person.

“Guess who?” Someone murmurs in his ear. Sehun’s grip tightens, an automatic smile pulling on his lips.

“Luhan hyung?” Sehun guesses.

“The one and only,” Luhan beams, peering around Sehun’s shoulder. “What’s that?”

“Nothing,” Sehun’s pitch goes up a notch as he his hands scramble to cover the paper. “Nothing.”

“That doesn’t seem like nothing,” Luhan says suspiciously. “Hey, what’s that?”

“What?” Sehun’s head snaps around to where Luhan points and—okay, yeah. He really isn’t the smartest around. Realizing too late, Sehun lets out a curse and covers his rapidly reddening face when he sees the paper in Luhan’s hands.

“Sehun-ah…” Luhan says, voice oddly quiet. “What’s this?”

“A paper.” Really, no situation is dire enough not to use sarcasm.

Luhan rolls his eyes. “I know that. Who’s it for?”

“I,” Sehun takes a deep breath. “You know.”

“Oh,” Luhan says. “Well.”

Sehun waits with bated breath. This was the moment he had been waiting for. For Luhan to say yes or no. Or throw his arms around Sehun and do –ahem- other things, but let’s leave that for another day, shall we? But Sehun did not expect Luhan to run away, hands still clutching the paper.

Sehun stares. And stares. And stares. And continues banging his head on the table. “He hates me,” He moans pitifully.

“THAT’S IT!” The librarian slams her hands on the desk and points to the library doors. “GET OUT!”

Step 4.5: Whine to your best friend (or if yours is an , talk to a toaster.)

“I don’t get it,” Sehun whimpers. “He likes someone else. HE DOESN’T LIKE ME AND I’M GOING TO GROW UP AS AN OLD CAT MAN AND DIE COLD AND ALONE AND—“

“Oh, don’t be so dramatic,” Baekhyun says, fingers tapping rapidly on his phone. “You don’t even have cats. Plus, it must’ve been your poem. You wouldn’t listen.”

“But,” Sehun continues to whine.

“Shh,” Baekhyun whispers, patting his head. “Shut up and let me text.”

Sehun glares at him. And that is how he ends up talking to a toaster.

“I mean,” he says to the inanimate object. “He could’ve said that the first time instead of leading me on. I have feelings too, right? You get me don’t you? People think you’re just a scrappy piece of metal, but you’re more than that, aren’t you?”

Sehun nods, as if the toaster had magically replied to him. “Yeah, I get you.”

Baekhyun stares at him. “You’re crazy.”

“No, I’m not,” Sehun argues. He turns to his new best friend. “Isn’t that right, toastie?”

The toaster dings.


Sehun feels like crying. After the incident in the library, the blonde had been running away from him left and right. Every time Luhan would see even a glimpse of his face, he’d freeze then bolt in the opposite direction, leaving Sehun to frown bitterly at him. And frankly, he is tired of it.

So, he enlists the help of Luhan’s friends, a blank-faced male and a y-looking one.

“Here’s the plan,” he informs them, looking around wildly as if there is someone else besides them in the empty room. “You stake out here, while I drug him and when he goes unconscious, I’ll—,”

“How about,” Kris interrupts. “You don’t drug our friend, and we’ll just lock him in a room with you.”

“Oh,” he says, giving him a surprised look. “That could work.”

“And they say I’m the stupid one,” Yixing scoffs.

Sehun ignores him.


It’s 15:00 when they manage to lock Luhan in a supply closet. 15:02 when they realize that they were missing one person. 1 minute later, Sehun gets knocked out (courtesy of a massive textbook) and locked in with the blonde male.

“They didn’t have to knock me out,” Sehun grumbles, rubbing the back of his head to ease the pain when he comes to.

“And you didn’t have to tell them to lock me in with you,” Luhan says behind him.

Sehun sighs, sitting up. “How can’t I when you’ve been avoiding me all week?”

“It wasn’t my fault,” Luhan mumbles so softly that Sehun has to strain his ears to hear.

“What do you mean it’s not your fault?” Sehun says in disbelief. “So your legs decided they want to run away when you see me?”

Luhan ducks his head, the tips of his ears growing pink. “I’m sorry,” he says softly.

Sehun sighs again. “Don’t bother.”

Luhan looks at him with huge doe eyes, practically radiating innocence and Sehun has to stifle a groan at how adorable he looks because he’s supposed to be indignant, not smitten (which he totally is.)

“I’m sorry,” he repeats. “I just…”

“Just what?”

Luhan grabs his backpack, rummaging a bit before bringing out a crumpled piece of paper. He smoothens out the wrinkles a bit before giving it to Sehun. The latter makes a surprised sound.

“It’s nice,” Luhan says. “The poem.”

“Thanks,” Sehun replies awkwardly. Awkwardness had never been an issue for them, but now the atmosphere was oozing of it.

“Baekhyun will like it,” Luhan continues. “Sorry for… taking it.”

Sehun freezes. “Baekhyun?”

“Yeah,” The smaller looks at him confusedly. “Isn’t this for him?”

Sehun lets out a guffaw, startling Luhan. “Y-you thought it was Bae-Baekhyun.”

Luhan smacks him in the arm. “Of course, who else will it be?” Sehun tilts his head and gives him a soft smile.

“天使,” he says. “是你。”

“What?” Luhan’s eyes widen, but before he could realize what’s going on, Sehun leans in and softly presses his lips against his own.

Not expecting the kiss, Luhan just stands there with wide eyes and a stupefied look on his face. But eventually, one of his arms wraps itself around Sehun’s neck, the other tugging on his shirt, pulling him closer. Sehun places his hands on his hips and pulls him closer, deepening the kiss.

Eventually, Sehun pulls away and leans their foreheads together, smiling at him gently. “我爱你.”

Luhan blushes and returns the smile. “我也爱你.”

Step 5: Say I love you ♥.


Please excuse my mediocre mandarin because apparently, being chinese doesn't mean being fluent in your mother language -,-

SO YAY ITS FINISHED :D How'd you like it, you? Please comment (or I’ll send Tao after you with his wushu stick)! :D 



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k_sefanja #1
Chapter 2: The cutest and adorable fanfic that I've ever read *^* ♥
Chapter 2: Omg it's so cute! I usually don't comment but this was so fricken adorable! Waaaahhhhhhh please don't send Tao after me! Actually I take that back while you're sending him you might as well send the rest of EXO too right >.<
Chapter 2: the chinese words are just too much cheese for me.. omg.. like telling someone " that angel is you" OMG! SO MUCH FLUFF I AM CHOKING!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..... but then they are sweet... and BAEKHYUN IS SCARY BUT I LOVE HIS ATTITUDE~~ kkkkkk~~ HUNHAN FTW!
PrincessCeres #4
Chapter 2: Aww. So cute! I love it! ^.^ One of my favorites! Thanks for sharing author-nim!
Lambie_cute #5
Chapter 2: Aww this is so cute! I love the fluff :D
tinker13 #6
Chapter 2: Its soo cute .. XD
Like it!
92fameerae #7
Chapter 2: so cute :3
I love it XD
Chapter 2: I Like it so so so much :)))
Chapter 2: Awww it was really sweet ♡
But ...what was sehun said in mandarin? I cant understand ;;;