Part 1

Do you like me? (I know I do)


A/N: LOL OKAY. I know I said it was going to be a oneshot, but happened and it's a twoshot now :D yayyy~ So, I hope you enjoy it! ^^


Sehun thinks back to Luhan’s gorgeous smile, bangs flopping out of his eyes that twinkles when he lets out an angelic laughter. It was possibly the most beautiful sight Sehun has ever seen in his 16 years of life. Possibly even for the rest of his pathetic life.

“You’re drooling again,” Baekhyun, his only other friend aside from the Math club, says.

Sehun wipes his lips and throws his best friend a glare when he finds it dry. Baekhyun smirks. “You’re so obsessed it’s not even funny.”

“I am not obsessed! I,” Sehun pauses dramatically, “admire him, that’s all.”

“Yes, yes,” Baekhyun says. “No wonder I see you stalking—oops—I mean, admiring him from afar. With a camera to boot.”

“I’m planning to be an aspiring photographer, okay?!”

“Or a cameraman for ography,” Baekhyun cheerily says.

“Ugh, I don’t even know why I bother with you,” Sehun stands up, grabbing his tray and pushing his big framed glasses up his nose. He’s halfway through the cafeteria when a person bumps into him, making him sprawl gracelessly onto the floor with spaghetti and coke dripping from his hair. He grunts, picking himself up when a foot kicks him harshly sending him back onto the floor, making him cry out in pain.

“Look, it’s the little nerd,” a voice jeers and Sehun looks back to see Jinho with an arrogant smirk on his face. Sehun wants to tell him that he has at least 5 inches on him, but he doesn’t want to risk it and wisely keeps his mouth shut.

“What? Cat got your tongue?” He taunts and his band of goons laughs along with him. Sehun rolls his eyes. Where is Baekhyun when you need him?!

“Stop it,” a soft melodic voice says behind him and Sehun has to tilt his head to see but Jinho sneers at him and forces him back down.

“But Lu,” he coos, making Sehun’s eyes widen. Luhan? “He bumped into me and made me spill my food.”

Luhan ignores him, pushing Jinho none too gently and extends a hand towards Sehun. “You okay?” He asks, big doe eyes gazing at him. Sehun swallows.

“Uh,” Sehun says.

The blonde giggles a bit, smile stretching to a full grin. He grabs Sehun’s hands and lifts him up with a surprising amount of strength for a such feminine build, and looks at him. “Are you okay?” He repeats with the dazzling smile still firmly placed on his face. Sehun wants to tell him to stop smiling, or else he'd wind up blind (but even he knows it's too cheesy to say aloud).

“Uh,” Sehun says again. “Tesh.” ! Of all the times, you (lisps) choose to appear now?!

Luhan gives him another blinding smile and Sehun swoons inwardly. The former then turns to Jinho and gives him a piercing glare. (‘Ooh, y.’)

“You shouldn’t do that,” Luhan chastises. “It’s not nice.”

Well. Wasn’t that intimidating. But Sehun gives him points for just standing there and looking good.

“But,” Jinho tries. “It wasn’t my fault.”

All he gets is a disbelieving look from the boy before he turns away from him. “I think you should get cleaned up,” he tells Sehun. “I don’t have an extra uniform, but I have this,” he brings out a towel from his back pocket and brandishes it in front of Sehun’s face.

“T-thanks,” Sehun says, blushing as his hands practically trembles as he reaches for the cloth.

But Jinho snatches the towel first and shoots Sehun a viscious grin before turning to Luhan with what he thinks is a charming smile. “Thanks, Lulu,” he coos condemningly. “I’ll be sure to use it.” He turns to walk away, but Luhan grips his wrist tightly.

“That’s for Sehun,” Luhan says, lips thinning.

Jinho snorts. “He’s a nerd, Lu. Doesn’t deserve anyt---,” he gets cut off abruptly as Luhan flips him on his back and suddenly, he’s on his back on the ground, groaning in pain.

“Don’t you dare insult him,” Luhan snarls, aware of multiple eyes gazing at them. Then, turning to Sehun, he smiles, doing a 180 and dropping his towel on his open hand. “Here.”

“T-thanks,” Sehun mumbles, always one with many words. He takes a fleeting look at Luhan’s beaming face, stares, then hightails out of the cafeteria leaving a confused boy and an amused crowd in his wake.

In the corner, a boy with eyeliner falls off his chair laughing.


Sehun rushes to the bathroom, cheeks aflame as he tries to splash his face with cold water. “Oh my god,” he mutters to himself. “Luhan noticed me. Luhan noticed me. Luhan noticed me!”

 He practically squeals to the heavens (but he wouldn’t admit that because he’s manly for bubble tea’s sake) and he looks at himself in the mirror and frowns. “I look like a nerd.”

“That’s because you are,” a voice says behind him and Sehun whips his head (bangs falling over his eyes making him look stupid) and clutches his heart.

“Baekhyun!” Sehun hisses. “What—What the hell is wrong with you?!”

“Well, I think I’m too fabulous to exist but everyone agrees with that so it’s not really a problem.”

Sehun glares at him. “I need your help.” God, that was difficult to say.

Baekhyun snorts. “Of course you do. I’m guessing it goes with the line of, ‘Baekhyun-sunbae, I need help because I’m obsessed with this deer and I want to eat him but I can’t because I’m too much of a !’” He cries out with a false falsetto.

“I do not talk like that!” Sehun screeches.

Baekhyun raises an eyebrow at him and clucks his tongue disapprovingly. “You do not go against Byun Baekhyun, Sehun. My fabulous words are equally fabulous law.”


“Well, duh. Everything about me needs to be fabulous.”

Sehun rolls his eyes.


Sehun knows this is a cliché move and even more cheesy and predictable. But what’s a good courting without a love song, right?

“I—I love you like a love song, baby~,” Sehun sings as he strums some random strings on a random guitar. No, he does not own a guitar. No, he did not steal or rob it. He borrowed it without asking thank you very much.

“You sound like your cat just died,” Baekhyun says. “And is that Luna?”

“I don’t even have a cat,” Sehun groans. “And who the is Luna?!”

Baekhyun points a perfectly manicured finger to the guitar. “That’s Luna.”

“You named your guitar Luna?!”

“That isn’t mine . That’s Chanyeol’s.”

“The giant named his guitar Luna?!”

“Yes,” Baekhyun rolls his eyes. “I think it’s endearing.”

“Please. You think everything about Chanyeol is endearing.”

“That’s because it’s true.”

“Him picking his nose is not adorable, hyung—hey, I thought you were going to help me with Luhan hyung!” Sehun yelps.

Baekhyun shrugs and looks at him with a critical eye. Sehun shivers. Eventually, Baekhyun resumes inspecting his nails as if Sehun was just a tiny little bug. “Looking like that, you need all the help you can get.”

Sehun frowns. Okay. He might not dress like those Kpop idols with his baggy camoflauge shorts and his equally baggy shirt that says, “I’m 2 Kool 4 Skul.” And he might not look like those anorexic models on the cover page of magazines, but at least his huge, geeky glasses and parted hair gives him a cute look, right? Right?

Sehun shoots Baekhyun a pleading look and the boy sighs. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thanks, hyung.”

“But you owe me.”

“Thanks, hyung,” Sehun repeats exasperatedly albeit desperately.

A lot.”


Ways to Woo Luhan

1.     Serenade him with a love song.


“No,” Baekhyun interrupts. “Cross that out.”

“What? Why?” Sehun whines. “What good is wooing him when I’m not going to serenade him?”

“First,” his best friend raises a finger, “You at singing. And guitar.” Two. “You will scar him instead of attracting him.” Three. “Because I don’t like it.”

“That’s not a real reason!” Sehun protests, but dutifully crosses it out. “Now what am I going to do?”


Ways to Woo Luhan

1.     Serenade him with a love song.

1.     Write him a love poem.


“No,” Baekhyun says again.

Sehun whines and flops bonelessly on his bed. “Hyuuuung.”

Baekhyun smirks at him. The next thing that comes out of his mouth has Sehun sitting up from his bed, jaws dropped in shock. “Milk from school, top grade milk,” Sehun takes a pillow, “When you drink the milk it has a rich taste,” and swings it, “In the winter, milk is aromatic—hey!” and it slams down on Baekhyun’s head. Baekhyun glares at him, feathers sticking out of his usually perfect hair. Sehun bursts out laughing.

“Hyung, what ruffled your feathers?” Sehun says through his giggles. When he receives a dirty look, he says: “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it,” with the most innocent look he could muster.

Baekhyun releases a war cry as he flings himself at Sehun. Sehun gives a shocked cry as he tries to scramble out of the way, but Baekhyun’s already squishing him, pining him on top of the bed.

“My. HAIR.”

Sehun giggles louder. “That’s a good look for you, hyung. Chanyeol likes chicken, right?”

Baekhyun growls, placing a hand on Sehun’s head and pushes it onto the covers.

“Hyung!” Sehun’s voice is muffled. “I kent breefh.”

“Good,” Baekhyun snarls but sits back and removes his hand from Sehun’s head. “That’s what you get for ruining my hair.”

Sehun pouts. Baekhyun continues. “And if there’s one thing you should never ever do, it’s: Do not mess up my hair. Ever.”

Sehun ignores his words, waving his hand in his face. “Yeah, yeah,” he says, biting the cap of the pen as he squints his eyes at the offending piece of paper. “Don’t do that, okay.”

Baekhyun rolls his eyes and grabs the pen, ignoring Sehun’s indignant shout. He scribbles something on the paper and slaps it onto his face. “Here.”

“3. Use glitter. Lots and lots of glitter. And fireworks. That sparkle,” Sehun reads aloud, brows furrowing with each word. “Hyung. No one in their right mind would do this.”

The older scowls. “Then they’re idiots. Bigger means better. And in this case, Flashy equals fabulous.”

“But,” Sehun says.

“Who are you going to listen to, me or the idiots?” Baekhyun crosses his arms.

“Are you seriously making me answer that?”  Sehun deadpans.

Baekhyun’s eye twitches. “Se. Hun.”

“Fine,” Sehun pauses. “If I say yes, would you help me? I need a change.”

Baekhyun throws his hands up. “GOD YES. FINALLY. I've always wanted to do this.” He grabs Sehun’s horrendous geeky glasses and breaks it in half.


"Whoops," Baekhyun shrugs as he throws it over his shoulder carelessly. Suddenly, an evil little smile creeps up his face as he wriggles his hands like a madman. Sehun suddenly feels scared. "Now, we can start."




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k_sefanja #1
Chapter 2: The cutest and adorable fanfic that I've ever read *^* ♥
Chapter 2: Omg it's so cute! I usually don't comment but this was so fricken adorable! Waaaahhhhhhh please don't send Tao after me! Actually I take that back while you're sending him you might as well send the rest of EXO too right >.<
Chapter 2: the chinese words are just too much cheese for me.. omg.. like telling someone " that angel is you" OMG! SO MUCH FLUFF I AM CHOKING!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..... but then they are sweet... and BAEKHYUN IS SCARY BUT I LOVE HIS ATTITUDE~~ kkkkkk~~ HUNHAN FTW!
PrincessCeres #4
Chapter 2: Aww. So cute! I love it! ^.^ One of my favorites! Thanks for sharing author-nim!
Lambie_cute #5
Chapter 2: Aww this is so cute! I love the fluff :D
tinker13 #6
Chapter 2: Its soo cute .. XD
Like it!
92fameerae #7
Chapter 2: so cute :3
I love it XD
Chapter 2: I Like it so so so much :)))
Chapter 2: Awww it was really sweet ♡
But ...what was sehun said in mandarin? I cant understand ;;;