Forever and Ever



Hello dear readers!!! Here is the sequel of this story. First of all I’d like to say sorry in advance if this sequel makes you disappointed. But I’m really trying my best with this one. It was really hard since I only spent very short times to write it. And what does it come out? Well it depends on you guys thinking. Finally sorry again if there will be many many mistakes in this chapter. Anyway please enjoy it now. Thank so much for reading :D



It has been 2 months now after Minho had realized his mistake and came back to us. I confessed that I really despised my husband so much back then, he almost chose that woman who he just met over our relationship for 10 years. That time I felt really hurt, only painfulness was squeezed my heart, I even hated myself, I thought I was not that good to him compared to that woman. That was why he wanted to leave me. Every day there was only crying that I could do to release my pain away but I was wrong, even if how much that I cried or endured it, that pain still didn’t go away, it hurt like hell for me to accept it, so I many times ended up trying to commit the suicide. But eventually I couldn’t do it when I knew that I still have my son beside me, he needs me. He’s still so young to accept all that cruel things. I really thank my son so much; if it wasn’t him maybe I and his dad might be not end up in our happiness right now.

I admitted that even if how much I hate Minho but it’s not as much as I love him. He is still the one and only one lover that exists in my entire life forever, I love him so much. When he confessed to me that night, those feeling! I really couldn’t describe it how much I was so happy and so heavenly, I swear I’ll never ever forget that day forever, not the painful memory but the happiness that I received from him to know that after he was once gone away from us but in the end he came back to this family again, we’re still the one for him, I’m still the woman whom he loves for the rest of his life, to know that my heart is really full of contentment.



“Appa can you not go to work for today?” Yoogeun was shaking his head and said in pouty toward Minho in the dining table. We were eating our breakfast together. I smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

“Yoogeun!! Appa go to work in order to feed these foods to you and Umma. And if Appa don’t go to work how can he buy you lots of yummy foods?” I said to him but he still pouted his lips not convinced by my words.

“I know. But not even in the weekend.” He dropped his spoon on his plate and crossed his little arms on his tiny chest. “I need Appa in the weekend!”

“Yoogeun! Stop, okay? If you don't! Umma will wean your weekend Ice-cream ration today.” I said but Minho just taped on my hand in assurance and smiled to me. He then turned to talk with his sullen son.

“Son! You want Appa to stay with you today?” He asked and quickly grabbed his son attention, Yoogeun nodded his head abruptly. I smiled at their conversation. “Emm! So Ottoke?” Yoogeun then turned his body away from Minho and sulked again. “Yesterday uncle Kibum told me that he just bought his son a latest video game, and I thought it’d be great if my son get one too.” I quickly widened my eyes as Yoogeun grinned widely to his dad.

“Oppa!!” I hit his hand lightly. “You’re now are spoiling him again, you know?” But he just mumbled a ‘don’t worry’ word to me, I quickly rolled my eyes.

“So it means that, you are going to buy that for me, Appa?”

I sometimes wonder does he loves the game more or his parent more, looked how he grinned happily when asking that.

“Of course I will when I finish my duties at work. But how can I buy it if today since I’ll spend my time at home with you?”

“Ani Appa!!!” He quickly exclaimed while waving his hand in the air. “You can go to work but don’t forget to buy the video game for me, okay?” He said in smiling to Minho. Anyway I just sighed at their conversation; I really couldn’t control Yoogeun aside from his dad.

“Okay! I will. But now just finished your breakfast first, Arasso?”

“NAE!” Gosh! Is he happy that much, said in loud tone. “Umma!” He then suddenly approached me. “Aren’t you going to forbid me from eating my ice-cream anymore, right?” I smiled at him and he smiled sweetly to me back.

“Ani Boy! No ice cream for this weekend.” I said, then he quickly pouted to me and put a puppy eyes. “No no no Baby, it’s not effect me, you know that.” I said as I pinched his cheek lightly. Minho just smiled at us but then he also reached his hand to pinch my cheek also.

Breakfast always came out with this joyful laughter. I felt so much happy to see my family, finally came back to the old time that we used to have. But I should say now we experienced much more happiness that we had in the past. My husband is so good to me, even every little thing he promised that he always help me to do that together. He said that after the big mistake that he made, he just realized it that intimacy is the most important thing in our life that we must not to pass beyond, he’d love to help me and stay beside me forever and ever even if I don’t need him though and push him away.

I felt so touch when he promised me with that sweet word, that’s why I said that only this man that I love so much with all of my life.



“Why did you promise him that?” I asked as I made my way behind Minho toward our room. He was going to change and go to work.

“Promised what?” There was again he pretended to be oblivious with my question.

“Oppa!!!” I whined.

“Okay Okay!” He said while grabbed me closer to him and wrapped his naughty hand around my waist. “It’s okay babe. He is our son after all, right?”

“But what we need to do is not spoiling him but discipline him, you know?”

“I know but he’s stills a kid and we can do that little by little no need to force.” I still didn't convince his sweet talk, he seemed aware my sullen face so he continued. “Don’t worry my love, I promised this is the last time, okay? So stop sulking now.” He pouted to me, I admitted those lips were so attractive and appealing to me but I quickly control myself and looked away from them. Actually I was no longer angry at him but because I tried to distract myself from those kissable lips. “Come on…..Hmm….hmm” He shook my body and pleading me.

“But you promised this is really the last time, okay?” I said then he nodded his head while flashing a satisfied smile to me, I couldn’t help but melted with those killing eyes smile. I then released his hand from my waist in order to pick up his clothes for work, but suddenly he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into his embrace. I was startled a bit.

“Oppa?!” I said almost whispered.

“I love you so much Sulli. There's only you in my heart. No one else but only you forever. You know that, right?” He said.

Countless times that he said them to me and it still made me stretched my lips to smile in contentment as always. But this time, didn’t know why but I felt so strange when he said it to me. I pulled away from the hug and looked at him.

“What’s wrong, Oppa?” I asked him but he just shook his head. I really wish that I couldn’t notice it but I was wrong I saw there was a trace on his face showing obviously that he wasn’t okay at all. He smiled at me but I forced to give the same expression to him. I chose not to ask him about it since he didn’t want me to know. However I dearly trust my husband, I believe him no matter what.


I and Yoogeun walked with him toward the door. Before he got out, he quickly turned around and looked directly into my eyes along with his mischievously grin.

“Wait…..I forgot something.” He said to me before took his eyes to Yoogeun. I furrowed my brows. “Son! Can you look at over there for a second?” He said as he turned Yoogeun's body around to face the kitchen. And the son just followed his dad instruction.

“Oppa! What are y-” I couldn’t have a chance to finish my question suddenly his hand reached my nape and kiss me on the lips. I thought it was just a peck at first, so I gave in but it turned out over many seconds, he didn’t pull away from the kiss at all. I placed my hand over his chest about to end the kiss but failed. I found my own hand instead of pushing him away but it came out to wrap around his nape. I felt he smiled between our kiss as at the same time I also smiled back to him.

Out of nowhere I heard a sound of giggling, I quickly realized that Yoogeun was beside us, I then quickly wanted to pull apart but Minho was not that easy, he deepened the kiss for many seconds more before he finally ended it. We both quickly looked down to our son who was still giggling beside us. I immediately faced palm, so embarrassed even it was in front our son.

“Umma and Appa, you two just………” He didn’t finish his word on purpose and continued giggling.

“Yoogeun! What’re you naughty boy doing huh? I said you should look at over there.” Oppa bent his knees while talking with him. I naturally hit his arm lightly.

“It’s all because of you, Oppa.” I said as then he looked up back at me and chuckled.

“Yoogeun! You see? Your Umma is so shy now. So if you’re witness with something like that again, just pretends that you don’t see anything, okay?” I widened my eyes with Oppa’s word.

“YAH!!” I shouted at him but only earned a loud laughter from them both, father and son. “Stop it okay? Oppa, you’re on time already. Just go, or else you’ll late for sure.” I said annoyingly to him. Then he straightened his back and stop laughing but his sweet smile was still there placed all around the corner of his face.

“Yes Babe! I stop it now.” He said to me. But when he was about to walk on, Yoogeun suddenly stopped him.

“Appa! You forgot something.” He said, Oppa and I looked at each other, totally no clue of what he meant. “I want that too.” He innocently asked which made me and his dad laughed to each other.

“Okay….” Oppa said as he bent down and picked Yoogeun up. “So where do you want?”

“Here!! I want where you just gave Umma.” He said while pointing his cute small pinky lips and then he smiled.

“Okay! What my baby boy wish is my command.” Finished that Oppa quickly captured his tiny lips.

Many seconds passed they still weren't apart; I smiled at them in satisfaction. But at the same time my strange feeling suddenly was appeared, I didn’t know what it is but it made me felt so afraid. Oh GOD please make this happiness can be last long forever.

The two grabbed me back from wild imagination. As I then burst out my laughter because I saw my son expression now, he tried to catch his breath after the sweet moment between him and Minho.

“A-Appa!!! I-I d-don’t wa-want it a-anymore?” Even after many seconds were passed he still lacked of Oxygen and difficult to talk.

“Isn’t that what you want from me earlier, naughty son?” Oppa said and he also caught his breath but he seemed okay than Yoogeun.

“Umma! You should stop doing that with Appa, he will make you faint. OMG! I was almost out of my breath.” Again Minho and I laughed with his cute remark. Oppa then trailed lot of kisses all over his face which now made him was giggling out loud.




Many more days had passed, I didn’t know why but is it was because of my overthinking or it was my husband really acting so strange lately? It wasn’t only him but also me, myself. Sometimes I kind of had presaged, it kept bothering me nonstop inside my mind. I’m really afraid now, afraid that maybe something will intrude into my family again. No whatever it is I can’t let that happened no matter what, I have no more strength to involve another suffering anymore.


Tonight I was still in my husband embrace; he hugged me so tight as usual.

“Oppa!” I knew he still not asleep yet so I called him.

“Hmm.” He answered me while caressing my back lightly. “Are you still awake?”

“Oppa! If there’s something is bothering you, just let me know, Arasso? Please don’t keep it in yourself.” I said as I felt his hand stopped moving on my back. “You know what, while the two persons are sharing a joy, it’ll become double joys. But if they’re sharing a sorrow that it will remain only a half of a sorrow.” I halted a bit. “We are a life partner Oppa, so your problem is also my worry. Just tell me Oppa, is there something are bothering you recently? We will fact it, we will solve it together.” This time I looked at him to find his answer from his eyes, but like I predicted it, he just smile sweetly to me and shook his head.

“Pabo!! Isn’t that so obvious that now I’m really happy to be with you, beside me and inside my embrace like this?” Even if he smiled to me but I could see through his eyes, the sadness was enveloping them. I quickly hided my face into his chest and tightened my hug around him. “Nothing Babe. Stop thinking too much and please don’t worry, hmm.” His voice full of misery but I still felt so touch with his words.

But even though those bother feeling were still there as at the same time I didn’t realize that my tears slowly freed from my eyes already. Is my husband now facing the problem and as his wife I couldn’t help to go through that with him? The crappy feeling also turned back in my mind even if how much I tried to wipe it away.

I felt Oppa pulled me away from him, I knew he must be aware that now I was crying. He used his hand about to lift my face up in order to look at him but I quickly gripped his hand tightly, I didn’t want him to see me in this state, not at all.

“Ssul! Are you crying?” He asked almost like whispering but I shook my head and shoved my face back into his chest.

“Just promise me one thing, Oppa. Whatever possibly happen in the future in our life, please never ever leave me and Yoogeun alone.” As I finished my word I felt Oppa hugged me back with his gentle touch.

“Absolutely won’t, I promise you even in a million years, I’ll still choose to stay beside you and our kid forever. Remember my words, Ssul. Nothing can change that my heart is belong to you, only you. I love you Jinri. I love you. Even if how many times that I say those words to you but I swear I’ll never get tired to do so, so please don’t ever get tired to listen, okay?” He said and I quickly nodded my head as the same time I felt he smiled and continued tightening my body against him.

God! How could I get tired with these so sweet words from him? I’d also agree if I need to sacrifice my ages in order to receive those beautiful words from him, I still would love to do it. Even if now my tension was still full inside my chest but at least it little by little faded away, I felt so secure with Minho embracing me, it was like he shoved all of those ill feeling away from my heart.

From now on I promise myself stop caring about everything which bothering me anymore as long as I have my husband, I have him accompany me to continue this path together toward our future life direction, I guess that it’s more than enough for me now.

“I love you too Oppa, my dearly loved husband.”




Today Minho needed to fly to Jeju for 2 days and one night due to his work. I felt so lonely since the morning and it was just only many hours had passed but I already missed him already. God! How will I survive from tonight which knowing that I can’t have my husband beside me. Even Yoogeun also didn’t want his dad apart from him, with this son I really had a hard time to persuade him for letting Minho to go even it despite from my will that I’m going to miss him also but what can I do, it’s his job anyway.


I walked with Yoogeun outside and waiting for the school bus to fetch him in front our house.

“Don’t be obstreperous at school, okay?” I said to him as I was fixing his backpack.

“Arasso Umma! Why you like to say that annoying word to me? I countless times hear it from you.” He pouted and looked up at me. “Aren’t you get tired, Umma?” He shook his head while asking me. I pinched his cheeks and smiled.

“No! Not at all when it come to my son.” I said and then laughed when I saw my adorable son, slumped down his small shoulder.


After I assisted Yoogeun on the school bus and gone to school already. I quickly swayed my body about to go inside the house, but then an unfamiliar voice was calling me.

“Mrs. Choi!” I turned around and saw a woman was standing in front of me. She’s beautiful but her face was so pale, anyway that’s not denied that she’s still beautiful. I smiled to her uncertainly.

“Excuse me, Miss. Do I know you?” My eyes brows met, but out of nowhere my heart suddenly was beating so fast. A fear secretly sneaked into my chest, fulfilling with the unpleasant feeling.

“You may not know me, but I know you and very well Mrs. Choi Sulli.” My smile now was faded away without I myself realize it. Even if I’ve never met her before but somewhere inside me, kind of realizing that, who she is now. I stepped backward before I spoke.

“Don’t tell me you’re........” I halted my word as I already knew who she is.

“You got it right, Mrs.Choi. Wow you’re so sharp. So I no need to introduce myself to you formally anymore.” She halted and then laughed sneeringly. “That’s why Minho suddenly went back to you and left me behind. His wife is not just only beautiful but also intelligent.”

“What do you want?” My voice was so quivering, as I made a fist on my hand tried to stop it from trembling and I hided it behind my back. I didn’t know why the fear that I often felt and appeared out of nowhere finally came.

“Can we talk?”


We are now entered a Café which is located a few blocks from my house. I chose to talk with her there because I didn’t want her to come in my house as I didn’t feel any secure when with her around.

“So what do you want to talk about?” I asked and staring to her intently. She didn’t say anything but she grabbed her bag and pulled out a white envelope from it. She placed it in front of me. My eyes looked at the envelope and then at her. Suddenly my unpleasant emotion now appeared again. “W-What is this?”

“Just open it!” She said and looked at me. I halted my breath before my trembly hand reached that envelop and touched it.

“Just calm down, Mrs. Choi.” She said while smirking at me but to me shock she suddenly snatched it from me and opened it, she took out a white paper. She then showed me that paper, my eyes widened as my tears threatened to come out anytime soon.

“W-What i-is that?”

“What else? It’s my pregnancy paper.”

“And why you show it to me? I have nothing to do with it anyway. So stop coming to our house anymore.” I said and was about to get up and walked away, I wanted to escape from her as soon as possible but then she talked again.

“Well it’s true that it has nothing to do with you. But of course Minho, there’s something that he need to responsible.” My anger suddenly boiled.

“Minho and you were ended already. And about that thing, everyone can fake it. I know you tried to make it looks genuine, in order to deceive people. Didn’t you also use that kind of trick before when you tried to seduce my husband? But don’t ever used it again Yuri, I’m not that naïve to believe you easily. I almost lost my husband once already but thanks to you either because of that I become stronger. So you should stop your acting now. Minho will never go back to you even if you try to separate our family. It will never.” When I finished it I quickly walked out from the Café holding my pounding heart.

Who said that I was that brave like just now? I didn’t know it but at that time I was so angry, really angry. The painful wound deep inside my heart that I thought it was already healed but she just made it reappear again. My tears again flowing from my eyes, even if I tried to stop it but it seemed never dry.

'What if it wasn’t a lie, what if she really pregnant? How about Minho and I, what will we end up? How about Yoogeun? I was really afraid that bitterness memory comes back again, what should I do?'

I stopped walking and clenched my fists in anger. Suddenly I felt a firm hold was on my wrist, that hand grip made me to turn around and I knew that it was none other than Yuri again.

“Sulli! I’m sorry, really sorry but please give him back to me. I can’t, I really can’t live without him.” She also cried and pleaded me, I tried to pursed my lips from trembling in order to control my tears. “These two months without him was so cruel to me, please Sulli.” I shut my eyes for a second and then I quickly released her grip and walked away from her.

Did she only think about herself and what about me? He is my husband and only a man that I love so much for these 10 years, how could she was that selfish and want me to act like nothing happen and let Minho go to her. I laughed in sarcasm inside my heart, absurdity.

When I almost reach my house, there again she still came after me. Shock!! She suddenly knelt down in front of me.

“What are you doing?”

“Sulli! I know you despise me but just think about his blood. This baby needs a dad, please Sulli. I'm begging you.” My glassy eyes looked at her.

“Think about what?” I laughed, mixed up with my bitter tears, I wiped it away and talked. “So have you ever thought about how my son ended up when you and Minho were cheating on me back then?” I shook my head. “It’s no use Yuri. I’ll never let my husband go to you for the second time, absolutely not.” I said and walked pass her so fast. But when I was about to turn the door knob she suddenly said again.

“What if I say that I only have 1 year left?” I clenched on the door knob. What did she mean by that? “I have a brain cancer Sulli, my times is not left much. So……so can you please fulfill my last wish before I gone?”




I sat down on the couch while hugging my legs, it already became my usual habit to do that since last 6 months, let’s say since I was aware that Minho cheated on me back then. And this time it made me did it again, my heart was so hurt it was like a sharp knife stabbed at it again and over again, the words Yuri said keep echoed in my ears nonstop. I didn’t know what to believe or not believe anymore. But…….but am I okay and ready to let Minho go agian this time?

I held my mouth with my both palms tried to keep my voice down from crying because Yoogeun already sleeping inside his room. But suddenly I felt a warm hand was wrapping me from behind. I opened my eyes in shock, that manly scent I knew that very well and it was none other than Minho, my husband. I immediately turned my head around, like I knew he was here, he was really here behind me with the sweet smile on his face. I quickly turned my body to him and pulled him in a tightest hugging.

“Hey! Babe, are you okay? Why are you crying?”

“I miss you, Oppa. I really miss you.” I said as my tears still silently slide down to my cheeks.

“I know, I know. I also really can’t wait for tomorrow to see you, I really miss you, Ssul. That’s why I took an early flight and came back home tonight.” He patted my back lightly and so gentle. At that moment I really couldn’t find any urge to stop my tears from flowing at all. It became more and worst when I tried to stop it. Oppa then aware my hard crying, he quickly grabbed my shoulder and parted our hugging. He smiled and used his both thumps to wipe my tears away.

“Shhh…..Babe! Oppa is here, okay? So stop crying.” He said to me like a whisper. I shook my head and went back to his chest buried my face there. It was very warm and so secure. I don’t want, I really don’t want to be apart from him even for a second. After that Oppa didn’t say anything as me, we kept in silence and still in that position for many minutes.

When I was able to control my tears and could gather all my courage, I then broke our hugging. I stared at my husband as he stared at me intently also, even if we were in the dark area but I could see him so clearly, my handsome husband still as gorgeous as always.

I knew he must be realizing something wrong with me already.

“Oppa! You knew it, right?” Even if I stopped crying but my voice was still trembly, I saw his face suddenly became gloomy but I still continued. “I only want to know one thing……… it true, Oppa?” I paused when I saw his eyes became glassy. “Is it true Oppa that she’s really……really pregnant with your child and now she’s suffering from the cancer?” He didn’t answer me, instead he pulled me back into his embrace and keep murmuring the word ‘sorry’ to me. It hurt like hell, that unbearable painfulness that I think I no longer to experience anymore but now it came back again.

“So…’s true.” I muttered with my trembly voice, even I myself almost didn’t hear clearly about my own word. How could I wish that today, this moment, right now, and right here was just a nightmare? And when I wake up everything will be back to normal. GOD! Please….please wake me up from this painful dream now. How could you so cruel to me like this, what did I do in my past life that’s why I deserved all of these now? You brought this man to me but now why you want him go away from me and separate us again? Please don’t do this to me, I really had no strength to fight for it anymore. I’m so tired, my heart is really tired now.



After 3 days of thinking again and over again, finally my decision came out. I need to do this, I didn’t want to create any sin for this life anymore, I’m really afraid that in my next life will be facing this painful life again. I decided to allow my happiness go, made my heart to let him go even if how much I was hurt but only know that I’m still the one for him, the woman that he loves the most in this world it’s more than enough for me.



I watched him from behind while he walked toward the door along with his luggage. My eyes were blurred because of my tears were full in my both swollen eyes, it threatened me and about to come out soon but before I knew it, it already slid down from my eyes and flew to my cheeks, another after another. I saw Minho stopped his foots as at that moment, I knew what he wanted, I immediately made my way toward him and facing him.

God! His eyes also crimson red with full of tears, he looked at me as my gaze also stared deeply into his. Before his single tear trickled from his eyes I quickly wrapped my arm around his neck for the last hug, I then felt his hand also tightened me inside his embrace. He kissed me on head for a long second before he pulled me out.

“Sorry Ssul, I’m really sorry.” He said as his hand placed on my both cheeks and wiped my tears away. I tried to purse my lips in order to say something but failed, no word could escaped from my trembly lips. Suddenly I felt the warmness enveloped me, this state of being warm was running all around my body as I knew that Oppa was now put his lips against mine. We kiss were kissing between crying, but still it was so sweet and gentle.

Oh please God! How could I wish the time stop running at this moment?

“Listen to me Babe! I’ll come back. One day I’ll come back to you, to this family again.” Then he kissed me on the forehead for the last time before he walked away from me. I suddenly felt very lonely, I found myself so longing with his touch, longing with his companions. Without my conscious, I suddenly turned around and ran to hug my husband from behind for the last time. I felt he stirred and was about to turn around but I stopped him.

“Don’t! Please don’t.” I said between crying. “I’m afraid that I will change my mind after you turn around. So please!” I said almost whispered, I didn’t even think my words was clear enough to him or not.

“Please promise me one thing, Sulli.” He said and I nodded my head immediately while brushing my cheek against his back. “Promise me that you’re going to wait for me. Wait for my come back to build this family again……..hmm?”

“I promise you, Minho. I’m going to wait for you and come back to us in one day. This is my promise to you, Oppa.”

‘Even if it take forever for me to wait for you, I’ll still patiently wait, it’s because I love you, I love you so much, Choi Minho.’



5 years later


“Oppa, it’s mine.”

“Ani! It’s mine. You said that you love strawberry not chocolate.”

“I don’t love it anymore. I want the one in your hand, Oppa.”

I viewed two adorable kids were arguing over an ice-cream, I quickly made my way toward them.

“Umma!!!!” Minri quickly ran toward me with her sullen face. “Umma, I want to eat chocolate ice-cream, but Oppa don’t give me that.” I then knelt down in front my daughter and wrapped her in my arm. But my face lifted up to my boy.

“Choi Yoogeun! Choi Minri! Who bought the ice-creams for you two?”

“Eh? I-” Yoogeun's word was cut by a voice, the only voice that made my heart is always fluttering whenever I heard it.

“It’s me Babe!” I sighed before I stood up and turned around to see his face, and he was none other than my beloved husband, Choi Minho.

“Oppa! How many times that I told you the ice-cream is not good for them. Look how our kids were arguing over that unhealthy food.”

“Oh come on, Ssul. This whole week is a very special day for us. It’s our family trip in Jeju. So just let it go, it’s not that they eat it every day though.”

“But it st-” I didn’t had a chance finished my word, oppa suddenly pecked my lips which made Yoogeun and Minri giggled. “Yah Oppa! What are you doing?” I hit him on his chest.

“Stop nagging now okay! Or I’ll kiss those tasty lips again.”

“As if I care with your threaten words.”

“It’s not the threaten words but it’s my warning. If you don’t take it, just try it, my wife.”

“So what if I still nagging, not only our kids but also yo-” Like his warning words he suddenly put it into his action and kiss me deeply on the lips and he even pulled my body toward him. I felt our kids were giggling out loud but then I heard they were now running away from us. I didn’t know why but when the kids went away and leave us alone, the urge of kissing him back approached me. I and he were smiling in contentment between our passionate kiss, second minutes later we pulled apart to catch our breath.

“So do you believe me now? Or you still want to try it again?” Oppa said naughtily even now he was still catching his breath. And now I was still in his arm, his hand were wrapping around my waist as mine were over his neck. Oppa playfully put his forehead against mine. Now was not only our forehead been touched but also our noses.

“So I want to ask you back, is that warning word having an expired date?” I asked him with my seductive voice.

“No. I should say its an unlimited action. And it’s not present only for your nag but I’d love to apply it every time I’m with you. So….are you okay with it, my lovely wife?”

“Well….If you’d love to do it so I have no reason to decline right? Okay!! My beloved husband, I’d love to welcome you every time.” And then we smiled to each other again before we sealed our lips for the third time.



I’ve never thought that my life can have this happiness again after we had been through so many painful obstacles in our life. Eventually my husband came back to us after 3 months we were apart from each other. Who would have thought that Minho returned to us that so fast? You must be wonder about Yuri right? Yes she finally realized that even how much she tried to take Minho from me but at the end she will never had his heart forever. She knew this reason after she spent the 3 months with him beside her, even she had him to accompany her every day to go through the cancer in those times but his heart and soul never were on her forever. And at that end she finally aware her mistake, she confessed everything about her faked pregnancy and eventually she decided to let Minho came back to me.

I admitted that even how much I despised her but I still want to say thank you to her, because of this experience I realized so many reasons in this world, especially it makes my relationship with my husband getting even stronger.

‘Thank you, Yuri-shi.’



“Thank you for coming into my life. I love you, Choi Jinri. Forever and Ever.”


“Thank you for loving me and I love you too, Choi Minho. Forever and Ever.”





The end



The end……..How was it guys? Well I know, you must be boring and kind of disappointed right? I somehow think that this one is not good as the first one before. But like I said I was really trying my best to write it. And I’m really sorry about that.

Anyway thank so much for spending time to read it include my first story, also thank for subscribing, upvoting and your comments. I’m really appreciate it, Thank so much guys (Bow) :D

And soon I’ll come out again with another oneshot of MinSul. So please anticipate it together, okay!

Thank, Bye dears, I love you all………….

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halfhearted #1
Chapter 1: it made me cry....
naeminsul #2
Chapter 2: I keep reading this story over and over again and never get bored. Thank you so much authornim for your great great job :))
CutiePie29 #3
Chapter 2: Hi author great story!!! 2nd time reading it
CutiePie29 #4
Chapter 2: I was crying like crazy!! :~)~~~~~~
choichoi94 #5
Chapter 1: its past 2:00 In morning here...reading a very short story and crying ....
korinna26 #6
Chapter 2: So sweet,,,
minsul22 #7
Chapter 2: i actually had tears in my eyes. such a sad story but nice ending. thanks a lot for making this story
Chapter 1: i shed tears along with both minho and sulli ㅠㅠ
this is a sad story with a super happily ever after ending!

omg i love this story authornim :')
glad that finally minho realized his never ending love for his only one choi jinri ^^

thanks for made a beautiful story... thank you...
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 2: love this story authornim
Chapter 1: ommo... Why minho must fall in for yuri? And Why minho just realize that he still love sulli.
daebak, authornim~ :)