
Luhan, wake up!

ONE ; 

The first time he is mistaken as the father, is doctor’s fault.

Chanyeol is in that big hospital with his mother because his auntie gave birth just a day before. He looks at the baby in front of him. She is small, pink and her eyes are kind of wrinkled, but she is still cute. He smiles when the baby grabs his finger with her tiny hand. After greeting his aunt and uncle and be left out of the conversation, he decides to look around to not get bored.   He gets a Coca Cola from a vending machine and keeps walking, amazed of the gardens and the big trees that surround the hospital. Half an hour –and two cokes- later, he gets the urge to go to the bathroom.

He is in his quest when he feels his phone vibrating.



Minseok has just received the results. The doctor is explaining to her the new changes that are about to come and how to deal with them. Hopefully – she is not an underage- the future visits to the hospital (to birth controls) do not require the presence of her parents. It’s that easy, says the doctor. But to her, the conversation started and ended when the doctor enters the room with a big smile in his face and a cheerful ‘Congratulations’, at that point she doesn’t need to hear the rest of his speech to understand the problem. Minseok does his best to not cry in front of the man. She thanks him –she feels the need to hug him, to someone who tell her this is just a nightmare an she is about to wake up, someone, anybody, who tells her this a prank, a bad one, from Luhan. But no- the doctor tells her to wait for him, he stills needs to give her some pamphlets that will help her to understand the pregnancy– she doesn’t hear the rest. She stands up and leaves the room as soon as the doctor is at the back, looking for those damn fliers.


Chanyeol returns to her aunt room after the call. He explains to her mother that he is meeting Luhan in an hour to go to the movies and he needs to leave now. His mother nods and gives him money. Chanyeol says goodbye to his aunt, to his uncle, pokes his niece forehead and smile when she yawns cutely, he kisses his mother on her cheek and leaves the room. He checks himself on one of the windows and declares that he looks as handsome as always.

He still needs a bathroom, do.


Minseok had locked herself in the bathroom - crying her heart out - when Chanyeol finds her. There’s a minute of silence, recognition, because Minseok is pretty sure she knows that tall guy in front of her and said boy is looking at her with wide eyes - long black mess hair, red shot puffy eyes and puffy flushed cheeks- and he doesn’t know what to ask first, what are you in men room? Or why are you crying? She stands up quickly, mumbles an apology and tries to run when Chanyeol grabs her wrist, forcing her to face him.

Noona, what are you doing he-

Chanyeol is looking at her with confused eyes. He asks her again what’s wrong when a voice calling for her stops him. Minseok’s eyes grow bigger and she tries her best to escape from Chanyeol’s grip, she begs him to let her go when they spot an old man with white suit walking towards them. Chanyeol reads “Doctor Jang” in the gold tag name and grabs Minseok’s hand tighter because, who is he and why does he seems to know Minseok? His eyes go from the doctor to the girl besides him and to the doctor again. Minseok takes this opportunity to clean her face as fast as she can with her sleeves.

‘’Miss Kim! I finally found you, I though you already left” his face turns into a serious one when he notices her teary face “You can’t run away, you need to be careful in your new conditions’

Chanyeol is still holding Minseok when the doctor speaks, but his hands left Minseok’s wrist after hearing new conditions. His face must be a dilemma because said man is now looking at him and he is smiling again. Doctor Jang forgets Minseok and shakes his hand fervently and smiles at him.

Ah, you must be the father. Nice to meet you I’m doctor Jang and-

Chanyeol is not listening to him anymore because his eyes look for Minseok’s ones and he is looking at her with disbelief, because... father- ?

Chanyeol passes out.  


The doctor looks confused, but he calls a nurse to help him carry the kid away from the hall of the Hospital. After reassuring doctor Jang that she will take of the kid, he and the nurse leave the garden. Minseok looks again at the sleeping boy next to her and chuckles, she feels like laughing and crying and her luck so hard. Still, she can’t bring herself to leave him there, even when she planned it that way. Denied that she was at the hospital and that everything was a dream and he should really go to a doctor.

She doesn’t do it. So she sits next to him and wait for the younger to wake up.


Chanyeol knows Minseok because she is Luhan’s girlfriend. And Luhan is his best friend. And he knows Luhan since they were at kinder garden and all the kids made fun of Luhan’s accent and he –Chanyeol – was the tallest and he was the one who usually defend Luhan from them. Not that Luhan needed, but well. Chanyeol has known Luhan since ever. And he has known Minseok since... second grade? He thinks, maybe third grade, he doesn’t remember too well.

His first memory of her is Luhan’s jaw dropped and a huge blush grin on his own face. They were doing math when the teacher stopped the class to introduce a new student. Chanyeol remembers that day perfectly. Long black straight hair, brown sharp eyes, rosy small lips, the girl was beautiful, indeed.
But her cheeks, her perfect rounded chubby cheeks were la crème de la crème. The teacher placed her with them and since that day, Luhan loved her.

Chanyeol has to admit, he liked her too.



He wakes up half an hour later in one of the benches next to the garden. Minseok is sitting at his right, a blank expression on her face. He doesn’t think is the best moment to ask her about anything so he just offers to take her home. They don’t talk, first because Chanyeol is too scared to talk and second, because she doesn’t look in the mood to talk so Chanyeol turns on the radio, he doesn’t think he can make it with the deadly silent over them. When they arrived to her house, Chanyeol hurries to open the car-door for her. Minseok looks at him with pleading eyes and Chanyeol nods.

She is about to go into her house and he is about to get into his car when he offers to take her to school tomorrow. “Noona, do you want me to pick you tomorrow? You can’t go… in the bus. It’s dangerous. Something can happen… and… you hear the doctor. You- you have to be careful” Minseok refuses, she says that is completely unnecessary and that he already did a lot taking her home today, but Chanyeol insists. After ten minutes, she gives in and accepts. He smiles to her and waves good-bye when his phone vibrates in his pants.



Minseok reaches her bedroom and she falls in her bed and cry again. She places her hand in her tummy, this wasn’t supposed to happen. She was supposed to finish school and goes to the College and study to become an artist.
her body is curled against the piggy pillow Luhan gave her when they turn two months, the memory of the boy giving her the plushy with a red face makes her cry even harder. How is she’s going to tell him? She knows Luhan loves her, but she also knows that Luhan has dreams. Minseok finds herself remembering all those stories about boys leaving their girls because of that kind of problems. What would she do if Luhan decides to leave her?



Chanyeol arrives home and locks himself in his room after shouting he is not going to have dinner.  His phone is full of missed calls and unread text messages and he feels guilty. He bites his nails thinking if he should be the one to tell Luhan the ‘big news’ but decides against it as he remembers he promised Minseok he would not say anything to anyone.

He knows his best friend like the palm of his hand, he knows Luhan loves Minseok more than anything in this world, but he can’t help but fear for her. He fears Luhan would leave Minseok alone, he is afraid of what would happened if Luhan asks her to not have it. But that would never happen... right? No, of course that’s not going to happen, he tries to convince himself.

He grabs his phone and looks at the screen 15 missed calls and 20 unread messages. Oh Park Chanyeol, you are so dead he thinks. Because Luhan hates being ignores and he surely will pay for this.

Chanyeol fall sleep and he dreams about babies, hospitals and soft, small, cute giggles against his skin. When he wakes up he doesn’t remember anything about those dreams and hurries himself to take a shower and eat breakfast.


He still needs to pick up Minseok.


When Chanyeol arrives at Minseok’s house, the girl is already waiting for him in the bus stop and like the other night, he opens the door for her. Chanyeol, stop - She laughs and look away, so all that Chanyeol can see is her long, black hair messing with the air. He wants to ask if she is going to tell Luhan about it, but he tends to thinks too much about the things and when is about to pop the question, Minseok is looking at him with her perfect single eyelids and smiling her gummy smile and he feels uneasy. She thanks him, she takes his hand into her smaller ones and thanks him again – he thinks she is about to cry again and wonders if it’s one of the symptoms of being pregnant – she tousles his hair and leaves the car. Chanyeol knows she loves him as a brother and don’t mistake him, he loves her as a sister too. There’s just, sometimes he wonders what would happened if ~


Luhan is waiting outside for Minseok at the school’s gates. He raises an eyebrow when he notices that Minseok didn’t arrive alone. 





A.N: Thanks all for suscribing. Forgive me the grammar spells. And please, be happy (:

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Chapter 2: Hahahahaha! Narnia... Nice story here!! Update more~~ *thumbs up*
Chapter 2: Oooh interesting. Fighting for the next chapter
Indyie7 #3
I am loving this please Update soon *---*
Chapter 2: Wooooooaaaaaaaaaah!!! Cliff hanger at the end! Btw, really nice update. Please update soon author-nim!
Chapter 2: THIS IS SOOOOOO GOOD!! ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 2: miseokkie is so cute, hahaha
what happen to dong woo and xiao lu? ._.
Chapter 2: BFF dongwoo joonmyeon minseok so cute!
Happy new year ^.^
Chapter 1: Haha. Can't wait for next chapter.
deerbaozixiuhan #9