Changmin's Desperation and Anger

Love Me Already!
Changmin sighed for the nth time as Yunho paraded around his office like a monkey in banana paradise. 'A demon beast feasting on his prey sounds more accurate actually.' The younger thought with another sigh as Yunho's head connected with the wall. It made a loud thud and had Yunho whimpering in very loud volumes. "Damn it hyung! Stop making so much noise! Calm down will you! You do realize that I'm also working with him right? It's not just you two. He also has two other people doing it with us." Changmin felt a bit better after saying that. The same couldn't be said for Yunho, who immediately started pouting. "Wow Changmin-ah. Way to effectively kill my mood. You just can't seem to want me to be happy can you? He's gonna spend the whole time talking to you now!" This time, the very audible sigh came from Yunho. Changmin exchanged sighing for rolling his eyes. He was starting to get annoyed at his melodramatic best friend. "No, he'll most likely be training the kid as he should be. He's the type that gets things done. I wouldn't be suprised if he talked to no one but Taemin himself." The words were meant to console Yunho, or really just shut him up. Instead, said man grew more frantic. "You mean to say that this Taemin guy is so lucky that he gets my Boojae's undivided attention?! And how do you know what type of person he is?! There's no way you could get that from just one meeting! Unless it's love at first sight! Oh God, you're not in love with him are you?!" Changmin, ever a man of peace but reason, calmly walked over to the mumbling man. He, just as calmly, slapped the older's face really hard. "Get yourself together hyung! No I don't love him, so please get the hell over yourself!" Changmin felt his phone vibrate and answered without looking at who the caller was. Now, he would normally check it; he was just too pissed at the moment to think about it. "Hello?" "Hey Changmin! It's Jaejoong. You know, from the café yesterday?" Changmin supposed he had walked straight into that one. 'The one time I don't check the caller ID...' He mentally sighs at how mad Yunho will be but replies anyway. "Ah Jaejoong-ssii. Yes I remember you. May I ask why you're calling?" When in doubt, use formalities. "Ouch. Whats with the formalities? I thught we were friends! Jaejoong or hyung will work just fine. Unless youre one of those guys that want to call me oppa. I dont judge." . So much for formalities. He almost sighs when he sees Yunho kicked puppy face. "Alright then hyung. What's up?" Jaejoong's grin could be heard in his response. "I missed you Changmin-ah! You're really cool and I had so much fun just talking to yesterday!" There were voices on the other end before Jaejoong spoke again. "Okay, I was just informed that what I said sounded like I have a crush on you. My bad, didn't mean it that way. I meant that you're a cool friend." Changmin wondered why the sound got so loud. He then realized he had put it on speaker right before Jaejoong's I miss you speech. Double . Yunho went to a corner to sulk. A sniffle was heard. 'Triple . He's crying now.' He turned his attention to his phone again. "Figured that hyung. I missed that café food! I'm gonna be a new regular now! By the way, food is usually always on my mind." Jaejoong laughed and Changmin quickly took it off of speaker phone. "I can live with that. Oh, I gotta go now. I got a job to do. See ya round Chang-ah!" He hung up before the younger could reply. Yunho automatically flung himself at Changmin to, once more, slap the crap outta his deongsaeng. "Now you're just torturing me! And putting it on speaker so I could hear his angellic voice laugh at and call for someone that isn't me? Really Changmin?!" Okay, Yunho is pissed. Changmin used all his strength to throw him off. He ended up straddling Yunho's waist. "Look. You need to better control your man periods here because I'm not after him! I'm not trying to torture you, he called me first, and I didn't mean to put the damn. Phone. On. Speaker!" After that, all Changmin heard was Yunho…… ? 'Crap.' He realized he had bounced his hips with the last three words. He didn't get the chance to get off his hyung before the door flew open and their assisstant, Eunhyuk, walked in. Imagine his shock at the sight he saw. Changmin was on top of and pinning down a very red faced Yunho. Both vof their clothing was very wrinkled from the mini scuffle, but the poor assisstant had no clue that it was the reason for their current position. Eunhyuk cleared his throat. "Umm… this was a bad time. I'm just gonna go, pretend I didn't see this, and come back later. Sorry for disturbing." He left and closed the door behind him. Yunho and Changmin, finally over the shock, scrambled away from each other. Yunho spoke up. "This will never be brought up again ok?" Changmin nodded. "Agreed." This is NOT how Changmin pictured his day going.
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Well guys...... *sniffles* It's done. The story has finally come to a close. I think I want to add sequels for both endings though. What do you all think?


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jaehochunsumin #1
Chapter 27: U see i never believed in homin i always loved yunjae but in this one i will go for homin hehehehe
VeryBerrySteph #2
I liked this story and I loved the homin paring which is why (spoiler alert) .....…........... The fact that Yunho slept with jaejong pissed me off. Since the story had the two endings I couldn't help but feel that changmin just got screwed in both endings regardless of who Yunho ended up with. I honestly felt that Changmin deserved Yunho more even though jaejoong's past it was no excuse for cheating. Honestly I feel I would have liked if Yunho ended up with no one since he also messed up. Jaemin paring for the plot twist lol ( but I still can't help but love homin)
Chapter 27: very interesting tho i prefer homin ending... but good work authornim!
HieuBee #4
Chapter 27: So what if JJ has a horrible past ? He was cold hearted towards yunho and ignore him completely ! Yunho is stupid for loving jaejoong. Jaejoong is an evil conniving s*** deserves to die too or with bf like siwon
I really wanted only homin ending only though
YJluvv #5
Chapter 25: I hate jaejoong in this he's way to ty and would never ever ever ever ever deserve someone like yunho !!! EVER!
Chapter 27: Good Story ... :)
MissEztie #7
Chapter 27: Oh my god, you wrote Homin and Yunjae version. In the first time I read chap 26, I'm happy to Homin couple and fortunately Jaejoong have boyfriend too and I read chap 27, the first that came to my head is "what is it ? Why it same with chap 26 ?" but after I finished read chap 27. Wow it's Yunjae version. I like the both of them. It's so really heartbreaking but in the end it's so much happiness. Thanks for your hard work for making this fic :)
MissEztie #8
Hi, I just find this fic. I wanna read it and of course will be comment
Chapter 26: OMG !!!