Second Fall

Second Fall

Sungmin was a freshman in this university. He moved from his previous university because he followed his father who has been transferred from incheon to seoul. As soon as he arrived, he headed to the administrative room and in a couple of minutes after took care of the administrative papers; he took the road to the class. The class was still empty when he got there. There was only one person present at that time, and it was Cho Kyuhyun.


“Excuse me, is this Prof. Park from music department class?” asked sungmin

“Oh yes it is,” answered cho kyuhyun with a smile


Sungmin took a seat across from kyuhyun. They sit there on silence. Cho kyuhyun was busy with his tablet and sungmin finally decided to do the same thing as he did. He took his tablet from his bag and play with it. It stayed for at least 20 minutes until another students came. Kyuhyun had a chat with one of it while sungmin stayed with his tablet. Well, he was the newbie. He didn’t know anyone so he would still quite until Mr. Park introduce him in front of the class. Little did sungmin knows that this certain cho kyuhyun would have that special spot on his heart.

Sungmin got to know at least 3 close friends from the class. Their name was shindong, eunhyuk, and donghae. They were so close. Hangout together, went to the canteen together, did projects together, and so on. But sungmin never had a proper introduction with kyuhyun. He knew kyuhyun’s name by habit. He knew his name because of his friends called him kyu or cho, and he knew kyuhyun’s full name from the absent list.

Actually, sungmin’s heart flutters for a while when he saw that man but he just shrugged it off. His face reminded him of one of his senior in his previous university that he liked.

There was a time when sungmin was dead tired from making a project about making a song for the final test until he was fallen asleep at the class. He completely remembered that there were no person sit behind his seat when he started to close his eyes. But when he opened his eyes for awhile, he found out a hand was placed right above his shoulder from behind. He was too lazy to turn around to see who it was but he didn’t have to, because his best friend donghae was talking to the owner of the hand. It was none other than cho kyuhyun’s hand. Sungmin’s heart beat was beating unsynchronized as it usually was. But he just shrugged it off.

Then there was the time when sungmin and his friends had finished their lunch in a canteen, there was cho kyuhyun who was waiting outside the canteen. Sungmin didn’t know how to feel. Sungmin was confuse whether this cho kyuhyun was waiting for him or his friends. And then again, sungmin just shrugged it off.

Then after they paid all the bills, they headed to their class. Sungmin was walking upfront being side by side with shindong. Sungmin walked as fast as he could so he didn’t need to walk side by side with kyuhyun. He couldn’t control his heartbeat even when he was beside kyuhyun.

Shindong then took a slow pace to have some chat with eunhae and leaving sungmin walked in front by himself. The unwanted things happened, kyuhyun fasten his step until he was now beside sungmin. Sungmin didn’t know what to do. He just hope that kyuhyun can’t hear his heart beat right now.


“Min hyung, have you talked to your supervisor about the project?” kyuhyun tried to open a conversation. They were barely talk to each other, even inside the class

“Yeah I did kyu,” he at least muttered something instead his rapid heart beating

“Oh, what did he say?” once again, kyuhyun was trying to keep the conversation with sungmin. Kyuhyun tried to look into sungmin’s eyes while talking but sungmin because he is so nervous and shy being beside kyu, he once in awhile took a glance to kyuhyun but mostly look into the road in front of him

“She said it’s okay and need some improvement here and there,” sungmin shrugged trying once again his hardest to hide his blushing cheeks

“Ah, so it’s a she then” there’s a long pause before finally kyuhyun nodded and didn’t say any words anymore


Sungmin was a bit relieved when kyuhyun didn’t ask any further question. He really didn’t care that the very first encounter that he had with kyuhyun was just like that. He was too busy calming his heart.

Since that day, sungmin was pretty much close with kyuhyun compared to the first time they met. Kyuhyun would gladly teach sungmin all the things that sungmin still didn’t understand about some of the materials. Kyuhyun would always help sungmin too to face the hell exam weeks. Kyuhyun would patiently teach sungmin everything that he knew. What kyuhyun didn’t know was sungmin act casually because there was another person who was with them. Not just the two of them together.

It didn’t change sungmin’s behavior toward kyuhyun when they accidentally met each other while walking, sungmin would immediately pretend that he didn’t see kyuhyun. It wasn’t like sungmin didn’t like it; he liked it, so much. It was just he was too shy and nervous when he was around with kyuhyun alone. Though kyuhyun knew that sungmin saw him already. This made kyuhyun did the same as sungmin’s did, pretend that he didn’t see sungmin.

It has been months since the last kyuhyun and sungmin met. Sungmin who was in one group with eunhyuk and shindong formed a dance team group, has to be separated with the singer group which was consist of kyuhyun, donghae, and yesung. They had to make a project which would be one of their gateways to join the final test.

Sungmin was rushing to his supervisor, in this case was Ms. Hyeoyeon who was way younger than him. He just knew this info from his best friend eunhyuk which happened to be Ms. Hyo’s ex while they were in senior high. Sungmin and shindong of course couldn’t believe what they’ve heard but after hearing the whole thing from eunhyuk, they just nodded and accept it.

Sungmin was a bit panting from his running when he finally arrived in front of the teacher’s room. The first thing that comes from his mouth was low groan. Very low that no one can ever heard it.


“Oh, Minnie hyung,” said kyuhyun with a smile and wave to him. He sat in the couch while he was flipping a paper that laid on his lap.

“Oh hi kyu, what are you doing here?” sungmin was confused and sat anyway beside kyuhyun


They just sit there more than 1 hours before they headed to their respective supervisors. Sungmin went first then kyuhyun went 15 minutes after. They chatted mostly about the project and the obstacles while they were doing that.

Sungmin then went home after the meeting. He needed to prepare for the final night where he would perform the project. It was a dance solo project. That was one of the requirement for him to go to the next level, being a sophomore. He prepared the dance, the wardrobe that he would use, and lastly, a piece of paper which was not just a paper. This paper was like a prove that the student has passed the exam. All the supervisors would sign at the respective place and give a score after seeing their students perform.

At that time, sungmin couldn’t find it. He had been searching it in all places that he could think of. After 1 hour of searching, he began to panic. He need it. If he lost it then it means he couldn't continue become a sophomore dancer and he couldn’t go with the performance. Then it hit him! Could it be kyuhyun who was accidentally brought it with him when they chat about the project before?

Then sungmin realized, he didn’t have kyuhyun’s number either. He began more panic. He then asked his other friend about kyuhyun’s contact. Fortunately, his friend named lee hyukjae, who happened to be his best friend know the number. Hyukjae could only smile, a knowing smile when sungmin texted him. But of course, sungmin didn’t know that hyukjae was actually smiling. Thanks hyukie, said the older.


“Kyuhyun-ah, did you by any chance take my exam paper with you? because I couldn’t find it with me anywhere” the older write that while fidgeting. 3 minutes later a reply came from the younger.

“Ok wait min hyung, I’ll search for it.”

“Thank you very much kyu, I’m waiting”


30 minutes later, kyuhyun texted him again but to his disappointed, kyu didn’t have it with him. Sungmin lost his words. But he didn’t give up yet. He began, once again, searching his bag. There was just so many papers that laid in his bag.

As if god love him that much, he found it in his own bag! He was speechless yet relieved at the same time. Sungmin then texted kyuhyun once again to inform him that he found the paper already and said thank you and sorry for bothering him.

Because of this, sungmin finally got to know kyuhyun's number.


3 months later...


Sungmin finds out that kyuhyun was in a relationship with someone. He was sure that it was a he. He didn’t know who he was because he was sure that this guy was not from their college. His heart was shattered like a broken glass. This was the 2nd time his heart was broken. The first one was when he was in the senior high. He confessed to yet another guy who happened to be his first love, whose name is Yunho.

He rejected sungmin at that time for the reason that yunho was straight and he wasn’t date a guy. Time goes by and sungmin was finally find out that now yunho was dating a guy named jaejoong. His heart broken for sure. But he can’t do anything but to accept it.

Sungmin was intensely stalking kyuhyun’s twitter for the time being. Sungmin learnt that the guy who was dating with kyuhyun called siwon. It has been 3 months since they dated. If sungmin could remember, it was exactly the exact same time that cho kyuhyun was missing in action from sungmin’s radar. Sungmin wouldn’t dare to confess first yet again to this guy. Not when the memory of his first fall haunted him.

Sungmin’s crying when he knew the actual truth. He had been thinking that it could be he himself that misinterpret kyuhyun’s kindness and affection all this time. Well, to think about it, it wasn’t either of them too. They were only talk and interacted with each other for few times and it didn’t intense also. Sungmin could only blame himself because of this. Why was he this stupid all this time? To think that probably, probably, that was a slight hope that kyuhyun would like him.

Kyuhyun was beyond perfect. He had an angelic voice, his brown orbs, he was smart for sure, he was also tall, most definitely he was handsome; who wouldn’t fall for this perfect guy? But he was wrong. So, it was unrequited love all this time and sungmin was too blind to even realize it.


“How many times should I fall to find the right one?” sungmin says on his pray while crying



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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 1: Why do i feel like asking for a sequel or at least from kyu's pov? This feels like a cliffhanger....but its good
kyuwannadance #2
Chapter 1: Oh I thought that hyeoyeon's ex was kyu haha so I can tell that eunhyuk likes sungmin, right? Yunho was so rude thought, telling that he was straight but ended up dating a guy pfft