Majimak Seonmul

My Bias Doesn't Speak English!

"Are you serious?"

Taemin nodded his head.

"Which one?" Key asked, his eyes wider than an owl's and face as red a tomato as he walked towards the maknae to look into the laptop. 

"The pink ones." Taemin muttered as the two of them stared into the screen. Key slapped his face with his palm and groaned loudly. "Mother of god! Who the hell did this?"

"I told you they were crazy." Minho whispered from a corner while removing his sport shoes from the shoe rack. "But I didn't even notice them go missing." Key exclaimed just before walking into his room to rummage through his closet. I heard the whole conversation silently, trying to hold back some laughter from the case of Key's missing underwear.

"I swear I didn't realize it. But how did they..?" His words trailed of as he left himself dumbfounded with all the thoughts of crazy sasaeng fans who manage to steal his boxers without him noticing. What's worse, they were selling it online.

"They're selling it for 300 dollars. That's pretty pricey don't you think?" Taemin chuckled as he went through the online shopping site that displayed the pink boxers Key treasured the most. "Of course they're pricey. They're mine! I got those for a hundred dollars." The naggy blonde snapped.

"You buy hundred dollar undies?" I teased. Key glared at me. "Yes I do. And for your information, they're boxers." 

"Guys." Onew hyung suddenly called from inside his room when he heard the commotion. "Stop arguing and finish packing already. We don't have all day."

"Uh, actually, we do." Minho whispered again like somebody's conscious. We all stifled our giggles except Key, who was still worrying about his underwear. I got up from my sitting position to walk into my room. Passing by Key, I patted his shoulder. "Don't worry. It's not the only pair you have. Just let it go."

"Let it go~ Let it go~" Taemin started to sing playfully making me laugh before Key shot both of us another one of his glares. I raised my hands as if to surrender and quickly walked into my room, still laughing.

I found my luggage and pulled it onto my bed, clicking it open. It was time to pack. Time to put in all my things and all my clothes for the trip back. It was my last day in New York.

Honestly, this trip was the longest trip SHINee has ever been to for a concert. One of the best too. Thinking about it made me smile. The memories.

"Is this yours?" Minho nudged me from the side and handed a shirt to me. I blinked a few times before taking it. "Oh, yeah. Thanks."

He didn't respond, but walked away out of the room silently like how he always does. I decided to stop daydreaming and quickly finish packing. I stood in front of my closet and started grabbing all my clothes and shoes to shove into my luggage. It was lucky that we didn't need to handle our concert costumes and items since most of the staffs already left to Korea with those things.

It took almost the whole day to finish all our packing. The whole dorm looked like a clothe store with clothes and random items hanging around here and there. Everyone was hurrying around, packing, searching, asking, while I stood at a corner to observe the whole place. "Guys, I'm done." I spoke.

"So fast?" Kibum turned with his wide eyes towards me. I nodded with a thin smile before walking towards the front door. "I'm going out now."

"Yah." Onew clicked his tongue. "Why don't you help us out first?"

"I promised to meet her today." I blurted without thinking. Hyung didn't respond, rather he just looked at me with a softer expression. I too stared back feeling guilty all of a sudden. "I'll be quick."



I scanned my eyes through the shelves, examining each piece of cloth properly. The last thing I wanted was to present Jonghyun with something he didn't like. 

"Hurry up, we don't have all day." Carol pestered at me. I shrugged. "Yes we do."

"Just pick something already." She urged. "I already chose a necklace for Taemin. What's so hard about getting something for Jonghyun?" I let my fingers trace through one of the fabrics that caught my attention, a dark blue scarf. Beside it was an identical one, but maroon in color. I took both out and held them in front of Carol's face. "Which one?"

"I don't know. Both?" She questioned back just as clueless as me. "What color does he like?"

"I'm not sure. Gold? Or was it red?" I mumbled before she shook her head. "I thought you're his number one fan? You don't even know your idol's favourite color?"

"Bias." I corrected.

"Same thing." She huffed.

"Well, I forgot. But maroon looks nice, don't you think? I'll take this." I concluded and handed the scarf to the shopkeeper with a smile.

We paid and rushed back to Carol's house, just in time for me to get ready for my date. "Hi Mr. Roger." I greeted when I saw Carol's dad sitting in the living room, watching some cop show. He nodded back before eyeing the the gift bags we held. "Hello girls. Where have you two been?"

"Shopping." Carol responded. Her dad rolled his eyes. "You two waste money like rich kids." 

"It's for someone special." She hummed without thinking, causing her dad to shoot a look at her warily. "Someone special?"

Carol gulped. "No. Not me. Her." She pointed at me, making me stutter. "W- What? No I don't have a boyfriend." I shot back.

"Nobody said anything about 'boyfriend'." Mr. Roger squinted suspiciously. I pursed my lips silently as both of them put their attention on me. "Well, I'm going to wash up now before my friend comes." I excused myself and walked towards Carol's room. She trailed behind me, flashing a smile to her dad who still kept his eyes curiously on us.

"Well how are you going to give the necklace to Taemin?" I asked while changing my blouse to the extra one I brought along. Carol pondered on her bed silently. "You want me to pass it to Jonghyun for you? I'll tell him to give it to Tae-"

"No. I want to give it to him myself." She interrupted. "At least I'll get to see him one more time before they leave."

Hearing her words suddenly made my heart crack. I smiled sadly at her and nodded. "Okay."

I got ready and received a text from Jonghyun letting me know that he was going to arrive soon. We both waited outside the house, just to avoid her dad's countless questions. Being a policeman, he always knew how to make people spit out the truth.

"What are you guys going to do today?" She asked as we waited. I shrugged. "I don't know. He always does the planning."

"He's really a sweet guy, huh? No wonder half the world loves him so much."

"No." I responded. "Half the world thinks he's special and different." Carol looked at me curiously as I continued. "But actually, he's just ordinary. I got to see a side of him that half the world didn't. He's normal guy who has a heart. And I love him for that." I smiled, lost in my own words. 

Carol raised her eyebrows in amusement before commenting. "Gosh Ali, you're really in love." I laughed at her statement. "Who wouldn't be when he's your bias?"

"Or maybe boyfriend?" She teased, making me laugh again. "Oh please. What about your Taemin? Aren't you going to hit on him yet?"

"Sure. I'll fly to Korea the day after tomorrow and start going on dates with him. Okay? I'll invite you to our wedding after that." She joked and we both laughed again. Just then I saw a familiar car driving up towards the house. "He's here." I muttered. 

"Well have fun okay. I wont be surprised if he asks you to be his girlfriend today." She winked. I stuck out my tongue towards her and walked to the car. 

"Annyeong." I greeted cheerfully as usual.

"Annyeong." He greeted back with a dashing smile. I couldn't help but to notice how handsome he looked in his black sweater. Hell, he looked awesome in everything.



She looked amazing. She wore a pink dress and tied her hair up in a ponytail, complimenting her face features. If I weren't driving, I would be staring at her like an idiot. "Was it hard to find this place?" She asked me. I shook my head and pointed at the built in GPS system. "I had this. Not hard at all."

I drove through the city, passing by the Asian Avenue Cafe. That place always gave me a strong sense of nostalgia. I glanced to my side and noticed Alicia looking out the window to stare at the restaurant. "Chueok." I said bluntly.

She perked and turned to me. "What?"

"Chueok." I repeated. "MemoriesAsian Avenue Cafe have lots of memories."

"It does." She hummed, turning to look out the window again. "If only time could stop."

Silence filled the air between us after she said those words, both of us lost in our own thoughts. If I had just a single wish, I'd definitely wish for time to stop too. It seemed too soon for me to leave New York. To leave Alicia especially. I just wanted to spend all my time with her, without deadlines. But that isn't possible now isn't it?

We didn't say anything until I stopped the car in front of our destination. "The mall?" She asked curiously. I nodded with a big grin. "Let's watch a movie together."

The two of us sat down on our respective seats in the dark theater while commercials were rolling on the screen. I held on to the big box of popcorn for us to share. "I hope the movie is good." Alicia whispered while stealing a few pieces of popcorn. I couldn't even remember the name of the show, but nodded as if I watched it ten times already. After a short while, the lights went darker and the movie started.

I couldn't understand half of what the actors were saying. Usually in Korea, we'd have subtitles, but here, everything was pure English. I glanced at Alicia every now and then to see her so focused on the movie. It was cute. I kept eating the popcorn until the whole box ran out of it. Once it did, I really had nothing to do. I was bored. 

"Are you okay?" Alicia suddenly asked when she noticed me shift my sitting position restlessly. "Ah, yes. I'm fine." I answered off guard, rather sheepishly. It was pretty dark, but I'm sure I noticed her smile. "You're bored aren't you?"

"No. I'm not. The movie is great." I responded with fake enthusiasm, and she definitely noticed how fake it was as I continued. "You see, the girl is, uh..running from spaceship. It's really interesting. Very interesting, yeah?"

I wasn't sure for what reason, maybe because she knew I was lying or because of my English, but she giggled at me. "Let's go eat."

"Now?" I asked and she nodded as a response. I frowned. "But the movie isn't over yet."

"Well, I think it's pretty boring too." She grinned sheepishly. So she knew I was lying. I smiled back at her before we both got up to leave the cinema.



We walked out from the cinema and went hunting for a restaurant around the mall. "Do you want Korean food?" I asked him before pausing for a moment. "Uh, I mean, hangug- uh, eumshi-"

"I understand you Alicia." He responded with a chuckle and my face turned red. "Well." I swallowed. "I need to improve my Korean anyway."

"Proof?" He suddenly asked, tilting his head to the side like he always does when he hears an unfamiliar word. That cuteness I'll never get tired of. "Improve." I repeated clearly. "That means I have to do better. So, I need to speak better Korean."

Jonghyun nodded in a split daze understandingly while he processed my explanation. "I need to improve English. Right?" He asked cutely and I hummed in response. Then he clapped his hands childishly with a little cheer. Sometimes he can be such a kid. "Oh," He suddenly stopped walking and pointed. "KFC!"

I was never a big fan of KFC, but apparently Jonghyun was. "Let's eat here." He said, looking at me with those hopeful puppy eyes, making me sigh mentally and nod at him with a fake smile. This guy..

"I bet you order KFC every single day." I commented as we started eating our food. He took a bite out of the chicken and shook his head. "Aniya. So long never eat fried chicken."

"How come? You can eat this anytime here in New York."

"Manager hyung always buy food. No KFC." He replied coolly.

"Well, you still eat a lot of this in Korea right?" I asked. But Jonghyun shook his head again. "We have diet."

"Oh right. You guys have diets.." I muttered before continuing to eat. But my mind started drifting to the life Jonghyun probably goes through everyday. It must be really tough being an idol. Especially in a company like SM Entertainment. From what I've heard, they're really strict.

So we chatted briefly about each other while having mini-wrestling competitions with our food before leaving the mall. Jonghyun looked at me with a smile while asking if I'd like to go to the park in Korean. I agreed and we both walked to the park which wasn't very far from the mall. 

"When there is nowhere to go, we come to the park." I stated, realizing how many times we've been here already. "Yeppeuda." He responded. I looked around at the park. "Well yeah. This place is pretty. That's why we come so often."

I glanced back at him and realized that he was giving me a look with a half smile. I looked back warily at him and frowned. "What?" Then he shook his head and laughed. "Alicia, you're so slow."

"Slow? Me?" I scoffed. "Where did you even learn how to use that word from?"

"From somebody who teach me what is 'cheesy'." He answered confidently. I smiled with amusement, realizing how much he has improved in his English ever since he first came to New York. "Must be Key, right?"

"Nope. Onew hyung." 

"Onew?" I scoffed. "I didn't think he would..teach you."

Jonghyun pressed his lips together and forced a smile. "Hyung is a really good person. You have to know him..deeper." 

"If we had more time." I blurted, still upset that we didn't have much time with each other anymore. Somehow, what I said caused Jonghyun to turn his head at me sharply and swallow nervously. "We will." He muttered faintly.

Then silence.

"Well, um, I got you something." I cleared my throat, and hastily dug into my handbag to bring out the scarf I bought earlier. He looked at me curiously before I handed out the maroon fabric in front of him. "Here, a present. The last thing I wanted to give you before you leave tomorrow."

He took the scarf and examined it with a soft smile. "Seonmul?" He said, more like a statement than a question. I recognized the word instantly and smiled back. "Majimak seonmul." I replied. His smile grew wider before he curled the cloth around his neck. The colour looked good on him.

"Gomawoyo." He thanked and smiled appreciatively, melting me like ice cream at that spot. I still couldn't handle his charms. I bowed a little nervously and instinctively while stuttering a weak 'you're welcome'. But I guess it sounded like a dying duck and he must have noticed because he chuckled.



He gazed into my eyes. "Just now, you said you want time to stop." 

Suddenly I felt a shade of red creeping up my cheeks. The way he was looking at me at that moment was..undescribable. I nodded my head slowly, our eyes still locked together. He moved closer to me and placed his warm hand on my cheek and smiled again.

"I will stop time for you."

I held my breath, closed my eyes and just like a dream, felt his lips on mine.

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Finally updated!! /does the boogy dance/ Sorry for making y'all wait so long~ ToT


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Demitria_Teague #1
Chapter 29: I love it. Is there a chance for a sequel?
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 6: <3 <3 <3 Hearts Hearts.. seriously... if I flood each chapter with hearts, don't kill me. It's just so Cute. This is your fault for writing it. ;)
Demitria_Teague #3
Chapter 5: So CUTE! :D ^.~ !!!!
Demitria_Teague #4
Chapter 4: *Squeeee They get to have a Coffee ...not date?? *clasps hands in excited expectation. 0.0 You're story is fun.
Demitria_Teague #5
Chapter 3: *Claps hands excitedly. I feel like I'm hanging out with one of my own with Alicia. Hey giiirl. Haha. This story is exciting. I'm really enjoying it.
Chapter 29: Awwwwwwwwwwwh this was the sweetest thing I have ever read!! Sweet but sad... LOVE IT THOUGH!!!
Gotnothingtodo #7
Chapter 29: Oh I always feel empty when stories end:(
Thank you for the wonderful story though! I loved it!
Gotnothingtodo #8
Chapter 26: D'awww why are you so sweet onew?
Gotnothingtodo #9
Chapter 25: Awww that just broke my heart! I feel so bad for you onew