
Exit Fics

Melanie sat on the park bench with her thighs pressed up to her chest and her chin on her knees. Her eyes stared dead ahead, lifeless as the park around her. For some peculiar reason, the park had been abandoned of its usual inhabitants much like she'd been abandoned of all her hopes and dreams. Today was the day of the college entrance exam and the young woman had set her ambition all to high for current status to achieve. With a half-hearted, detached letter the college dismissed her from their premises and left the future of her education into her own numbed hands. The crumpled, tear-stained letter was bunched up in the pocket of her brown jacket. Slowly, it began to melt into the pit of her subconscious and became a burden so heavy her legs wouldn't work. While she stared at the gray asphalt and tried to dissapate the concrete from the sky, a walking bubble of sunshine approached from the rear.

"MELANIE~!!" A voice shouted from behind. It was accompanied by a pair of two large hands that slammed down on her shoulders with all the intent of a friendly greeting. However now was not the time for a friendly greeting.

It was the time to, " off Baekhyun."

"Owch," he said with a chuckle, sitting down next to the lump of brooding rage that was his friend. "Why so cruel?" He leaned on her arm and puffed his cheeks up as he poked hers. "Why, why, why?" Melanie said nothing and stared straight ahead.

"Ah, tell me~ come on," he whined into her eyes. With zombie-like movements, Melanie reached into her jacket pocket and handed him the cause of her death. After reading it the happy expression of his face faded into the wind. He looked over Melanie with a sorrowful and apologetic gaze.

"Mel.. I.. I didn't know... I'm sorry." Melanie said nothing and continued to stare, counting the black specks that peeked out of the ground. "Are you okay? Do you want me to-"

"No. I don't want anything," she interrupted.

They were both quiet for a moment before Baekhyun sighed and pulled Melanie's head into his chest.

She tried to resist at first but the words she needed to hear the most trickled from his mouth like water to the dried roots of her soul ,"It's alright, Mel. Your success isn't measured by their hands. Just lean on me."

Melanie shut her eyes tight and heaved the air into sharply. "Lean on me," he whispered and pulled her in tighter, planting a kiss on the top of her head. Then, Melanie covered her face and eased into the warmth of Baekhyun's arms. She grieved the loss of her dreams into his strong chest and let th warmth of his hands massage the tears off her face.

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