standing still

standing still
always dream and shoot higher than you know how to. don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. try to be better than yourself.


- william faulkner

march 21

well, it's finally spring. nothing's changed at all really. it's still cold and there's been a lot of rain lately. i'm still helping out at my parents shop, since my unnie is busy with night classes. i wish it was summer already. i want to see the beach, swim in the ocean and have sand between my toes.

a boy came into our store earlier. he looked like a dinosaur. i know, weird, right? he came in and looked around the snacks area, but he didn't seem to be interested in anything. 

he didn't buy anything then.

instead, he turns to me and waves, a greasy smile plastered on his face. he seems really strange.

and rather short too.

Nobody comes into the store that often anymore. Then again, no one really comes in at all. Standing behind the register everyday at 4PM is a chore; it's something she doesn't hate doing, but she'd rather be doing something else with her time. Like sleeping.

But she continues standing there anyways, listening to her music with one ear bud in while twirling a strand of black hair with her index finger. Her head bobs along to the familiar beat, feet shuffling against the tiled floor. 

When there's a jingle of bells and a quiet click of the door she finally bothers to look up. It's a boy, or a man. He looks like something in between; awkward, but still mature. Sort of. She musters a smile (she hopes it's convincing enough) and removes her ear bud. 

She watches him as he mules between the two snack aisles and she can feel her impatience growing, the smile on her face hurting her cheeks. He ends up not buying anything as she watches him leave, an irritated sigh escaping from .

However, he turns and waves with a smile and he’s out the door within seconds. It’s weird, but the irritation she feels never really goes away.

The name tag on his uniform says Kim Jonghyun.

march 21

a week has passed and that short blonde hasn’t come back yet. oh well, it’s not like i miss him or anything. nothing interesting has happened since then, and here i am watching the store instead of studying for that english test i have tomorrow. i was going to fail anyways.

though another boy came into the store today. he had big, frog-like eyes and only bought an energy drink. he didn’t say much, but a small smile graced his lips. kissable lips.

did I mention that he was very tall?

as tall as the sky even.

The clock chimes 4 once more on another boring, plain, ordinary day. She stands there behind the register, like always, bouncing from one foot to the other as music playing from her ear buds. Black strands of hair swishing and swaying and she’s not even sure how she managed to do her homework legibly.

The bells on the door jingle and rattle once more and she looks up to see a tall teenager. He’s awkward and lanky, but at least he isn’t scrawny looking.

Her plastic smile returns when she greets him with a nod, the corners of her eyes crinkling in an unnaturally cute way (unnatural for her, that is.)

She watches as he walks over to the refrigerated section, browsing the cold drinks through the glass panel. She pops a piece of candy into : strawberry flavored.

She’s not sure when, but the music is suddenly gone and she realizes that she yanked the head phones out, head slightly cocked to one side.

He picks out a red energy drink and walks over to pay for it; his hand slightly shakes and her smile softens into a genuine one. 

He’s definitely awkward, but she’s okay with it.

A small thanks and he leaves with drink in hand, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder she notices.

His voice is deep and smooth and she can’t help but love it.

Hello, my name is Choi Minho. What’s your name?

Park Luna.

april 8

choi minho came by once again and we did chat. he was nice, and his smile was crookedly cute. he called me short, and i didn’t mind one bit. strange.

i got a c on the english test. oh well, it was a lot better than i had expected anyways.

another guy came into the store earlier today; he looked like a college student, but i could be wrong. he wore glasses and always seemed to be tripping over his own feet. it was funny, but it was sad to watch.

today is Friday, so i was able to come home early. only to come and work at this stupid store once more. my sneakers squeaked as they slid across the tiled floor, apparently the only sound in the entire building, aside from the air conditioning.

but then that guy came in. you know, the one I was talking about earlier? he really did look like the clumsy type.

but his voice…. it was so nice. lovely. perfect. Like chocolate.

he should become a singer, but his engineering text book says otherwise.

Excuse me, but how much are these rice crackers?

Oh, these? They should be about 325 won each.

Ah alright! Thank you! I guess I’ll be getting about four of these, then.

He shook his brown hair, the strands sticking everywhere even more; he smiled as he handed her the correct amount.

Luna grinned back in her wide-toothed and eye-smile glory.

His finger pushed the bridge of his glasses, arranging them into the correct spot once more. He placed his books on the counter as he chucked the packages of crackers into his bag.

Luna looked at him with curiosity, the pen she was holding tapping against the white counter top.

So, you seem really smart.

Haha, I guess? Personally, I think I’m just average.

I like your voice; it’s very nice. What’s your name?

Lee Jinki, but I go by Onew. Please call me Onew.

Onew? Onew oppa. It has a nice ring to it.

Onew laughs loudly, the corners of his eyes crinkling and Luna can’t help but laugh along with him.

april 16

another boy came into the store today. there have been a lot of boys showing up lately, though i have no idea why. it’s not like i’m attractive or anything.

this boy came in today; he was fairly thin and pretty tall. light brown hair topped his head and he was attractive, in a way. good looking, i guess. he kept wandering around the sweets section, eyeing the chocolate wafers.

he was pretty cute like that, his eyes all innocent looking. sort of like a doll. in the end he did buy those wafers. temptation, perhaps.

we spoke to each other for a little while… about this and that. apparently he was transferring to my high school and he was some dance prodigy. i told him that i wanted to become a singer.

he said my voice was beautiful.

what a strange guy, really. he even petted me goodbye.

Luna scratches her head in confusion as she stares at her math homework. A few moments later she lets out a frustrated sigh, slamming her pencil onto the counter. The store bells jingle and she looks up and sees a guy walk in.

He looks about her age she thinks as she watches him wander over to the sweets section. He’s staring at something, his eyes completely filled with indecision.

Without even realizing it, Luna finds herself staring and analyzing his features. They’re definitely that of a good looking boy, though his facial features look rather feminine.

After a few moments of hesitation, the guy grabs the package of chocolate wafers, a determined look on his face. 

He walks up to the counter, a sweet smile on his face.

Hello, I’d like to buy these. How much are they?

Luna feels her eyebrow twitching, but she tries to pay no attention to it.

Oh, these? It’ll be 2,150 won.

Silence takes over as he hands her the money, her fingers pushing the buttons on the register. There’s a few beeps and the cash tray finally pops out, his receipt printing as well.

She bags his wafers with a plastic smile on her face as she tells him to have a good day. But rather than leaving, he rests his elbows on the edge of the counter, eyes sparkling and smile even brighter than before.

What’s your name?

Mine? I’m Park Sunyoung, but I go by Luna. Who are you?

Me, I’m Lee Taemin. When’s your birthday?

Err, August 12th, 1993. Why…?

Oh! I’m your oppa! Please call me Taemin oppa, okay?

Uh, okay.

Luna can feel the awkwardness in the air, but it seems like Taemin is immune to it. She attempts to smile some more and nearly has a heart attack when he jumps up suddenly.

Do you go to school around here?

Yeah, I go to the arts high school a few streets over.

Oh really? I’ll be transferring to the school next term, you know?

That’s cool. What subject will you be majoring in then?

Dance, most likely. I love to dance.

I think it suits you. I like to sing.

Yeah. Your voice is beautiful, you know?

Before she could respond, Taemin realized what time it was and left in a sudden rush.

Well Luna, I’ll see you around!

His warm touch on her head never really went away.

april 24

it was a really hot day today; i was practically seduced by the ice creams in the freezer section but i was able to resist! i don’t really know how, but i did. it might have been the fact that mom’s been criticizing me of my weight recently. truthfully, i could care less, but oh well.

i cannot believe i dyed my hair blonde. mom and dad were really pissed about it, but everyone else said that it suited me. change is always good, right?

a really feminine looking boy came in today (he wasn’t like taemin’s feminine charm, but something entirely different. fierce, i think.)

he was strange, but not like the creepy white van strange, or rather just different. the good type of different. the angular features of his face made him both breathtakingly beautiful and intimidating. i couldn’t stop staring.

i don’t think he came in with something to buy in particular as he wandered through all the aisles, until finally settling on a bottle of mineral water and a packet of gum.

he approached the counter and smiled. it was a nice smile, the kind that could make both guys and girls alike swoon. i returned the gesture, one hand fiddling with a blonde strand of hair.

i handed him his change and i thought his smile grew wider. i might have been wrong.

but i felt comfortable being around him for some reason.

he even complimented my blonde hair as he left the store with a wave of his hand.

i think he really is such a cool guy.

The sunshine was leaking through the store front blinds, bright and burning and Luna’s thankful for the air conditioning the store was cocooned in. Her eyes kept wandering over to the freezer section, but she ends up immediately drawing them back to the ipod clasped in her hands. 

She looks to be deep in thought and unconsciously begins twisting a strand of newly dyed blonde hair around her finger. 

The doors of the store lightly jingle once more and Luna looks up to see another boy. He was very good looking, in the girlish sort of way but still different and unique. She feels more self conscious than ever as her eyes followed the guy around the store.

He looked as if he came in with no particular idea of what he wanted to buy, but Luna kept watching anyways. She was completely fascinated, or maybe charmed? Whatever it was, she didn’t seem to mind much and neither did he.

Eventually, he grabbed a bottle of mineral water and a pack of gum and walked up to where Luna was, a smile painted on his face. Luna smiled back at him, still twirling that one strand of hair.

After a few buttons being pushed and the register making a quiet ding, Luna hands him his change and his smile grows just the slightest.

My name’s Ki Bum, but everyone calls me Key. I think it’s a lot cooler than my common birth name.

Luna’s smile grows a little bigger, her eyes crinkling cutely and Key can’t help but return the gesture. 

My name’s Park Sunyoung, but I go by Luna.

Key nods in approval at her name as he sneaks a peek at his watch.

Well, I have to be going now Luna-sshi, so perhaps I’ll see you around?

When he was just about to open the door, Key turns and smiles once more.

Blonde hair really does suit you, just so you know.

And with a wave, he was gone.

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Chapter 1: Hellooo~~ Ive noticed that you've been doing a lot of one shots of Luna. So how about instead of making new stories of one shots every time, why dont you just write a story and in each chapter it would be a one shot. Is that okay? If you dont want to do it, then its fine, but im doing it and im just giving you an option :)
P.S. I really like your one shots hehe.