Note 9

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I like talking to Jessica.   Well, she talks to me, I just listen. She asked me a buncha questions. She's really observant. She noticed my peircing which is generally hidden by my hair.   She even asked about my day. Not the basic fine and yours line, but she genuinely wanted to know what happened in my life today.   Someone cared a little bit to ask me how was my day.
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maemae08 #1
Chapter 51: I read this before. Still beautiful
Chapter 51: It's the end already... It was fun reading it! I felt like I was the notebook and I am talking to a friend! :)
Chapter 51: It's the end already... It was fun reading it! I felt like I was the notebook and I am talking to a friend! :)
Chapter 50: Wow! That is The Plot twist! Haha! They're even now! :)
Chapter 50: Wow! That is The Plot twist! Haha! They're even now! :)
parkjaeyoung801 #6
Chapter 51: Wow!!! Just wow!!! Had a great time reading this story!!! This is the first time I've read a story in this kind of format... really great!! Keep it up author nim!!!
parkjaeyoung801 #7
Chapter 37: Ooohhh sica decided to help! But why?
parkjaeyoung801 #8
Chapter 15: Taeyeon got a thing for Tiffany while Jessica for a thing for Taeyeon??? Hmmm
Chapter 51: Cute. You're so amazing author-nim~ I loved it so much :D Continue writing more stories as good, or better, than this author-nim~ fighting~ :D