Contagiously Happy


Wow this man is beautiful. Seul Mi practically drooled in her head.

"Well umm.. the line's moving forward so you might want to move too," he smiled.

Blood rushed up Seul Mi's cheeks and she quickly straightened up and apologized.

"Umm.. sorry," she said flustered.

Seul Mi scooted down the line, closing the gap between her and the person in front. Finally, it was her turn to get some breakfast. She held the metal tray in front of her and smiled at the lunch lady. The lunch lady glanced at Seul Mi's gown and frowned before sloppily dumping a scoop of gooey oatmeal on her metal tray. 

"Umm.. I was wondering if you had any other meal options?" Seul Mi asked.

"Sorry hon, you're going to have to choke that down today." the lunch lady replied. 

Seul Mi glanced around the dining hall, watching everyone eat their eggs, toast, cereal and --well-- non-oatmeal breakfast foods.

"But everyone else--" 

"Probation Level two rules," the lunch lady abruptly cut Seul Mi off.

"B-" Seul Mi began.

"Probation Level two rules," the lunch lady said again, this time a little more venomously.

"... I just wanted some bacon and eggs.." Seul Mi grumbled as she marched off.

Chanyeol overheard the entire conversation and walked up to the lunch lady.

"Ahjumma! Good morning!" he grinned.

"Ah, Chanyeol-sshi! Aigoo you're losing so much weight these days!" the lady fussed. "Did you want anything in particular today?"

Chanyeol leaned in closer to the lunch lady and whispered, "I know bacon's reserved for the nice staff people here, but I was wondering if I could have some?"

The lunch lady smiled kindly at Chanyeol then poured a generous amount of eggs and bacon on Chanyeol's tray.

"Eat some more okay? Ahjumma doesn't want to see you in the infirmary!" she smiled.

"Ne~" Chanyeol chirped, "thank you ahjumma! Have a nice day!"

Chanyeol quickly left the line and scanned the dining hall.

I wonder who that girl is, Chanyeol thought. I've never seen her before.

He quickly spotted Seul Mi awkwardly standing a few feet in front of him, looking like a lost doe. Her round eyes sparkled as she nervously looked around the room, wondering where she should sit. Chanyeol followed her gaze and noticed that every table was occupied.

Perfect, he thought.

Chanyeol approached Seul Mi and tapped her right shoulder. Surprised, Seul Mi turned around to find Chanyeol's dimpled smile.

"Follow me," he gestured.

Chanyeol led Seul Mi to a table by the corner of the dining hall. Seul Mi widened her eyes when she saw seven other boys seated around the table.

Wow it's a sausage fest in here, Seul Mi commented.

"Oh! Hyung over here!!! Wait, who's that??" a skeptical boy yelled as we approached the table.

"She's pretty!!" A tanned boy added.

"Aishh Luhan!  What did I tell you about yelling? And Kai, can you not?" Chanyeol hushed.

Seul Mi tried to hide her crimson red face from the boys as she took a seat next to Chanyeol.

"Uwaah hyung, her face is turning so red!!" said another boy, and with that, Seul Mi sunk down her chair.

"Baekhyun! Sshhhh!!" Chanyeol shushed.

"What's her name anyway?" asked a boy with defined cheekbones.

"Oh that's right Sehun! I completely forgot to ask!" Chanyeol piped. 

Seul Mi lifted her head up and mumbled "Seul Mi.."

"Huh?" questioned Sehun.

"Seul Mi," she said a bit louder. "My name is Seul Mi. Nice to meet you all."

"Seul Mi? Your name is so pretty!" Chanyeol grinned.

Seul Mi looked away and mumbled "oh, umm... thanks... my parents named me..."

Seul Mi mentally slapped herself. What the hell Seul Mi. Did you really just tell him your parents named you. No Sherlock. Of course your parents named you! Someone euthanize this girl before she embarrasses herself to death. 

Chanyeol gave a light hearted laugh, "Oh is that so? You see Kai over there," he pointed at the tanned boy across the table, "his parents didn't give him that name," he giggled, "his real name is actually Jongin."

"Yah hyung!! Don't go around reinforcing my real name upon everyone you meet! Aissh jinjja..." Kai scolded.

"Mianhae~" Chanyeol sing-songed. "Anyway," he turned to Seul Mi, "let's introduce ourselves! My name is Chanyeol, as you already know!"

"I'm Luhan."

"Sehun," he said as he chewed his cereal.

"Whaddup. I'd tell you to call me Kai, but that jerk beside you just revealed my true identity, so call me Jongin" he sniggered.

"Hi there! I'm Joonmyeon, but you can call me Suho," he smiled sincerely.

"I'm Xiumin!" perked a baby-faced boy.

"Baekhyun in the house!!"

"I'm Lay, nice to meet you" said the boy who sat at the very end of the table.

"..five, six, seven, ei-" Chanyeol stopped counting "Eih? Where's Kris, Tao, Chen and Kyungsoo?"

"Tao is um... He got moved up a level so he couldn't be with us today," Sehun said gloomily.

"It's okay hyung! You've got me!" Luhan chirped before giving Sehun a back hug.

Suho finished swallowing his food before turning to Chanyeol, "Kris is sick and Chen is meeting up with the 'doctor'. As for Kyungsoo... actually I'm not so sure..."

"Oh is that so," Chanyeol sighed. He looked down at his tray of eggs and bacon before switching his tray with Seul Mi's.

"Eh wait what are y-" Seu Mi began.

"Eat up!" he smiled sweetly, "you'll need it to survive our little counseling session later today."

"No wait... this is yours though..." Seul Mi said reluctantly.

Oh god that bacon looks so good though. I can almost already taste it melting in my mouth. Crap, I don't want to look like a pig though... HAHA! A pig. That's what's on my tray right now. What? My tray? I meant Chanyeol's! Argh restrain yourself girl!!

Chanyeol leaned into Seul Mi's ear and whispered, "It's okay, you won't get in trouble for switching trays with me. They won't find out, and I'm sure I overheard someone say they wanted bacon and eggs?"

Chanyeol moved away and scooped a spoonfull of oatmeal into his mouth before giving Seul Mi his dimpled smile.

She blushed and bowed slightly, "thanks Chanyeol-sshi."

"Just call me Chanyeol, okay?"

"Ah... alright then. Thanks Chanyeol!" she grinned.

For a moment, Chanyeol thought his heart would rip out of his chest from how fast it was thumping. Her voice just made his name sound so good to his ears. Butterflies fluttering in his belly, jolts of electricity racing down his chest, and blood rushing into his face-- he felt it all.

Badump. Badump. Badump.

Sssh heart!! I can hear you!! I hope no one esle does... but still! Quiet down! Chanyeol yelled in his head.

He watched her take a bite of bacon and curve her lips into smile.

She looks so beautiful-- like an angel. He smiled as he watched her.

Seul Mi turned to Chanyeol and caught him staring at her.

"Hmm? Is there something on my face?" she asked, a little flustered.

"Just the most beautiful smile I've ever laid my eyes upon" he admitted sheepishly.

Seul Mi's ears turned crimson red and she looked down at her food, quickly but quietly shoving it down .

Everyone on the table gawked at the two. Chanyeol has never said anything that cocky in the time they've gotten to know him. Abruptly breaking the silence, Baekhyun suddenly cleared his throat and announced:

"Guys, I think Chanyeol's in love."


Author's Note:

Shout out to my first four subbies starfr , FizzyGirl zyshawoltaemint and JustMe2712! Thanks for the subs :) I really appreciate it! 




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Chapter 2: Whoa... I haven't really read that many mental hospital fics... well to be honest I'm writing one myself (completely different plotline though so please don't think I'm copying yours) and I thought I would read some more lol... Chanyeol's pickup line XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD you haven't really logged onto aff for 4 months... but I hope you update soon XD
Blehhhbambix #2
Chapter 2: Yay!!! Shout out to me!! Chanyeol and friends look normal to me? Why are they there again?
This is cute!! The story goes with the flow~~
blackwonderer #3
Chapter 2: ooohhh what would happend??? kkk this is cute
Chapter 2: Thanks for the shout out! You're too kind ><

Update soon!!
Blehhhbambix #5
Chapter 1: Interesting plot
And chanyeol is perfect for such role hahah ^^
blackwonderer #6
Chapter 1: sounds good to me~
i will wait for the next chapter~