Rise & Shine


Seul Mi tossed and turned all night trying to fall asleep--but she couldn't. The padded ground was too hard and she was outright pissed. 

The hell kind of a mental asylum is this? Seul Mi thought.

And why the hell isn't there a bed in this room? Afraid I'm going to find a way to kill myself with it? How the hell do you even kill yourself with a bed?  No, wait, why the hell would I want to die bed-induced death? Seul Mi rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue in annoyance.

Anyway, if my parents are paying money to send me to this rubbish asylum, then they should've at least got them to give me a bed. Seul Mi balled her fists at the thought of her parents.

What the hell? How could they do this to me anyway?? Why couldn't they just send me to a regular hospital to get my wrist patched up?? I was stinkin' hungry and all I wanted to do was make some gourmet food for myself y'know? Okay I guess it was partly my fault for attempting to recreate the teppanyaki knife tricks I saw on TV. But hey! I didn't think that I'd be THAT bad at it.

Seul Mi suddenly wondered what time it was. She looked at the little barred window, slowly stood up, and walked towards it. Peering from the spaces inbetween the cold metal bars, she tried maneuvering herself so that she could look as far as she could around the empty white washed hallways. Unsurprisingly, there was no one around.

Sighing, Seul Mi slid down the padded door and buried her head in her knees.

It's so unfair. Everything's unfair. She sobbed silently before she finally fell asleep.

"Rise and shine Seul Mi!" a feminine voice sang.

Seul Mi fluttered her puffy eyes open and looked at the woman kneeling too close to her face.

"SHEEZUS!!" Seul Mi shrieked as she backed up to the corner of the room. She suddenly felt a jolt of pain down her neck and groaned.

"Wow you slept sitting down in that fetal position for how many hours now?" the woman said as she sowly stood up. "Well, I'm nurse Soo-yeon, but I'll let you call me Jessica," she smiled, flashing her sparkling set of teeth.

Seul Mi just sat in the little corner she's managed to make her own, her eyebrows furrowed and her arms crossed. 

"When can I leave this ..." there was a brief pause "... place," she mumbled.

"Well missy, it depends on how you act in the next few... few..." Jessica said as she incessantly tapped her index finger on her chin. "Well it depends!" she grinned.

Seul Mi rolled her eyes in annoyance and lay on the ground grumbling.

"Wait wait wait, what are you doing sweety? You need to get ready for breakfast!" Jessica chirped as she walked towards Seul Mi.

" Breakfast? They didn't give me a stinkin' bed, so why bother feeding me breakfast... might as well keep the food where the bed is ugh." Seul Mi muttered to herself as she sat up.

"What's that?" Jessica asked.

"Nothing..." Seul Mi said.

Seul Mi stood in line with a tray in the dining hall. Her face was beet red, and she looked like she was trying to burn holes through the dining hall floor.

The hell kind of a gown is this? ? Seul Mi cursed in her head, looking down at her hopsital gown. Alright! First this place takes my bed, and now my clothes?? It's not like I'm going to hang myself with my jeans! This is so annoying. Thank heavens this dress-shirt thingy actually buttons up at the back. I could only imagine what people would say if it wasn--oh my god I can feel everyone staring at me. They're sniggering at me oh my god. I only just got here too. It's because of what I'm wearing right? Or is it because I'm fat? I'm just a bit chubby. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten so much ice-cream two days ago. It's taking a toll on me now isn't it? I hope a sinkhole opens up beneath me. Oh god. 

Seul Mi stopped her train of thought for a moment of relfection.

Wait, the hell am I so worried? Am I actually concerned about what these lunatics think of me? They're mental for heaven's sake! I was thrown into this loony bin because of a misunderstanding, but these people are actually here for a reason. Gosh. Wow I'm scared now. Anyone here could be a psycopath--a murderer. Yup, that's it, I'm going to die. But I don't want to di--

The line moved forward, but Seul Mi was too lost in her head to notice. She quickly snapped out of her trance when she felt someone bump into her from behind. Seul Mi jumped in shock and turned around to face whichever psychopath she was sure was going to murder her tonight.

Seul Mi wasn't that religious, but she started praying piously, chanting Please don't let it be Buffalo Bill from The Silence Of The Lambs. Please-- 

Seul Mi bit her bottom lip and swiveled around before giving a sharp bow.

"So sorry!" she apologized.

"Wae? I should be the one apologizing! I didn't see you in front of me because you were so small!" a deep husky voice chuckled.

Small?? Did he call me short? What. The. Hell. No one calls me short. Especially not some patient in a freaking asylum. 

Seul Mi was boiling. She shot up only to meet the chest of this stranger.

Woah okay. He's pretty tall. She staggered back--clearly surprised by how tall this man was-- but was caught by the stranger before she did any real damage. 

Seul Mi finally looked up at the stranger, and was greeted by a sweet smile instead of the devilish one she expected.

"Hi, I'm Chanyeol! Nice to meet you!" he grinned.


Author's Note:

No one ever reads this (I know because I'm guilty of that too) but umm.. hi :D Thanks for reading the first chapter of "Here." I hope I don't end up abandoning this story like I did with a few others--what huh I didin't say anything. Anyway, in case anyone was wondering, you'll be seeing the fail whale double hyphen "--" a lot because I can't be bothered to use the fancy schmancy non-spaced double hypen (perhaps in the later chapters...). Oh, and the italicized words are character thoughts! And umm.. Jessica is Jessica Jung from SNSD! I just watched "Mr. Mr." and she popped into my head so I thought I'd name nursey here, Jessica. I hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter of "Here." I can't believe I finally wrote it hahaha... Leave a comment! I'd love to make some friends :D 



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Chapter 2: Whoa... I haven't really read that many mental hospital fics... well to be honest I'm writing one myself (completely different plotline though so please don't think I'm copying yours) and I thought I would read some more lol... Chanyeol's pickup line XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD you haven't really logged onto aff for 4 months... but I hope you update soon XD
Blehhhbambix #2
Chapter 2: Yay!!! Shout out to me!! Chanyeol and friends look normal to me? Why are they there again?
This is cute!! The story goes with the flow~~
blackwonderer #3
Chapter 2: ooohhh what would happend??? kkk this is cute
Chapter 2: Thanks for the shout out! You're too kind ><

Update soon!!
Blehhhbambix #5
Chapter 1: Interesting plot
And chanyeol is perfect for such role hahah ^^
blackwonderer #6
Chapter 1: sounds good to me~
i will wait for the next chapter~