Chapter 3

Two Is Better Than One

“Here,” Donghae handed Sungmin a shinning, red helmet lined black tribal motives. Sungmin had used Sungmin’s helmet earlier today leaving the older with none. 

“Heechul has a good taste,” Donghae had seem to read Sungmin’s mind. Sungmin nodded in agreement, and it was really nice of Donghae to get him a helmet. 

The younger smiled at the memory by the park earlier that day. 

Sungmin’s eyes widen at the sight of a huge black motorcycle in front of him. He has only ever seen this kind of things in televisions and posters but never up close. And he all too well remembered his dad’s warnings about riding bikes. His dad would break his legs. 
“I can’t,” Sungmin reluctantly refused. 

“Don’t worry, I have a license. And you can use my helmet if you’re worried about cracking your skull if we do crash into something later,” Donghae laughed when Sungmin’s face scrunched up in horror. 

“Chill, Sungmin. Come on, forget about those bike urban legends. Its perfectly safe.” 

Donghae handed Sungmin his helmet. It was white with a stripe of black and white checks on the top. “You can borrow mine.” 

“What about you?” Sungmin asked worriedly. 

Donghae chuckled and answered confidently, “I’ve been through this neighborhood tons of times. I can ride with my eyes close.” 

“Are you sure?” 

Donghae nodded. 

“One more thing,” Donghae reminded Sungmin when they got on his bike. “Relax and feel the wind.” 

“Get on Sungmin. Or you’re gonna miss curfew,” Donghae said as he kicked the accelerator making the bike roar into a start fiercely startling Sungmin from his reverie. 

Sungmin tired not to blush as he all he could think was how strong and lean Donghae’s body was against his. 


Donghae had let Sungmin off a few houses before his so that his father would not notice. He remembered that he had been strictly forbidden to ride a motorcycle. So he could not risk getting caught. 

“You can come anytime to practice. Heechul and I are home most of the time,” Donghae said as he took of his helmet. 

Sungmin nodded as he took of his new helmet, happy at the fact that Donghae bought him one. “Don’t you need to go to school, Donghae?” 

The older shrugged, “Once in a while. I‘m working most of the time.” 

Eunhyuk was right again, the band usually skipped school except for Kyuhyun, who was a genius and needed the attendance to secure his scholarship to Yale. 

“Can you give me your number? I’ll call you when we need to practice,” Donghae fished out his cellphone from his pocket.

“I don’t have a cellphone,” Sungmin admitted shamefully. His dad believe it wasn’t necessary for a person his age to have one since they live in a perfectly safe community and his school was only walking-distance away from his house. 

Donghae nodded and smiled at Sungmin reassuringly, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you soon then.” 

“The band likes you, Sungmin. And so do I.”Donghae smiled sheepishly at Sungmin before putting on his helmet. 

Even after Donghae had rode off, Sungmin stood rooted to the ground, blushing furiously at Donghae’s comment. 


“Mom, dad. I’m going to bed,” Sungmin had announced to his parents calmly after dinner. They were sitting in the living room enjoying deserts and fruits. His dad was reading newspaper while his mom serves tea. 

His mom had looked shocked, and utterly confused, “So soon, honey? You just woke up. You practically slept the whole afternoon. Are you okay?” 

Sungmin nodded, a little too enthusiastically, “I’ve been really tired with soccer, mom” he tried to reasoned. 

Mr. Lee had put down his newspaper to look at Sungmin, “Let the boy rest. He needs energy to pay full attention in classes.” 

Before his mom could even agree, Sungmin had already dashed towards his bedroom. He then locked the door and had leaned in listening intently to make sure his parents had not followed him. 

He then ran towards his bed, took a few pillows and started to arranged them vertically before pulling the sheets up. After being satisfied that the lump of pillows had a similar body shape like his, he then pushed his room window opened. 

Being athletic and all, it wasn’t difficult for him to climb down from his window. After securing himself down pipes and panels, he made a run for it. 

He was thankful that Eunhyuk had taught him all there was to know about short cuts and hidden paths to Clintwood for the three days. Making his run there shorter and less visible. He didn’t want to know what will possibly happen if his dad had ever found out. 
He tried to remember the path that was already mentally drawn in his mind, making sure every turn and junction was right. 
Its been a few days since his first entry to the studio. He tried hard to remember the exact location of the apartment as Donghae used his bike at such a high speed, making everything blurry at the back of his head. 

After climbing to the third floor, Sungmin had decided to put all his money and bet that this was the studio, which was also home to Donghae and Heechul. He gave the door a small knock, hoping that the owner or anyone home had good ears. 

The first thing that greeted him was Heechul who clad only in his jeans and a towel draped over his shoulders. “Oh! Sungmin-ah! I was beginning to lose hope on you.” 

Sungmin concluded Heechul has a cute laugh. “I thought we scared you off the other day.” 

He smiled politely. Heechul’s personality was really different from his appearance. 

“You’re looking for Donghae, right?” 

Before Sungmin could answer the other, Heechul was already howling towards the balcony, “Donghae! Sungmin’s here for his lesson!” 

A little shuffling could be heard inside the house. 

“Come on in. Make yourself at home. Whatever is Donghae’s is yours.” Heechul grinned as he opened the door and made way for the cute boy to enter. 

“Hey Sungmin,” Donghae greeted calmly but the sparkle in his eyes could not deceive Heechul. 

Sungmin noticed Donghae was only wearing a tank top and sweatpants that was enveloping his body in all the right places. Sungmin blushed heavily to himself, he wasn’t supposed to feel this way. Donghae’s a guy. And he is a guy. 

“I’d best be going.” Heechul made a grab for his t-shirt and jacket lying on the couch as he had sensed the tension and awkwardness between the two. 

“You kids have fun,” Heechul winked before putting on his t-shirt and jacket and headed towards the door. 

Donghae rolled his eyes, “Say hi to Hankyung for me” 

“I will,” and Heechul had exited the door with a slam faster than Sungmin could blink. 

“Well...” Donghae smiled at him, “Shall we get started?” 

Donghae handed Sungmin a guitar while he held one himself. They were currently sitting right at the living room and closely to the balcony, not too near to the cold but not too hot inside. Donghae took a seat facing him. 

“I’m gonna teach you how to play the acoustic guitar first. Starting with the simple chords, and we can gradually move to the electric guitar and power chords later.” 

Sungmin nodded obediently, even though he was having a hard time understanding what Donghae had just said. 

Donghae could sense the confusion in Sungmin’s eyes and laughed loudly at how cute the younger had looked, “It’s okay, Sungmin. Relax”

“Okay then,” Donghae began holding his guitar properly. He then demonstrated strumming and plucking the instrument a little. 

“These are called frets, you should place your fingers firmly on the strings directly behind the frets.” 

Sungmin tried to follow his actions carefully. 

“The most common chords are G, C, and D,”Donghae then demonstrated each chord carefully making sure Sungmin follows. 
He was nervous but Donghae was gentle and patient, unlike his school teachers who demanded perfection at the first attempt. Something he was already accustomed to since he was a small boy. 

At the end of the lesson, Sungmin was already strumming to all the chords that he had learnt. 

“Its okay if it sounds a little off at first, you’ll gradually get the flow and feel to the strumming. And you’re doing great,” Donghae smiled encouragingly. 

“Thanks Donghae,” Sungmin blushed at the compliment. 

“No problem,” The older smiled in return. 

Donghae looked at the sparkling and innocent eyes. 

Innocent and sweet. 


Sungmin stood in front of the door. He wondered why on earth would he end up here instead of the lakeside at the park. Maybe it was because how he had grown attached to the studio for the past week. 

He had been paying visits to the studio with Donghae giving him guitar and vocal lessons. The older had even borrowed him an mp3 player, something he had never seen in his life, except for the time Eunhyuk holds it in front of him. Donghae had gave him hundreds of songs to listen to, from rock, to hip-hop, R&B, pop and techno. 

He didn’t know that music was so addicting and the best outlet to let out emotions and feelings. But he had been too careless, falling asleep with the earphones in his ears this morning. His dad went hysteric when the music playing was all bass, electric guitars, drums and screams from the band when Mr. Lee had walked in to wake his son up for breakfast. 

“What did I tell you about these noises Lee Sungmin?!” Mr. Lee held the player in his hands. 

“People like them worship the Devil! Where did you get this thing anyway?!” his father questioned angrily. 

“I found it in the park,” he lied.

“Then get rid of this rubbish,” Mr. Lee threw the player roughly to the floor; separating the battery from the player, breaking it to pieces.

Sungmin bit his lip trying to hold in his tears. It was Donghae’s player. 

When his dad had left to work much later, he had ran here, without even realizing it. 

Sungmin had already grown accustomed to Donghae’s presence. And he really needed Donghae’s comfort now, the older’s voice and warm smile. 

He gave the door a soft knock. Before he could change his mind the door was already flung opened, “Heechulie hyung! Where’s my ice cream?!”

For the first time in his life, Sungmin had gotten to see how tall and intimidating Kyuhyun’s presence was. 

“Oh. Hi Sungmin. I thought it was Heechul hyung. Come on in,” Kyuhyun invited politely.

“You looking for Donghae hyung?” Sungmin nodded shyly. 

Kyuhyun smiled, “He’s out with Heechul hyung. Should be off their shift and shopping for groceries now,” Kyuhyun took a glance at his watch for the time. 

“You’re attending all boys school, right?” Kyuhyun had decided to break their silence as both were sitting on the big red couch waiting for the elders to return. 

Sungmin nodded. 

“What are you majoring in?” 

“Business management,” Sungmin spoke shyly. 

“You’re in one of those talent classes right?” 

Another nod came from Sungmin. 

“I thought I saw your names in one of the lists online. Donghae hyung made me do it,” Kyuhyun grinned slyly. 

“He thinks you’re smart. A fast learner,” Sungmin’s heart fluttered at the compliment Donghae had given him. 

“He’s very intelligent too you know. He learns of all the instruments he can play now all by himself. But he hates school, he thinks he can never do well anyway. Despite my protests.” 

“And when he was in the orphanage with Heechul hyung, he had to attend school of course. He’s always a constant target for the bullies, he snapped one day you know,” Kyuhyun smiled at the memory and makes an impressed sound. 

“I’ve never seen the bullies beg before, they practically kneeled. Hankyung hyung and I joined in. Man, I hated those guys, and Hankyung hyung, he just needed someone’s to kick” 

Sungmin frowned, he could never imagine the calm, patient and gentle Donghae fighting. It scares him. 

“But don’t worry Sungmin hyung, Donghae’s way passed that anger phase. He’s just a big ball of grease now,” Kyuhyun chuckled. 

Sungmin had never seen anyone like Kyuhyun, smart and talented but rebellious. He had heard Eunhyuk babbling about Kyuhyun on his way to a scholarship in Yale. But the boy cusses, picks a fight with Donghae and Heechul, and plays good drums. He was so unlike the classmate he had in school. 

Kyuhyun and Sungmin had chatted and exchange banters while waiting for time to pass. Sungmin had felt much better now compared to this morning. It was already early evening when Heechul, Hankyung and Donghae came home to find Kyuhyun teaching Sungmin how to make shots in the kitchen with Heechul’s alcohol collection. 

“Kyuhyun, you idiot! First taste of alcohol are always best in Liquid,” Heechul playfully hits Kyuhyun’s head. 

Kyuhyun rubs his head and pouts, “Hyunng, we should teach him how to drink. He has a very low alcohol tolerance.” 

Donghae felt his heartbeat accelerate at the sight of a very red Sungmin, he had looked so cute that moment. His whole face was fiery red and Sungmin was smiling at him cutely. 


Donghae cleared his throat when the others had looked at him with a questioning face. 

Sungmin had never tasted alcohol before, another forbidden fruit in his house. But this thing was heaven. It made him feel light and happy. It made things around him swirl and turn, it made him sleepy and he felt hot. 

Donghae had help him settled on the couch while Sungmin had fell asleep happily, curling into a small ball at the end of the couch. 

“You have got a lot of explaining to do Cho Kyuhyun,” Donghae warned him. 

Kyuhyun laughed, “Oh please hyung, you like him that way. And don't deny that he looks cute and utterly delicious.” 

This time, it was Donghae who turned red while Heechul, Hankyung and Kyuhyun laughed at him. 


It took Sungmin two hours to wake up and with a bad hangover. Donghae who knew all too well waited beside him with a cup of water and aspirin in hand. 

“You can beat Kyuhyun up for getting you drunk, Sungmin . I’ll help,” Donghae joked. 

“Hey!” Sungmin could hear Kyuhyun’s voice on the other end of the couch. 

As Sungmin swallowed down his aspirin to calm his throbbing head, Heechul emerged from no where with Hankyung trailing behind him. Heechul cleared his throat. 

“Sungmin-ah. As a new member of SJ, you are cordially invited to the beach for a picnic with us tomorrow.”

Kyuhyun laughed and clapped his hands in amusement, “Please hyung! Talk like Kim Heechul! That accents sound so wrong on you!” 

“Kyuhyun, don’t you know its rude to laugh at your elders?” Hankyung had butted in to protect Heechul and to stop the other from pouting. 

Kyuhyun had never stopped laughing and held his stomach, “I’m sorry hyung,” but he had sounded like he didn't mean it, as he kept laughing. 

Hankyung rolled his eyes and faced Sungmin, “What Chullie meant was, we’re heading on a picnic at the beach tomorrow. Would you like to join us?” 

The offer had sound so tempting to Sungmin. “I would love to!” 

And he had said it without any hesitation at all. 


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maefrancekim26 #1
Chapter 20: waaaa this is my most ff yet
eniluap #2
Chapter 20: omg! this is seriously one of the best fan fictions i have ever read! you captured all the emotions!! aweome job!
Chapter 21: OK... finaly done read all the chapter.... as a haemin love... me is really touch n feel soooo happy with this story... authornim... u not failed as a writer... i really feel all the moment in this story.... i cry together when haemin fight for they love... n the ending... is sweet n beautiful....keep writin k... now u have me as your fan... hwaiting!!
_chxnbxek #4
Chapter 21: awwwwww.... i love so much...... KKKKKKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! haemin!!!!!!
Bluecassy7 #5
Chapter 21: Wooow.....wonderful story ^^.
Great job for sure Author-sshi
bonchan #6
wow I like this so much ^^. I am crying ^^
Miji96 #7
I seriously enjoyed using my afternoon on reading this story~ O.O' <br />
It's amazingly written and it has a well-thought plot too! Keep writing! :D
eunna_c #8
hahahaha thanks all for coming back to read the epilogue ^^ but i afraid some anon reader won't notice u updated an epilogue here ....
OMG!!!<br />
It's soooooo nice to see super junior crash the wedding!!!<br />