Chapter 11

Two Is Better Than One


Sungmin sat up straight against the airport bench, his eyes boring into space as he stares ahead. His expression was blank and lifeless. Eyes had swell terribly and were moist from the constant shedding of tears. Sungmin had never stopped crying even after he had reached home, the sudden turn of events had greatly confused him. 

The past few months he had spent knowing and loving the band was just a lie, an act. He didn’t know why he had fell for it. Even Donghae, who had seemed so caring, so understanding and so loving to him had changed. All in one day, he’d thought that giving himself to the elder and hoped that their love would be stronger. It seemed that Donghae was only after . 

Its been a week since that faithful incident, he had been trying desperately to pick up the remaining pieces of his life. But everywhere he went, whatever he did had only remind him of Donghae even more. Eunhyuk had invited him to play soccer to help loosen him up, but he would remember how Donghae used to detest soccer even though Sungmin had brought him to the field to play once. When he sleeps at night, he would remember how Donghae would cuddle and nuzzle his neck whispering sweet nothings into his ear. When he sees the toy teddy bear at the edge of his bed, it had remind him how they had celebrated their first month anniversary, Donghae had gave him the teddy bear the day before he left home. 

He had also become more agitated and would stare into space for hours. Mr. Lee and Mrs. Lee were beginning to worry at their only son’s state. The food he ate had lessen tremendously, his smiles and laughter were gone, his attention span was minimal and Mrs. Lee would often find him curled up in his bed at night with shaking shoulders and silent sobs. It was then Mr. Lee had decided to send Sungmin overseas for his studies. The teaching there was more efficient and hopefully a different set of environment would help Sungmin nurse his broken heart and forget Donghae. 

Sungmin still has no idea about Mr. Lee’s deal with Donghae and assuming that he had owed his father for saving him and bringing him home that night, he had agreed to follow his parents decision. 

And so, he was at the airport now awaiting for his flight. He didn’t know where he would be going, he didn’t care. His life was meaningless now anyway, and he would follow with whatever decision his father had made for him. He was too tired to argue, and there was nothing to believe in anymore. 

“Sungmin..” he heard his father’s low voice as the elderly man took a seat beside him. 

Sungmin remained expressionless. 

“I know this would be hard for you, but its for the best. And you won’t have to see that thug again.” 

Mr. Lee patted his son’s shoulder gently, “Your mom and I would be rooting for you.” 

Sungmin’s heart softened at his father’s action and proceeded to look at the older man, “Thanks appa. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have know what to do…” 

“Silly boy, I’m your father.” 

“I’m sorry for everything. I really am…” Tears were once again escaping no matter how hard he had tried to hold it in. He hugged his father tightly. 

Mr. Lee was startled at first but softened and hugged his son back in return. 


“Look at that scheming old bastard!” Heechul muttered angrily. The sight of Mr. Lee hugging his son affectionately was enough to make the lead singer hurl his stomach contents. Hankyung who stood beside him rubbed soothing circles around Heechul’s side, calming him down. 

The couple turned to look at Donghae who was sitting a distance from them but was near enough for them to exchange conversations. The composer was staring downwards at the waiting hall, right to Sungmin. He had been there, three to four hours before Sungmin’s flight and had not said a word since. 

They had a perfect view of the boarding hall below them but it was impossible for Sungmin to spot them there. Heechul looked at his friend with sympathy and concern. The past week had not done Donghae any justice at all either. 

Black round rings formed beneath his eyes and his eyes were bloodshot red due to fatigue and insomnia. Facial hair were visible now as they began to sprout around his chin and face showing that they had not been trimmed for days, his hair was in a disarray and clothes were messily paired. He had not slept, eat or do anything coherently lately. The once happy tune that filled the apartment had been replaced with a broken tune and sad melody. 

The couple had to swear and promise not to meddle before Donghae would fill them up with details of his conversation with Mr. Lee and his decision to hurt Sungmin. There could be a softer and more gentle way to go. But the composer had insisted that hurting him was the best, at least Sungmin would leave hating him and it would take him a shorter time to forget. At least there would be no regrets for Sungmin. The fact that they were both guys was wrong in the first place, added to the fact that Sungmin would be a very successful businessman in the future and he needed a normal relationship, and a normal family. 

Donghae would only be in the way. Its best to rid of the obstacle now than later, when their love had grown deeper, it would be harder to let go. 

Hankyung and Heechul had felt sympathy for their friend. Donghae had let everything go for Sungmin. But Mr. Lee was taking all the credit instead of the composer. That alone was enough to boil Heechul’s usual nonexistent anger but he could do nothing since he’d promise Donghae that they would not meddle. 

“Sungmin’s leaving,” Hankyung whispered to Heechul’s ears as they both turned down and scan the hall for the familiar figure who was already queuing for his passport and ticket to be checked. 

“Donghae…” They were both alarmed when the person who had been sitting there for hours had disappeared when it came for the younger to leave. They found him leaning behind one of the huge pillars.

Tears were streaming down his face as Donghae began to shake violently. His voice was breaking and hoarse, “I thought I was strong enough to see him go. In the end, I’m just a ing coward!” 

Heechul enveloped his arms protectively around his best friend with Hankyung following suit. Heechul hoped that if they couldn’t meddle, the most he could do was comfort his brother. He patted Donghae’s head as the composer continued to sob. 

Because Super Junior is family. 


Flowers were arranged neatly, the buffet table was set with a variety of food and drinks, a huge and very expensive looking fountain was placed right in the middle of the Lee’s residence backyard. Guests were beginning to arrive, filling the once spacious backyard. All the guests were adorned in formal attire and had brought all sorts of expensive gifts. 

Three handsome and tall figures could be spotted amongst the crowd as they stood there observing every single guest and details of the enormous Lee residence. 

“Remind me why the are we doing here?” Heechul muttered, the latter had on a white suit with matching shoes and black shirt beneath. His hair was done into a neater and much shorter crop, color dyed into dark brown. 

“Free food,” Kyuhyun answered nonchalantly. His attention was already on the buffet table. Kyuhyun’s hair had grew longer and the boy had bothered styling it now. He had on a black suit with a matching baby blue tie. 

Heechul scowled, “May I remind you that you’re eating food served by the person who had caused your hyung pain and hurt for four freaking years!” 

“All the more why I should eat. Besides, if they’re dumb enough to invite us here, I’m ing going to empty that buffet table,” Kyuhyun grinned evilly, his eyes never leaving the buffet table. 

“May I remind you Mr. Lee is not that dumb, Kyuhyunnie-ah. He had tried so hard to shake Sungmin off from us. I don’t think he invited us here because he misses us or we’re his very good friends,” Hankyung added sarcasticly. His suit was a casual grey which was also done with matching tie. 

Kyuhyun nodded, “It’s not hard to figure out, hyung. My parents were shocked and confused when that letter first reached my house. They thought it was the wrong Cho Kyuhyun,” The ex-drummer paused to laugh, “Mr. Lee hated us like . Why in the hell would he invite us to Sungmin hyung’s birthday party?” 

“Whatever it is guys, we came here to find answers. Let’s not keep our guards down,” Heechul warned as they continued inspecting their surroundings. 

Four years had passed by, with interruption, slow and steady at its pace. However, changes had took place for both the people and environment. The last the band had ever saw Sungmin was the day he left at the airport. Immediately after, Donghae fell into a state of depression. Heechul and Hankyung had been there for him. Until the record company called and decided to sign the band even when they were missing Kyuhyun and Sungmin. Donghae had declined the offer even with much persuasion from Hankyung and Heechul. Eventually, they were the only one who had signed the record deal. The composer had remained in Clintwood until today. 

The couple was so busy with their debut that they barely had time to take care of Donghae anymore and the last time they had seen Donghae was six months ago. Hankyung and Heechul had made their debut two years ago and were the rising stars of the company. After two years of hard work of selling albums and performing, the company had given them a much needed break. And thus, they were back in Clintwood to visit their brother and best friend. 

Kyuhyun had aced his recent finals and is currently waiting for his results before graduating. The ex-drummer had also decided to return to Clintwood to visit his parents and of course Donghae. None of them had seen him yet, since they just arrived from their respective destinations and were urgently ushered to Sungmin’s birthday party. 

Apparently, Sungmin had also chose this time to return to Fairview and his parents had decided to throw a birthday and welcome home oh-my-talented-son-graduated-with-ease gloating party. 

An hour later, the guests were already settled down at their respective seats and dinner tables. There was a small band of violin, jazz, and piano at the end of the backyard. 

“I’m bored,” Heechul complained as he stabbed his food moodily, “ And what’s with the sleepy music?” 

Kyuhyun who was busy devouring everything in front of him had finally looked up at Heechul and towards the band in annoyance, “Yea, even my stomach would fall asleep at this rate. And I need it to work. I’m still not done with desserts.” 

Hankyung chuckled, “Kyuhyun- ah, slow down. This is already your eighth plate!” 

“I’m starting to wonder if most of your organs are your digestive system,” Heechul teased, earning a pout from the youngest. The couple laughed softly, they missed everything about the young boy who had grown up so much. Except for his huge appetite, and his horribly sharp tongue. 

Heechul’s expression changed as soon as he caught sight of the cardboard on the table. 

“That bastard, he even invited Donghae!” The guest names were printed in bold and placed on each seats. Apparently they had just realized they were chucked at the far end of the backyard, where no one would spot or even notice of their existence. And they were the only ones on the table in contrast to the other tables which were big enough to sit ten. 

Hankyung frowned, “I got a bad feeling about this.” 

Their conversation was short lived as the sound of glass clanking for attention and a pause to the music which Heechul was so thankful for. All eyes and ears were on the main table far away from theirs. 

“My dear guests, I would like to welcome you to my son, Sungmin’s birthday party. As you would know, he had graduated from his studies and is helping me manage my company now.” 

Even though they were miles away, Heechul, Hankyung and Kyuhyun could hear the gloat in Mr. Lee’s voice. Kyuhyun had suddenly the urge to throw his dinner back up. 

“Now, let us welcome Sungmin who had just only arrived from the airport.” 

The crowd clapped as the three other members squinted their eyes for a better view of the young man. 

“Thank you for coming to celebrate my birthday everyone. Enjoy yourself tonight.” The band had noted the slight change in Sungmin’s voice. It was no longer laced with innocence or cuteness anymore but the sweet voice was still there. 

The three of them followed the crowd as they clapped again before resuming its previous noise of chatter and the clanking of silverware. 

“Now, with so much friends and acquaintance here tonight, I would like to make a very important announcement.” 

The echo of the microphone had once again captured the crowd’s attention. The sarcasm was evident in Mr. Lee’s tone as he kept a brief eye contact with the band who he had pushed so far back to the yard. 

“Before that, let us toast to Sungmin’s birthday!” 

“He’s doing it on purpose you know. I swear!” Heechul scowled angrily. He was still very upset at the fact that Mr. Lee tore them apart, and had put the convenient blame on his best friend. 

“Let me introduce you to my future daughter in-law and my son’s fiancé, Kim Shinae” 

Heechul had almost spat in his cup, Kyuhyun for the first time that night tore his attention from the food and looked up towards the stage in shock while Hankyung had a blank expression on his face. The crowd was already sending their congratulations while a petite girl took her place beside Sungmin. 

“What the did he just say?” Heechul was checking to sure he wasn’t deaf or hallucinating. 

“Hyung…” Kyuhyun called Heechul softly as he pulled the lead singer’s sleeve. 

Heechul was too busy trying to get a better view of that Shinae girl that he ignored Kyuhyun’s calls. 

“It’s Donghae hyung. He came…” Kyuhyun continued again. 

The couple immediately turned. It really was Donghae. The latter was hiding behind one of the decorative plants as he kept his gaze towards the stage. He wasn’t dressed up like the others were. Just his usual jeans and black hooded sweater. He kept his hood up over his head and hands into his pocket. 

The other three were startled and speechless to say shocked to see Donghae there. Heechul noticed he had grown thinner than the last time he saw his best friend. The eye bags were still evident along with little traces of facial hair. The composer’s face was calm and cold, just like the mask he had always put on before he met Sungmin. 

“They would tie the knot by this spring and all of you are invited to witness this beautiful and perfect pair exchange their vows,” Mr. Lee’s voice rang in their ears as he knowingly mocked them. 

Donghae let out a soft sigh before turning to leave the backyard quietly, unnoticed. 

Heechul cursed angrily, Kyuhyun continued eating his desserts while Hankyung sat up straight and drank his champagne in order to calm down his shock. They then concluded coming to the party was a bad idea after all, and Mr. Lee is a sly man. 

A very sly man indeed. 


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maefrancekim26 #1
Chapter 20: waaaa this is my most ff yet
eniluap #2
Chapter 20: omg! this is seriously one of the best fan fictions i have ever read! you captured all the emotions!! aweome job!
Chapter 21: OK... finaly done read all the chapter.... as a haemin love... me is really touch n feel soooo happy with this story... authornim... u not failed as a writer... i really feel all the moment in this story.... i cry together when haemin fight for they love... n the ending... is sweet n beautiful....keep writin k... now u have me as your fan... hwaiting!!
_chxnbxek #4
Chapter 21: awwwwww.... i love so much...... KKKKKKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! haemin!!!!!!
Bluecassy7 #5
Chapter 21: Wooow.....wonderful story ^^.
Great job for sure Author-sshi
bonchan #6
wow I like this so much ^^. I am crying ^^
Miji96 #7
I seriously enjoyed using my afternoon on reading this story~ O.O' <br />
It's amazingly written and it has a well-thought plot too! Keep writing! :D
eunna_c #8
hahahaha thanks all for coming back to read the epilogue ^^ but i afraid some anon reader won't notice u updated an epilogue here ....
OMG!!!<br />
It's soooooo nice to see super junior crash the wedding!!!<br />