Chapter 5

Sick Day

I ran to my phone when I heard it ring, the caller i.d. said "Onew". "Hello?" Nothing else came to mind.

"It's Onew. I'm outside, can you open the door?" I ran to the door and we smiled at eachother as he walked into my apartment. "I guess everyone beat me to the chace."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Yesterday I told the guys that I was coming over tonight to check how you were doing. Minho this morning decided to visit you, and the others followed. I was annoyed, it was my idea and I couldn't come earlier because I was busy." Onew pulled out a teddy bear that was holding a heart that said "Get Well Soon" from the bag he was holding and handed it to me. "I bought it yesterday, I thought it would cheer you up." he smiled.

I hugged the bear and gave him a peck on the cheek. "I love it, thank you. No one has never done anything like this for me."

"I was also thinking that I could prepare dinner and then go out for a walk." Onew blushed.

"I'd really appreciate that." I grinned.

Onew raided my fridge as I cuddled my new bear. He was so cute. I would have never thought Onew would ever do something like this for me. I smiled at the thought of Onew's kind gestures. He prepared a delicious meal. "It's good for your health." Onew took a sip of his juice.

"How did the others treat you today?" Onew asked as we walked outside.

"Okay, I guess." I laughed. "They really did try to help me feel better in their own ways."

"So, who has made the biggest impression so far?"

I had to think for a while. "Honestly, you. The teddy bear and dinner were really sweet." I smiled and he blushed. "What about you, what were you up to all day?"

"The usual..." Onew stopped abruptly. He took my hand and headed towards a fountain, "Let's go make a wish." He took two quarters from his pocket and gave me one. I stared at him close his eyes tightly, and after a few seconds he threw the quarter back. When he opened his eyes he said, "Your turn." I did the same, wishing Onew wouldn't leave so soon tonight. We both faced the fountain.

"Thank you." I smiled. "Not just the bear and food, but for everything. If it wasn't for you none of the others would've came over today and I wouldn't have had so much fun. I never new someone could actually smile on a day that they felt horrible."

We stood in silence until I started coughing. Onew started patting my back, I don't think he knew he wasn't being gentle. When I turn a little to avoid Onew's hand, my ancle twisted a little and Onew's next "tap" made me fall into the fountain. "Was that my fault? I'm so sorry." Onew helped me out the fountain.

"I'm going home to wash up." I started walking to my apartment.

"Wait..." Onew ran after me. "Again, I'm sorry, I didn't push you on purpose." We continued walking.

"Don't apologize, I'm not mad."

"You're raising your voice." Onew murmured.

"Sorry." my tone returned to normal. "I know you were only trying to help me. But, you have to admit it was pretty funny." We both laughed and joked around until reaching my apartment. The first thing I did after going in was take a shower. Onew watched t.v. as he waited for me to finish. He started laughing hysterically when I sat next to him. "What?" I wanted to laugh too. He just pointed at my head and continued laughing. "The towel?" I laughed picturing how I would look in his point of view. I went to the bathroom and put the towel on the towel rack. I fixed my hair a little before returning to the living room.

Onew turned off the t.v. and tripped while walking towards me. We started laughing. I pat his head and said, "You really are an accicident-prone person."

"Come." I walked into my room. "I really need to lay down, my body still hurts from this morning." I threw myself on the bed and Onew followed.

"Let's play a game." Onew suggested. "Someone starts by asking a question and the other person has five seconds to answer yes or no. If you fail five times you lose, and must state a secret you've never told anyone before."

"Sounds fun." I smiled. "Want to do rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first?" He drew paper and I drew rock.

"Am I doing a good job at entertaining you?" Onew asked nervously.

"Yes." I said without a second thought. "Did you enjoy watching me fall into the fountain?"

He staid quiet for two or three seconds, "No. Are you staying in your house tomorrow?"

"Yes. Did you clean with Key today?"

"Yes." Onew laughed. "Do you like Key as more than a friend?"

"No. Is there anyone one you like at the moment?"


I laughed. "That doesn't count. You lost a point."

"Have you ever lied to me?" Onew smiled. "It's been five seconds, you also loose a point."

"Have you ever cheated on anything?"

It continued like this for a while, until Onew finally lost. After thinking for a a long time, Onew pretended to fall asleep. "You're the one who came up with the idea." I shook him.

"The truth is I came here for me more than for you." Onew blurted out.


Onew took a beep breath and continued, "I came because I wanted to spend time with you. Since you were sick, I used it as an excuse to treat you really nice. I just wanted to make a good impression..."

"You don't have to worry about that type of thing. I like you enough without the extra effort. It's not like -"

"We should sleep." Onew cut me off. He kissed my forehead and closed his eyes. I couldn't complain, I was pretty drained out. I looked at him, he looked so peaceful. Onew was always adorable no matter what he did. I kissed his cheek and also fell asleep. The next morning when I opened my eyes I was alone in my room. When I sat up I spotted a plate of food on top of my night stand. I smiled at Onew's kind gesture.



A/N: For those of you who want to know what happened before and after this story please check out my new story, should I listen to my whispering heart. I hope you enjoy it :)

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Chapter 5: aww~Onew is so sweet!!!!
Awww this is so nice ^^
SHINee_SASHAwol #3
Onew is so sweet~!!!! and the others are just simethin else.... Lol smh ...<br />
I wish SHINee would take care if me when I'm sick!!<br />
^ wishful fangirl thinking *sigh^
awww Onew's adorable!
ReaReeUmbi #5
This is just adorable!
It seems Onew was more lenient to her. It was cute~
SMzShawol #7
This is so niiiiiiice; i lovedd ittt <333<br />
<br />
Does onew love her? i hope he does, cause i loved them together!!<br />
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Sequel please? ONEWxOC please?
it was soooo sweet~!!!!! hahaha cute story^^
musiclover251 #9
hah??! its OVER??! :'(