Chapter 3

Sick Day

When I was finally drifting back to sleep someone knocked on my door. When I opened the door it was Jonghyun. "Did you guys plan to take turns coming over?"

He laughed  "Not really, it was a chain reaction. Minho said how you thanked him for getting you out of bed, then Key also wanted to be praised." He cleared his throat, "Are you going to let me come in?"

"First I want to know, did you visit because you want to receive praise?"

"Key wants to clean our apartment, so I escaped before he assigned errands." Jonghyun smirked.

"You may enter for your honesty." I let him in, then closed the door behind him. "Is there anything in specific you had in mind?"

"I hoped everything would unfold once I got here."

"So, that would be a no." I sat on the couch. "You want to watch t.v., a movie or even play cards?"

"You have karaoke?!" Jonghyun ran towards it. "Does it work?"

"Yes, it does." I was nervous, I mean who wouldn't. Having to sing with someone who has a voice like Jonghyun, it's easy to in comparison. "Maybe we should go out for coffe or catch a movie."

"Or... we could stay here and sing karaoke." a big smile was plastered on Jonghyun's face. "It will be so much fun! Can I turn it on?"

"Sure, why not?" I gave up. Who would I be kidding? No matter how much I would've complained or suggested something else he would end up winning. I'm usually not a push over, but saying no to someone like this would feel the same as saying no to a young child.

"You want to start?" Jonghyung gave me the microphone.

I have to admit no matter how much I didn't want to at first, I really enjoyed it. Jonghyun and I even did a duet in one. Even when one of us didn't have a microphone we would sing along and dance. Unfortunetly, after a few songs my throat got sore and I started coughing. When my coughing got more serious Jonghyun's eyes got really wide. I signaled with my hands that I was okay.

"Are you sure you're not dying?!" Jonghyun laughed and pat my back. "You're face is turning red." He ran to the kitchen to get water. I took it and drank some.

"I'm okay." I smiled.

Jonghyun threw himself on the couch. "I don't suggest we keep with karaoke."

"Then, you want to go watch a movie?" I suggested.

"It's too early." Jonghyun got comfortable on the couch, "I don't even think the movie thearter is even open..."

"I have X-BOX KINECT."

Jonghyun jumped up. "Let's play, as long as you don't die. I think we should do something that won't strain you."

"I'm not that fragile."

"Do you have just X-BOX games?" Jonghyun looked through my stuff.

"Yes, but there on the bottom." I pointed at the games.

Jonghyun put a game that interested him. When he saw he was losing he started pushing my hand from my controller. "Stop." I pushed him with my elbow. Jonghyun pushed me off the couch, "I never pushed hard." I got up and gave him an evil glare. "I don't want to play this game anymore." Jonghyun turned the t.v. off.

"You have any board game?" Jonghyun sat at the table.

After playing twice Jonghyun got a phone call. He went to the living room for a minute to talk. "It was Key." Jonghyun said as he walked towards me. "He said my stuff is the only thing that isn't clean and suggested I go. I'm sorry for having to leave like this."

"It's okay." I smiled and stood up. "It was fun spending time with you." I walked him to the door. "Good-bye."

"Bye." Jonghyun left.

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Chapter 5: aww~Onew is so sweet!!!!
Awww this is so nice ^^
SHINee_SASHAwol #3
Onew is so sweet~!!!! and the others are just simethin else.... Lol smh ...<br />
I wish SHINee would take care if me when I'm sick!!<br />
^ wishful fangirl thinking *sigh^
awww Onew's adorable!
ReaReeUmbi #5
This is just adorable!
It seems Onew was more lenient to her. It was cute~
SMzShawol #7
This is so niiiiiiice; i lovedd ittt <333<br />
<br />
Does onew love her? i hope he does, cause i loved them together!!<br />
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Sequel please? ONEWxOC please?
it was soooo sweet~!!!!! hahaha cute story^^
musiclover251 #9
hah??! its OVER??! :'(