Chapter Two: Something Old

From Bakery With Love

Sehun was still standing there clenching his fists when he finally remembered. He took a look at his watch. What? 4.00pm? That ridiculous thing took an hour? What a waste. Sehun cursed. He hopped onto his car and hit his pedal right away. He had to be quick. What was he forgetting again? Oh right, the booze. He should probably get really wasted tonight, have fun and party till the morning. Yeah, he should do that. And when he is not sober enough, he would deal with that cute and…wait what? Oh boy, that kid is cute now? He really should get drunk. Fast. He hit his accelerator harder and his wounded (that small scratch, remember?) Ferrari sped away.


Kyungsoo stopped over the side of the road. He tucked his bicycle under a tree and grab along a bouquet of white roses he bought along the way. He inhaled the flowers. She would love these, he thought. With a smile Kyungsoo started walking towards the cemetery. Upon reaching his mother’s grave, Kyungsoo stand quietly. After inhaling deeply, Kyungsoo stood there, and he started shaking and weeping uncontrollably. He kneeled down and began to arrange the flowers neatly. He smiled looking at his mother’s obituary portrait. “Ma...” he whispered. He wiped out the tears rolling out on his cheeks before adding, “I missed you.” And he chats on and on, about his life, of how he missed his mother, of how he hoped that he could live up her expectation on the bakery. He sat there until his tears ran out.

 After a while he sat there silently, exhaling and inhaling deeply. And he looked around. It’s almost dark. So he started to gather his things and get going. Taking a look at his empty basket, he cursed, before turning towards his mother’s grave. “I am sorry I couldn’t bring you your favorite apple pie ma.” He let out a sigh. “Some bastard hit me and the…the pies are shattering on the ground. If only you were there ma. You would know how to deal with that…” Kyungsoo grit his teeth before adding,” That mean, insolent, heartless prick! Ugh!” After saying that, Kyungsoo unconsciously rolled his eyes.

“Whoa, what has that insolent, heartless prick has done to my Kyungsoo?” said a deep and low voice behind him, silently chuckling.


Sehun drove swiftly to the main building’s entrance. He brought everything he needed and threw his keys to the guy valeting his car. He rushed to the elevator while nodding politely to the staffs greeting him along the way. He is used to that though; the respect and greetings that everybody gave him. Since his mother’s death years ago, his workaholic father became more workaholic and decided to just move to the building. He had never known what real home felt like. He had been playing on the penthouse on top of the Oh Towers since he was 7. While his father literally lives and works in the penthouse on the right side of the tower, Sehun was given the penthouse on the left side all to himself.

This, made Sehun sees and feel what his father does every single day. He was made to be immersed in the business world. Every treaty, every important meeting with oversea and local companies, Sehun was there; made to observe and learn. According to his father, this would ensure that he would not forget who he is; that he is not any boy. He had to always remember the fact that he is the true heir of Oh Corporation. With that, most of Sehun’s childhood was taken away from him. Yes, he could have anything money can buy, but it is not what he really wanted. Fortunately, Sehun was not alone.

It was in a conference that he met Kim Jongin. The snobbish kid that turn out to be the only heir of the Kim family business empire. They were at each other’s throat at first, fighting over whose sneakers were more expensive. They fought over dinner, but became instant friends at the end of dessert. Their father wouldn’t mind of them being friends, as both parents see it; it is a future investment. But to the boys, it was more than mere business.

A few years later, they met Zhang Yi Xing, a well-mannered and charming boy from China. Yi Xing’s father is the tycoon of the well-known and established Zhang Shipping. Yi Xing, like Jongin and Sehun, was the hope and future pillar of his company; being the eldest and only son. With the same fate laid out for them, the three boys become best friends. Sharing their secrets and dreams and at the same time making sure that their parents’ company relationships do not perish.

But it didn’t take long that they were separated. Upon turning 15, Yi Xing was sent to the States by this father to study, and Jongin was sent to the best business school in UK when he was 16. As for Sehun, he manages to persuade his father to let him stay instead of sending him away. But Jongin came back about a month ago, and Yi Xing, now insisted to be called Lay, was expected to come today. So they arranged a private meeting at his penthouse with some close friends. For the first time in five years, the boys were reunited.


Kyungsoo turned around slowly only to find an amicable looking young man greeting him with a smile. Feeling insecure, Kyungsoo stammered “Who… Who are you?” he gulped before asking, “How long have you been watching me?” The man chuckled at his reaction. He puts both of his hands in his pocket and started walking towards Kyungsoo. With every step the man took forward, Kyungsoo moves backward. The man shakes his head and laugh, “Whoa this is frustrating. I don’t think I look that different didn’t I? Come on, don’t I get a hug or something?” Kyungsoo panics, “What are you talking about? I don’t understand. Who are you? Get away from me!” Kyungsoo said half screaming. The man paused and chuckled again, “What? You know Kyungsoo; this isn’t a way to treat your hyung. If I knew all of this would happened I wouldn’t even bother to piggyback you back when you are five. You better be nice after this. ”

Kyungsoo pauses. He walks towards the young man slowly. The man smiled sheepishly as Kyungsoo examined his face. And then it hit him. “Lay?” The young man smiled, and hits Kyungsoo’s head lightly, “Use honorifics you brat” Kyungsoo smiled and hugs him tight. At one point Kyungsoo swore he shed some tears. Lay returns his embrace tighter, “Sorry I took that long to come home. I’m…I’m sorry that I didn’t come home to be with you when Omma passed away.” Kyungsoo sobs harder. Lay kissed his forehead, “But I am here now, okay? Shush… I am with you now, its okay.” Kyungsoo nodded and smile.

Lay checks his phone.” I got an hour left, let’s eat. You must be hungry.” Kyungsoo agreed and then asked, “Where are you going after this? If you are busy then I can have it on my own.” Lay shrugged. “It’s okay; I would just have to meet a couple of old friends, that’s all. I will make it. Don’t worry.”


Sehun was busy entertaining some guest when Jongin pull him over. “What?” Sehun snorted. Jongin pull out his watch and points it to Sehun, “It is almost eight o’ clock and he is still not here. Are you sure he’s coming home today? Otherwise I better get myself drunk now because if he’s not coming then it is not necessary for me to be in my best form” Jongin said half whining. ”Eish, he would be here, I am positive. Give the man some time. In the meantime, relax, have some food or something.” Sehun said persuasively. Jongin pouted his mouth disapprovingly. Sehun laughed, “Okay then, if he’s not here after 30 minutes, then you can go crazy. How does that sound?” Jongin smirked. ”Too bad, he’s right on time” he added and points to the door.

Lay enters elegantly and threw a big charming smile to the crowd. He fixes his bow tie and gave Jongin and Sehun a quick wink. Sehun and Jongin shake their heads. Lay took a sip from his wine glass whilst walking towards Sehun and Jongin and looked around while biting his lips. “Great party. I’m impressed. Not bad for a rookie.” He commented while nodding his head. Sehun laughs “Wow, Zhang Yi Xing. What a great way to thank your host.”  Lay nodded in agreement. Jongin threw his arms over Lay’s shoulder before adding, “Welcome home hyung”                                                                                                ***

It was almost two in the morning when the crowd grew lesser and lesser. Jongin was totally unconscious on the couch with his shirt ed and lipsticks marks clearly visible around his neck and chest. Nerve-wrecking making out sessions Sehun assumes. But hey, who could help to not drool over Jongin? Rich and confidently good-looking, that’s a great catch for all the ladies out there. Sehun continues to clean up when he noticed Lay getting his bow tie fixed in the mirror. “Hey, you are you going somewhere?” Sehun chuckled before asking, “Don’t you think you are a bit drunk to drive? C’mon. You can always stay here. Isn’t this like, your second home or something?”

Lay just shrugged off his broad shoulder, “Nah, I am fine. I just have to go somewhere. ” He turned to Sehun and gave him a smile, “The party had been awesome. Thanks maknae.” He pats Sehun on the back and gave him a wink, “I will take the cab, so you don’t have to worry.” With that being said, Lay walk away and exited the door. Sehun shakes his head and murmured, “Whatever you say hyung.” Sehun threw the plastic on his hand and decided to stop cleaning. He walks up to the first floor and went straight into his bedroom. The maids can get it all clean and sparkly by tomorrow he thought. And so the great Oh Sehun dozes off into sleep.


Kyungsoo was just about to sleep after his hours and hours of drama marathon when he heard a loud knock on his front door. Kyungsoo was scared at first wondering of what danger might await him in his decision to open up his door to a total stranger. Supernatural thoughts creep in his mind. He got goose bumps all over his neck but he quickly brush that thought aside when he heard a familiar voice calling his name.

However Kyungsoo took some precautions, rushing to the kitchen. He took a large pan with him and tip-toed to the front door. “Who is out there?” Kyungsoo asked nervously. Nobody answered. Curious and entirely puzzled, Kyungsoo hastily opened the front door only to find a large man with a broad shoulder lay limply on his doorstep. He recognized the person immediately. “Lay! What are you doing here? Oh my god, are you hurt?” He exclaimed.

Lay’s lifeless expression slowly turn into a cheeky grin. Kyungsoo noticed this and stood up. He kicked him on his shin hard and that causes Lay to wail in pain. “Ouch! Was that really necessary? You are no fun nowadays” Lay flinched. Kyungsoo bit his lips; he could not help but to smile. “Well who wouldn’t be if they found a lifeless body at two o’ clock in the morning?” said Kyungsoo while helping him getting up. “Why are you even here anyway? Did you drink? Your breath smelled bad” he added as he struggled to help Lay get inside the house.

Lay smiled as Kyungsoo spread out the couch for him. “Yeah, I had a few glasses of wine, but that’s it. And I am here, because I am half drunk and I need to get home” He explained in between his lips. Kyungsoo grunted silently, “You had all the money in the world to pay for luxurious hotels and suites, why do you need to bother me at two o’ clock in the morning? I don’t really have all that time to play with you, you brat” Lay laughs and scratches his head. “I came here, because I missed you and your nag.” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. Lay leaned forward and catch Kyungsoo’s hand, “And this is the only place I can really call home” Lay stood up and puts his hands around Kyungsoo’s waist, “Plus, I am very hungry now. And I know I can always have a nice bowl of ramyun while I am here.” He whispered from the back.

Kyungsoo blinked a few times. Damn it. Why would he always fall for that gesture? Just a whisper and he is swoon over immediately. Oh Kyungsoo can you be any more helpless? Well yes, yes he can. He can feel Lay’s breathing on his neck now. Kyungsoo quietly shivers.” So,” Lay continued in a low and deep voice, “Can you make a big bowl of ramyun for your beloved hyung?” he added before chuckling. Kyungsoo push him aside and turn around, only to find Lay smiling at him. “Please?” Lay muttered cutely.

Kyungsoo’s frown turns into a smile. He shook his head. “I hate you” he said under his grin. And Kyungsoo walks to the kitchen. “Some coffee would be nice too. I like it sweet!” Lay shouted adorably. Kyungsoo hissed, “You eat whatever I give you, is that understood?” Somehow taken aback, Lay smiled before sheepishly answered, “Err, okay” Still as stern as ever Lay thought to himself. He sat on the couch and observes the surroundings. Nothing really changes. All of it stays the way he remembered it years ago.

He started to get drowsy. Probably from those countless wine and liquor he had earlier. He loosened his bow tie and started to strip off his top. Is it him or the room feels so hot and humid? Maybe he should lie down for a while. Yes, that is exactly what he needed. And so he did. And his eyes got heavier and heavier and not long after that, he started to snore.

“Hyung I brought your coff…” Kyungsoo said while peeking out from the kitchen. He brought along a cup of coffee Lay requested earlier. But Kyungsoo was only to find his hyung lying on the couch shirtless. “How did he undress himself so quickly?” Kyungsoo mumbled. He quickly puts the coffee down and rush to his room to fetch some blanket. Upon coming back, Kyungsoo finds himself staring at Lay’s well-chiseled broad chest and beautifully carved abs that for a moment he swore that he was drifted away. He came back into reality when Lay slurred indistinctively in his sleep about being hungry and just then he blushed at his silliness. How can you look at him that way? Wake up Kyungsoo! He’s a family friend for God’s sake! He brush that thought quickly aside and covered Lay with the thick blanket carefully and smiled as he watches his adorable face softens. Kyungsoo dim the living room lights and went straight to bed. Thank goodness he hasn’t start boiling the water for the ramyun. If not it would all be such waste. As expected, that brat is just playing him. Kyungsoo smiled again. On second thought, he is thankful that Lay is here with him. At least, he would feel somehow safe sleeping knowing the fact that Lay is guarding the living room of his house. He could not ask for a better guardian.


Oh my god I can't believe I am updating this! I am sort of new to this and I started to fell in love with ! ^^


IDK why but I just love Lay *teehee* will be writing bout Sehun soon, so hope you guys like it!


Do leave some comments as they are my self-esteem booster. Will go crazy fangirl mode for every of your comments so yeah enjoy ><

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Chapter 3: Omg I'm in love with this story.....
Chapter 3: please.. please update soon! please please please!
Chapter 3: Dear ailuthor-nim.. please. Jjebal update this story please.. im begging you. I really like this story. Its almost a year you havent update this story. Please author-nim. I really into this story...T-T
Chapter 3: ay deoh mio!! actu pronto!!! - hablo español TuT - pero es que no hay fanfics del sesoo en español TnT solo me queda el ingles xD
Chapter 3: Tsk. I wanna moooore ㅜㅜㅜ
Chapter 3: Update soon author-nim... Jebal.. This story is super best and fluffy.. :) I love the way Lay teased Kyungsoo..
Lena-chan #7
Please update soon :3 Really like ur story!
Chapter 3: Ugh loving laysoo so much here;;
Can we have more laysoo pwease;;;
idontcare #9
Such a nice story you have here. Will be looking forward for more update from u. Just asuggestion, maybe u can add 'sesoo' to your story tag cz this ship is well-known with that name. That way other shipper will be able to know of your awesome story.
Chapter 3: Skbsndakkanendskk the update was perfect