Chapter One: They Met

From Bakery With Love

The sunlight shone majestically as it fell upon a petite figure. It touches the tip of his nose, causing him to wince. He pulled back, avoiding the ray of lights. He pouted his mouth and sinks back into concentration. He occasionally bites his lips as his supple hands continue to knead the dough. When he is done with the firm mixture, he rolled them out into a large circle expertly, carefully humming his mother’s nursery rhyme as he finished the task. He began cutting out the flatten dough into smaller circles, later fitting them perfectly into the baking cups. He let out a small sigh as he arranged those dough-filled cups on the baking tray. With great care he filled them with honeyed-diced apple; scooping them slowly before dropping them in. His plump lips parted as he filled the last metal cup. He covered the cups with another piece of dough he had prepared and after making sure it is perfectly done, he rushed them to the oven. With the final pastry on the menu being baked, he glanced to the clock, 6.08 am. Great, he exclaimed. He’s on time. Naively, he decided to take a short nap. After all, he woke up quite early this morning. And so he did.

 It was close to seven o’ clock when he woke up to the sound of the oven alarm. Panicked, he glanced to the clock, what? 6.58? He cursed under his breath and rushed to the oven. He cursed again. His kitchen is a total mess! And then he remembered the pies. Oh good gracious, anything but the pies! As he rushed through the mess to his oven he grabs a towel and swiftly he opened the oven. At a moment he hesitated. But he pulls the baking tray out quickly, neglecting the heat emitting out of the oven. He heaves a sigh looking at his precious pies. But then he looked twice, and he beamed with smile.

Two of them survived. So it would come out on the menu today, with a twist; just as a limited edition. He would sell one, and keep one for himself, just a small gift for his mother when he visits her grave later. He sprinkled a handful of crumbled nuts on the pies and puts them on display. That is the last pastry for today. With that being done, he walks to the front door before taking a look at his bakery. His heart leaped. This is for you mom, he whispered. And everything falls right into place. It is perfect. He smiled as he braced himself to face the day.


“Thank you. Come again soon,” Kyungsoo said politely as he gave the packaging to the elderly woman. The woman smiled sympathetically before adding “Ah, Soo-ah. It has been a year isn’t it? It must be hard for you. She must be very proud of you.” She paused and took a glance at his bakery and then smiled, “You seem to be able to get things in place.” Kyungsoo nodded, not knowing what to say back. After he mustered his courage he manage to blurt out “I…I was planning to visit her grave today.” The woman nodded “Ah, then you must get going. It looks like it is about to rain.” Kyungsoo nodded back. As she was about to exit the door, the woman turn back and muttered, “Something great will happen today. Embrace it. It will change your life. He might be harsh at first, but trust me, he is the one” Kyungsoo paused.

What? He could not make out every single word. Who is harsh at what?  Funny, he thought. He didn’t even know that woman. How could she know about his mother? And what on earth is she talking about? He quickly brushes it aside. I got something more important to do he said. He checks out the clock. Half past two. Great, he is right on schedule. He should really get going.

He shut the front door and starts cycling. With the fresh apple pie carefully packed and placed in his bicycle’s front basket, he set off to the cemetery.



Oh Sehun checks everything that he would need for the party tonight.  Food? Check. Irrational items? Check. Useless things that Jongin asked for? Double check. He took a glance at his watch. 2.45pm. Hey way to go Oh Sehun, you are amazingly on time! He absent-mindedly looks at himself at the side mirror and flashes a smile along with a sweet wink. And then he smirked, not bad. He hops on his red Ferrari and accelerated away.




He was just driving about 10 minutes when he received a text from Jongin. While keeping his right hand on the wheel, his left hand skillfully dialed up Jongin’s number. A few second later Jongin picked up. There was a hint of impatience in his tone,” Yah, where the hell are you? Still buying things? Damn it you are so slow. I should’ve gone out and get it ready by myself.” Sehun smiled.” I am on my way you brat. I got everything in hand. ” Jongin was in disbelief.

“Great,” He said. “You got the booze ready then?” He added. Sehun’s eyes grew wider. He cursed under his breath. He swore he could hear Jongin chuckled before adding “Thought so. Take your time Sehun-ah” and so he hang up. Sehun cursed again. How can he forget? He threw his phone on the passenger’s seat and hit his accelerator and made a sharp turn to the corner. And then it happen.


Kyungsoo lost his balance and fell. The car seems to come out of nowhere that it startled him. He could hear the tires screeched. He only managed to give out a small yelp before prostrating himself. He shut his eyes tight waiting for the pain coming in, creeping in mercilessly. He is ready for the blood gushing out from every corner of his meek body. I am dying, I am dying, oh no, oh sweet Lord. The time has come. Oh this is it; the neighbors would weep on him. He envisioned his own funeral, how people would shake their heads, talking about how young he is, oh what a poor soul. So he waited. Nothing. He waited again. What is this? Still nothing? He could hear a heavy footstep coming closer and closer. His heart beats faster. Wait, my heart is still beating? I am alive?

Kyungsoo slowly open his eyes. The sunlight shone so bright that it blinded him for a second. But that wasn’t just it. As the sunlight faded, he was greeted by a handsome face. His jaws were well sculptured. His eyes were tender and piercing. His lips were luscious and amazingly attractive. His skin was fair. His face is so beautiful yet firm. Oh what is he? A Greek god? So perfect and alluring. This excitement, however faded when Kyungsoo came to his senses. He panicked. Beautiful sun rays, warm feelings, a greeting from an oh-so-perfect being after his horrible near death experience? Was he… Dead? Oh my dear Lord. Oh no! He looked up again; facing the beautiful being, still mesmerized by the beauty but at the same time handling his fear, Kyungsoo nervously blurted out, “Are you… an angel?”

The beautiful lips now curled into a wry smile. And then *PIAKKK* Kyungsoo’s head felt hot from the slight slap. Well there goes my sweet fantasy Kyungsoo murmured. “What? Wake up kid! I am no angel!” the stranger smirked before adding, “I am the owner of this car.” Kyungsoo was puzzled. And then the stranger pointed to a small scratch on the red colored car. “See that? You hit my car and you caused that. You have to pay up. Now.” Kyungsoo stand up. “What? Are you crazy? You hit me! Mr.…Mr...” Kyungsoo said with rage. “Oh.” the stranger replied. Again puzzled and slightly annoyed, Kyungsoo asked “Oh what?” The stranger replied again, “Sehun.” This time with a tone of confidence resided in him. Kyungsoo bit his lips, “Huh? What are you talking about? You shouldn’t be saying ‘Oh’ in the middle of something like this. This isn’t something that you ‘Oh’ about! You hit me and I am not paying for that miniscule scratch on your stupid car!” The stranger chuckled. “You are a nag. Cute.”

The stranger puts his hands in his pocket, clicked his tongue and stares deep into Kyungsoo’s eyes. ”It’s my name. Oh Sehun. You should remember that, because you have to write a check to that name, as soon as possible.” Sehun paused and moves closer towards Kyungsoo and lift his chin up with his right hand. He stares into Kyungsoo’s eyes with an aura of suave. And then he slowly traced down his eyes to Kyungsoo’s lips. He leans closer and closer to Kyungsoo. Their lips almost met, so close that Kyungsoo now inhales the same air with him. Kyungsoo shuts his eyes, his lips pouted, his heart beating fast. Sehun smiled at the sight of the boy. He moves his mouth from Kyungsoo’s mouth to the boy’s ears and whisper, “And you will pay for that scratch on my stupid car”

Kyungsoo opened his eyes. “Huh?” he stares in disbelief. This guy is a total jerk! How dare him. He hit him, threatens him to pay for that almost invisible scratch and molest him in the middle of the streets? Cursed that name, Oh Sehun! Sehun stared back at Kyungsoo now. “300 dollars would do. I am being generous. You should be very thankful Mr...” Sehun pop his head out acting out as if he is waiting for an answer from a kindergarten kid and moving his fore fingers in a circular motion waiting for Kyungsoo to answer him. Kyungsoo gritted his teeth before replying,” Oh shut up!” Sehun smiled and answered, “Mr. Oh Shut Up. You should be thankful. I will find you to claim that, so don’t try to sneak away.”

And then Kyungsoo caught a glimpse of it. His apple pie. It is shattered. Everywhere on the ground. He was devastated. That was the last one. That was for his mother. And because of that stupid bastard, he would have to go empty handed to his mother’s grave on her death anniversary. He can tolerate the pain, the demand for compensation, but this? This is too much. He walked to the shattered pieces of pie slowly. Sehun, who was right now truly absorbed and busy explaining the pay back options, noticed Kyungsoo walking away.

He hissed.” Hey! You! I haven’t finished yet.” Kyungsoo didn’t turn. Sehun scratched his head and rushed towards Kyungsoo whilst grabbing his wrist and simultaneously turning Kyungsoo towards him. “Yah! Are you even...” Sehun paused. Kyungsoo’s lips were quivering and big tears rolled down his cheeks. Sehun’s tight face softens. ”Why? Why are you crying?” he muttered. Kyungsoo looked away. Sehun stared blankly at Kyungsoo before saying, “If you can’t pay it, I’ll reduce it to a hundred bucks” That’s it. Kyungsoo snapped. He frees his wrist from Sehun’s hand and stares at him. Now outraged, Kyungsoo shouted “You bastard! You…you have ruined everything! I…I hate you! You how much that means to me? How dare you!” Sehun was in shock. Before he could say a word, Kyungsoo added in a weak weep, “I guess you’ll never know. Because you are just a spoilt brat!”

Kyungsoo picked his bicycle and started to cycle. But then he turns back and hopped off walking towards Sehun’s car. He stares at Sehun, and then at his car. With all his might, he kicked the car’s bumper and then cycle away. He cycled as fast as he can, but he can still hear Sehun wailing over his car. And that instant, Kyungsoo smiled.


Sehun was in total disbelief! That brat! How dare him, having such nerve standing up against Oh Sehun, the only son of the founder of the nation’s biggest conglomerate. He had never felt so insulted in his entire life! Even after he reduced the demand of the amount of compensation, that kid had dared to reject him, and walk away! And kick his beloved baby? Absurd! He will find him. Oh yes he swore he would find him. This is Oh Sehun! No one can mess with him! And what is up with tears anyway? Crying after not being able to pay for the damage? Oh he cannot understand these peasants. But then he saw something. The shattered pie’s packaging. The label read ‘The Wind Chime Bakery’.

Sehun smiled. Perfect. At least he can find a place to start. Maybe he is frequent visitor of the shop. A little waiting game wouldn’t hurt. Wait and see kid, daddy is coming, better be ready.

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Chapter 3: Omg I'm in love with this story.....
Chapter 3: please.. please update soon! please please please!
Chapter 3: Dear ailuthor-nim.. please. Jjebal update this story please.. im begging you. I really like this story. Its almost a year you havent update this story. Please author-nim. I really into this story...T-T
Chapter 3: ay deoh mio!! actu pronto!!! - hablo español TuT - pero es que no hay fanfics del sesoo en español TnT solo me queda el ingles xD
Chapter 3: Tsk. I wanna moooore ㅜㅜㅜ
Chapter 3: Update soon author-nim... Jebal.. This story is super best and fluffy.. :) I love the way Lay teased Kyungsoo..
Lena-chan #7
Please update soon :3 Really like ur story!
Chapter 3: Ugh loving laysoo so much here;;
Can we have more laysoo pwease;;;
idontcare #9
Such a nice story you have here. Will be looking forward for more update from u. Just asuggestion, maybe u can add 'sesoo' to your story tag cz this ship is well-known with that name. That way other shipper will be able to know of your awesome story.
Chapter 3: Skbsndakkanendskk the update was perfect