Chapter 3

To Be With You

Hyorin’s POV

I told you Bora got married right? When I went home that night I knew it wouldn’t be easy for me to get used to her not being here with me. I was so upset, and I wanted someone to talk. So I picked up my mobile phone and had called GD before I knew it. I wanted to hang up as soon as I realized my mistake, but it was too late. His cold voice echoed in my mind and all of a sudden I was crying. I wanted to apologize and hang up when I heard him asking what was wrong. His voice sounded so warm and friendly that it made me cry even harder. I told him about unni’s marriage, and about the emptiness inside me. I didn’t expect him to understand me and thought he was pretending, but talking to him was nice and I fell asleep while I was telling him how miserable I felt.

When I woke up the next morning, I realized what I had done. I had called him!! after such a long time. I knocked my head several times and went to wash my face. That morning, I couldn’t stop thinking of him, and being alone at home didn’t help me either. As I was roaming around like a ghost, Sulli called and asked me if I was free. She apparently wanted to see a movie and asked me to join her and of course I accepted her offer. I thought maybe I could forget about last night this way, but as I watching the movie I realized I’d been wrong. I couldn’t stop thinking of him… I knew I shouldn’t let Sulli know how I felt so I just kept myself composed and contained.

After the movies, we pretty much did every silly thing possible. We acted like kids, laughed out loud, and etc. These were the only moments I could forget about unni and GD. We parted pretty late, and I walked home, thinking about how lonely I was. At home and on my bed, I couldn’t sleep no matter what. Frustrated, I drank a glass of milk and decided to play a game in my mobile phone. I fell asleep again…

The following days were much better. I started to feel better, and my parents had decided to spend more time with me which I really appreciated. We even took a trip! It wasn’t long after that unni and Minho came back home. They had bought a really beautiful house, and I loved spending my time there. I practically lived there the rest of my summer holidays. I still talked to Sulli but I was scared to ask her about GD or send a text msg to him.

So the last year of school started, and I couldn’t deny that I was pretty happy and excited about it. Now I finally had something to do!! On the first day, they divided us into groups again. And Jiyong and I were in the same group again based on out marvelous performance the previous year. I had thought I had forgotten him, but as soon as I stood in front of him in his studio, my heart began beating really fast. Gulping, I tried to keep my face emotionless and ignored the happiness I felt for being around him. I didn’t want to look pathetic and emotional, so I tried my best to mask my feelings and I think I succeeded. Soon I realized he hadn’t change at all, he was still the strict and cruel person I knew. I was pretty tired at the end of our training, so I decided to sit on his couch for a few minutes before going home. But I fell asleep before I knew it…

Jiyong’s POV

After our practice, I went to drink some water and when I came back, I saw the most beautiful thing in the world. Hyorin was asleep on my couch. I can’t explain how angelic and lovely she looked, but I was mesmerized. I think I watched her for 10 minutes before I came to my senses and decided to let her continue sleeping. I wasn’t that mean… I approached her and kissed her lips and forehead softly before going to my own room and lying down. But as I knew it, I wasn’t able to sleep so I started watching a comedy. But the weird thing was that I couldn’t stop thinking of Hyorin that night no matter what I did… This thoughts scared me because I knew I had gone soft.

Hyorin’s POV

I woke up and guess what I saw :O OMG it was terrifying. I jumped on my feet and left the studio as quickly as I could. I ran out and stopped to catch my breath as soon as I was out. What a day it was going to be! How was I going to look into GD’s eyes? At school, I avoided GD, but had to go to his studio. When I got there, I saw GD smirking at me, and felt myself blushing. He walked toward me and hugged me tightly…

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Chapter 2: Update omfg. ;_; <3
Bora26 #2
Chapter 2: sisterly love of HyoRa.. :)
LinYooJung #3
Chapter 1: Wow,I have never read a story about hyorin and gd but it seems to be great!! Nice pairing~ ;)