First Snowfall


One shot.

Chanyeol x You

I'm not good at descriptions. Plus, it's only a one shot so there's not much to describe.

I CAN say that I wrote this starting at 3am, it's now nearly 5am, while listening to Miracles in December on repeat. Both versions.

That song is ABSOLUTELY one of THE most gorgeous songs ever. EVER. <3

I haven't actually written anything in awhile because I've had MAJOR writers block.


It's December. Christmas time! Happy, love, romantic. With an underlying sadness that can never be forgotten.



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love this fanfic,grow more love for channie!!
exoticsinspirits #2
Chapter 1: Daebak.. Reading this while listening to first snow by exo make me feel loved by chanyeol
Chapter 1: sequel please !!! :3
Taemana #4
Chapter 1: I like it. <3 You should write a sequel. I don't know if I spelled sequel right. LOL