Sweet Serendipity


"Sweet Serendipity..

               That unexpected meeting 

                                          that changes your life."



Accidents happen in many ways. It might be bad, worse or worst or maybe good, better and best. But what if this accident is so bad you can't take it but turns out the best thing that has ever happened?

Like you'd be at your worst if that accident never occured?


Well, here's Lee Chaerin, the girl who loves troubles. But let's just say she's just that clumsy.



But who knows? Maybe she'll find her special someone through her worst mishap?

So let us all discover her best yet worst accident of all...



Hello guys, I'm CL biased person obviously :P

Anyway, I hope you enjoy and love my story!


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infiknight94 #1
Chapter 4: i just read this story and aaaww totally falling in love with this <3<3 i'd like this kind of story.. update soon authorniimm :))
Skydragon_ #2
Chapter 4: Awn, jiyong is really funny hahahahha love it <333 please update soon!
Chapter 4: Aw such a cute chapter. So Jiyong and Seungri will be rivals. I can't wait to see how this will turn out. :D
fandhate #4
Chapter 4: fun fun story... ready for the next chapter ^^
annie02 #5
Chapter 3: Where are you authorniim?!
i miss this story >.<
Ciel_GZB #6
Chapter 3: awww.. they're getting along :) hahah!! i can't wait for their friendship to blossom ^^
LinLin05 #7
Chapter 2: Bwahhahha, what the hell Jiyong?! You can't remember or you just pretend to not remember?! This story awesome! Please update soon author-nim! You have done a great work here!