Chapter 37: Two Different Kinds of Suprises

Childhood Friends....ish: A Parallel Universe

You hummed to 'Lucky' as you took Dubu out for a walk in the park. You scratched his ear, "Come on boy" You walked around the park a couple times then headed back home. You put the key in the hole and pushed open the door, only for a Baekhyun to block your way. "What the- Baek? What are you doing"

"Nothing! Just close your eyes and to in you room."


"Its a secret, just do it"

You rolled your eyes, "Fine" you shut them and felt Baek's hand over your eyes as he led you into your room.

"Where something pretty, and Dubu can stay to keep you company"

"Okay...." You said. He closed the door and you heard his footsteps walking away, "What exactly is your father doing, hmm?" You ask Dubu.

"Did you purposely ask to go on a walk today so he could do this?" You asked. You shrugged and went into your closet to change like Baek told you to. Since Baekhyun liked that red dress so much you decided to wear it cause...well...why not? You fixed your hair a bit and by the time you were done Baek knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah" you replied. You turned away from the mirror and looked at him, holding out the sides of your dress, "How do I look?"

He blinked, smiled, then came over to you and curled your hair behind your ear, "Gorgeous"

You smiled, "Thanks" 

He took your hand with one hand and covered your eyes with the other, "Now for the surprise" he dragged you out onto the balcony and sat you down in a seat. "Ready?"

"I've been ready"

You removed his hand to reveal a lovely meal on the table with two candles and flowers and more. You smiled, "Whats all this for?"

He shrugged, "No reason. I just thought we should have a chance to eat out without someone seeing like my mom did last time. So we'll eat out here"


"Shhhh" he hushed you, "I don't care what you say, I will do this for you if I want to"

"But Baek, you really don't have to spend so mu-"

"Ah lalalala! Nope! Can't hear you" he said.

"Baek I-"

"No Lina. I do what I want. And I definitely want you happy"


"No no no. I'll never stop! You're too important to me and I won't-"

You pressed your lips against his and parted a few seconds after wards, "You talk too much" you said.

He blinked at you cutely, "Talk talk talk! I can't stop talking! Lalalala! Lina you're gonna have to shut me up somehow! Blah blah blah blah blah!"

You rolled your eyes, "Go ahead" He smiled lovingly and ran his thumb over your lips. Just as he got close you turned away. "Oh no. The food will get cold if we don't eat it now, come and eat Baek"

He made a face, "Tease"


Your mom walked into the room. There were two tables set up right beside each other, one that seated her husband and the other that seated her former best friend. She looked around the private room, "Why do I get the feeling this isn't all just a coincidence?"

"Sit down honey" your father said.

She came over and sat down straight and sophisticatedly.

"Just remember, our daughter's happiness comes first" your father said.

She raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean by that? Of course it comes first"

"Just wait" he said. Then the entire room was engulfed in silence. The it seemed as if the whole restaurant was. The dangerous silence filling a single private room was pretty suffocating.

Meanwhile, on the outside of the doors, you and Baek were preparing yourselves. "Are you ready?"

You nodded and squeezing his hand, "Yeah"

"Okay, then how do I look?" He asked.


"I have to impress your parents"

"Oh" you said. You straightened his shirt and fixed his hair a bit, "Handsome, what about me?"

"Gorgeous, as always" he took a breath, "Ready?" He gave you an assuring nod and opened up the door for you and came in behind you.

"Lina!" Your mom said, "Thank goodness you're here! What is going on here? Why is everyone so hush hush? Why are you walking in here with him? And why are they here in the first place?"

"Sit" Your father said.

Your mother's eyes flickered around everywhere, "I swear if you threatened my daught-"

"Mom!" You stopped her, "I-I-I uh"

Baekhyun placed a hand over your and gave a small squeeze. "You okay? I can do it"

You shook your head, "Mom....I really love someone right now"

"Oh thats great!" She said, denying the obvious. "Who is it? Is he handsome? Nice? Smart?"

You couldn't help but to smile a bit, "Yeah" you glanced at him.

"So who is he?"

".....Byun Baekhyun" you said quietly.

She blinked, "May I see a picture?"

"Um...sure?" You took out your phone and showed her photo of you and him.

She stared in disbelief, then turned to Baek with a pointing finger, "You" she said, "Don't you dare touch my daughter! Don't even look at her! You can't do this you-"

"Mom!" You screamed and your father yelled, "Honey!"

She stopped, "Huh?"

You stood between her and Baekhyun, "Mom.....why can't you just let me be happy?"

"He will not make you happy, for all you know he could be faking this whole thing! Don't you remember-"

"Yeah, I remember very clearly how much of a jerk he was to me but I also remember how sweet he was." You held his hand, "I remember when I fell off the swing set he was the one who got the bandaid and gave it to Haneul."

"You knew?" Baekhyun asked

"Of course I knew, I'm not blind" you said, "And when I left my papers in the library he found them and turned them in for me instead of throwing them away. He could've completely sabotaged my grades. He's so sweet mom. He's so cute. He's caring and I love him? Why is that wrong? Why is if wrong to love someone who secretly cared about you for years? Why is it wrong to love his smile and his laugh and the way he holds me? Why can't I choose someone for me? Huh? Mom you've changed so much in the past years, why?"

"You don't understand. You're too young." She hissed. "And I will never let this happen"

"Mrs. Bae" Baekhyun said, "I love Lina. I really do. And someday I will marry her, and we will want your blessing. But even without it, I'll still want to marry her and have kids and grow old together." He smiled, "I loved her for years and she didn't know and for some reason I couldn't give up on her. She's here and will always be here" he pointed to his heart. "She's never gonna leave, even if you take her from me I'll find someway to get to her because I love her"

You leaned your head on his chest, "I love you too"

"No" your mother said bluntly.

"Miyoung" Mrs. Byun said finally. 


"I think its time for us to stop. Our kids clearly won't stop loving each other so lets let go for them, hmm?" She said, "I know, it was wrong for me to go behind your back god knows how many years ago but I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, and Miyoungie I've missed you so much. I regret ever fighting with you, you're like my sister and sisters fight so lets not anymore, okay? Its my fault we're like this and its our fault our kids had to keep this from us to be happy. So lets let them be happy"

Your mom pinched the bridge of her nose in silence.

You squeezed Baek's hand and he squeezed it in return. When she opened again the two of you held your breaths.


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chubbybunny123 #1
*rereads the whole story*
chubbybunny123 #2
chubbybunny123 #3
This is honestly my favourite fanfic!!!!
chubbybunny123 #4
kimtaemihaha #5
Chapter 60: So sweet sadly happy ending means the story gonna end
Min-tan #6
Chapter 60: You're stories are always so good, I enjoy reading them >u< And now I have enough to read for the next months o.o
Chapter 60: i love the ending so.much!
Exo_Fighting #8
Chapter 60: wahhhh fantastic story
Chapter 60: will you be writing normal stories for the other members. like how you did a normal one for che, will you do one for do and xuimin?
Chapter 60: im so proud that you did 60 chapters, i did not feel like you did that many LOL im so excited to read the rest of your planned stories