Cuckoo! Cuckoo!



Jaejoong gets kicked out of his own bed. With a nasty thud, he falls to the hardwood floor. Like WTF? It's his bed! Where the hell is Blackae? Isn't he supposed to be alert about these 'stranger in his bed' business? Damn that cat.


Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Kim Jaejoong as artisan clockmaker Jaejoong who suffers from short-term memory loss. Wang Xinling as muse Xinling who is prone to malfunction and currently on an inspirational strike. Black Cat as Blackae who has a lot to say. White Bird as Whitae who has a lot more to say. And... and... Kim Junsu as Xiah Xiah, the last cupid (with an Oedipus-complex).


It's a-muse-xin-ling-so!
It's a-muse-xin-ling-so!
Hey you! Been playing with those shrooms again, huh?
Hey you! Been playing with those shrooms again, huh?
That explains why you're here listening to me rant about my stupid master.

Wait... you weren't listening to my rants? Damn you, human! No! He's not stupid because his IQ is low. He's stupid because he suffers from short-term memory loss. Sure, he remembers I'm his pet. He even remembers the silly name he gave me but the most important thing in all the world he fails to remember is... feeding me. If everyone was like you, all stuck up in the clouds, being able to hear animals speak English, I'd have called the animal abuse hotline ages ago and reported his .

Now what? Did you just ask me my name? I already told you what it is. Do you suffer from short-term memory loss too? Do all humans have it? That's lame!

My name's Blackae. And no, you may not call me Blackie or Blacky or Blackity-Black. My name's Blackae. Got it? Now make that a long-term memory.

As I was saying... he always forgets to feed me and I always have to scratch him up a bit if I want my meow meow. One day, he finally gets a clue from all his scratched up trousers. So what does he do? He builds a nice looking contraption that supposedly does the feeding. That's great and all but then those things don't last forever. It needs to be filled when empty so we end up back at square one.

Sometimes I wish he didn't live alone and lived with another human... who didn't suffer from short-term memory loss... who would remember to feed me.

And then, whapowie! My wish comes true because I'm such a good cat. I only use inappropriate language occasionally and swipe my claws at the neighbor's koi fishes once on a full moon.

This lady that came out of thin air... she's not really human but... close enough. A malfunctioning muse is pretty human, right? See... she used to be my master's part-time muse... when she was invisible. Like... who the hell knew she was the one sparking those crazy clockwork ideas? But now, she's bent on living as a respected human... or something like that. And she says he owes her big time... or something like that. So she wants free lodging and free food for a year... or something like that. And I'm fine with it... so long as she feeds me.

Oh, did I mention she has this delicious little bird that I want to eat? But now, Whitae and I are best buds. Like what the ? Go figure.


A/N: If you've read "Cupid's Mom Said So" or "Mandorean", don't be alarmed when Blackae starts sounding like the bad reincarnation of Suki. lmao, I've been associating him with a puppy and now he's like a meowzer. I'll try to make him talk less but no guarantee... and crappity crap, this idea started all clean and stuff from Xinling's flowy white gown and Jaejoong's fun red-orange slacks... then the idea trogged through my muddy bog of a brain and it turned durrty lmao! But I really want some clean fun... ugh. We'll just see how all this pans out... but really, I don't want to mark this durrty. By the way... if you ever read this Grey, I will make Junsu have a crush on Xinling somewhere in between... just for you. Just because... because you can't imagine him having a crush on Xinling... *evillaughchokesdies* This is my second longest A/N. You be proud of me. EDIT: There will be cat and bird friendship along with other outrageous things... you have been warned!


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reading again :)
Chapter 19: uh......still mind ed mama
Chapter 18: they shud just gag lady bing bing
Chapter 18: Keeee!!! Omahgoshohmagoshohmagosh!!!!!!
Alrighty, not holding my breath...I'm just gonna inhale deeply and never let go. ^^
Chapter 1: gosh! twinnieeee i missed you so i decided to stalk your stories and i found this and oemgeeeee lol i love thissss ♥♥♥♥ kkk you know cat is my weakness, especially y little cat like blackae~ kyaahahaha ♡ and oooo naughty little jaejoong touching xinling when she was sleeping~ and lolololol the ending paragraph kkkk~ blackie is totallh heading to hell xD yay gonna go on the next chapter~ lalalalalaaaaa
Chapter 17: Soo FLUFFY! (And my head totally needs to be cleaned after reading your storiesXD)
Chapter 17: so....what the hell happened? did xiah xiah's brothers really die? or the ghosts came just to let the other two have and finally bam out babies?
Chapter 16: Yay! The next chapter will be the last. Wooweee!
Chapter 14: Hahaha Junsu. LOL@Xinling even with all that Junsu confusion and teeth chattering she still managed to ask about the gummy worms. <3 LOL
Chapter 13: LOL @ IS episode