Final Special

Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Is she... is she the swamp monster? Uh, okay.
Is she... is she the swamp monster? Uh, okay.
All the cupid brothers, minus one, flood into the facial room... and what do they see? Uh, the color pink, of course. Its amazing power is inescapable. "Mini... where the hell is she?"

Mini Mickey peers over his hyung's y right shoulder and looks around, searching for their grandma, the former goddess of love. "I swear she was here a moment ago."

"Are you sure she's here? Did you get the wrong facial room? Did all the pinkness get to your head?"

"Are you on drugs?" The brothers give Lil G-Dragon their full immediate attention... did he step out of line again? He seems to do it quite often.

No, no... he's got a point. It could be drugs.

"All this pink is more than enough to produce flying pigs. Who needs drugs?"

"No! You don't understand! I saw her face. You can't mistaken that face. She has to be here, somewhere... she just has to."

And then... something beyond magical happens. They find her, at last? No. Not nearly as productive... but fun nevertheless.

The sudden loud groan startles them less. Yay! "Why are my babies making such a racket? This is supposed to be my relaxation heaven." But looks more like a pink hell.

"I... I... know that voice..."

"It's a little scratchy but... that voice definitely belongs to Miss Li. The sounds she makes is like a hybrid. A fork on blackboard crossed with a siren."

"I hope you mean the siren that's stuck to a po po car, Junior... because if you mean the siren creatures who seduce men, you are wayyy off, bro."

"Yeah, we all got that part, genius, but the real question still remains unanswered. Where the hell is she?" They scan the room once again, attempting to locate the owner of the voice... with zero success.

"I'm lying right here in this bed. Can't you see me, babies?" The voice gives them a big hint... but will they take the hint?

Their eyes are searching for a bed... and the only bed in the room is the one perfectly situated in the middle... but... where's Miss Li? Wait... could she be? Is she... is she the swamp monster? Uh, okay.

"Hyung... the pile of seaweed... is Miss Li." Oh, looks like they're going to have to negotiate with a pile of seaweed.

"Or..." Baby Tablo in his breath. "The pile of seaweed ate Miss Li..." Yeah, now there's a special thought... but then again, why would anything eat Miss Li? The brothers are willing to bet big bucks on 'she tastes awful.'

"Babies, please... it's just a seaweed mask, see?" The pile of seaweed, possessing Miss Li's voice, brushes away some clinging kelps.

"Oh my god, the swamp monster has her face! What do we do now?!"

"Clam down over there, Little Drag. Let's just close our eyes and trust it. We can't afford to lose anymore time."

Did he just call her an "it?" Okay. Moving on.

"Miss Li... we are led to believe that you are the culprit behind the disappearance of our parents, Jay Jay and Cyndi."

"I don't think they're actually missing, hyung... they're just missing their memory... I think."

"That's pretty 'missing' to me." Baby Tablo clears his throat and continues accusing his grandmother of crimes she may or may not have committed... but they're pretty sure she did. "Miss Li... our strong instincts tell us you committed such crimes because you wish to be reinstated to the title of 'goddess of love.'"

"Hyungnim, I believe that it's 'Goddess of Love' with a capital 'G' and a capital 'L.'"

 "How the hell would you know I was thinking of the common noun version?"


"ANYWAY... without further interruptions or dilly dallying around, we would like you to return our parents to the way they were."

"Babies, babies... the only thing I'm guilty of is taking pleasure in this special kelp facial. But you all do make me curious... if you had to choose between your mother and your-"

"Mom." Hands down.

"Too easy. Is it a trick question, Miss Li?"

"You boys didn't even let me finish the question."

"Why do you need to finish it. We choose mom... period." They are not ashamed of favoring one parent over the other. Not one bit ashamed.

"Well that makes me feel very loved. None of my sons will care if I tripped over a rock, fell down a cliff side, as long as their mom's okay."

"Actually, I would care... a bit. Well, it depends on if dad trips first or falls first."

"Wait... Dad?" All the brothers, minus one, plus Miss Li, turn their gaze towards the doorway. Wow... behold. Two standing figures. Jaejoong and Xinling... or is it Jay Jay and Cyndi? Or Both?

"There, there. I'm sure they didn't mean anything by it." The woman who looks like their mom places a hand on the shoulder of the man who looks like their dad... in an attempt to calm him... but really, what is there to calm? He's as calm as a convent... not saying he's a nun or a priest or anything.

"Mom... dad... is it really you guys...? And not... you know..." There were a lot of things running through their minds... like robots, dolls, clones, illusions, broken muse and broken-er clockmaker. So, they kind of have to make sure.

Okay, it's them. Well, that was mighty quick.

"Yes, it's us."

"What happened?"

Miss Li tries to slink away while the brothers are preoccupied with see their mom and dad again... with their brains in tact. TOP2 catches her. Too bad, grandma. Too bad.

"We decided to take a break from each other... and from work."

"What? Are you two going to divorce like Miss Li and gramps?"

"Oh, don't call him gramps, sweetie. When you're calling him gramps, you are indirectly calling me grams... and I can't have that... It's Miss Li... MISS LI." She says it so many times that it naturally travels into one ear and out the other... all in half an instant.

"No... haven't you heard? Absence makes the heart grow fonder?"

"We were testing it out... plus, I wanted to see what it's like to be a guardian angel and your dad wanted to spend his time as a normal human being for once."

"Uh, mom... you were a muse." 

"I still don't know how that happened... do you, Jay?" She turns to her husband... who is as equally clueless about the subject as she is. "How I started as a human child is also a mystery. It was only supposed to last a week."

"Me, me, me! I can explain that part!" Xiah Xiah's head pops in... between his mom's milky legs.

Jay Jay yanks him up to his feet. "Which part can be explained?"

"The part about mom being a muse and you starting as a baby."

All the brothers, minus one, are thinking the same thing. How the hell did Xiah Xiah get out of the magical straitjacket?

"I had to get mom and dad together somehow, right? What better way than to make mom his muse. That way, they can make babies and remake you guys, see?"

"He still thinks we're ghosts or something... can we even trust a word he's saying?"

"Nah, I wouldn't bet on it."

"Xiah baby, that still doesn't explain how we woke up to our original selves three decades late. We were supposed to break for a week."

Miss Li tries to make her escape yet again. And... of course, the attempt is thwarted again.

"Alright, alright. It was me, okay? Guilty. But you lovelies know how I do things... once I do it, I can't undo it. You just have to... let it run its course."

"Guilty! Guilty! We knew it... we just knew it!"

"Babies... you have them back now. No harm done."

"Okay... but there's still the problem with Xiah Xiah."

"Why do you want Xiah Xiah, fixed? Do you mean Suko? Don't you think he's cute as is? In a psychotic kind of way."

"I'm Suko, Miss Li! And that right there, checking out mom's mesmerizing neckline, is Xiah Xiah.  Ugh! She always mixes us up."

"Oh... is that so?"

"She used to mix up your uncle Xiah and your uncle Suki all the time. It's not just you two."

"And that's supposed to make us feel better... we don't even look anything alike? Plus, Xiah Xiah's a crazy now."

Baby Tablo clamps his hand over Suko's mouth... to shut the boy up. "Okay, so let's say we keep Xiah Xiah like this... how are we going to deal with the celestial moral police?"

"Sweetie, just leave that to me. I still got some magic in my corner."

Everyone shudders... just trying to think of Miss Li's 'magic.'

"Why don't we all leave before she tries to show us her 'magic...'"

"Good idea, dad. We got a lot of catching up to do."

"Like how you and your brothers have been running illegal business under your mom's company name?"



"You know about that already?" :(

Uh oh... maybe they should've stayed another three decades or ten as the artisan clockmaker Jaejoong who suffers from short-term memory loss and the muse Xinling who is prone to malfunction and currently on inspirational strike.

Yeah... maybe. :/

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reading again :)
Chapter 19: uh......still mind ed mama
Chapter 18: they shud just gag lady bing bing
Chapter 18: Keeee!!! Omahgoshohmagoshohmagosh!!!!!!
Alrighty, not holding my breath...I'm just gonna inhale deeply and never let go. ^^
Chapter 1: gosh! twinnieeee i missed you so i decided to stalk your stories and i found this and oemgeeeee lol i love thissss ♥♥♥♥ kkk you know cat is my weakness, especially y little cat like blackae~ kyaahahaha ♡ and oooo naughty little jaejoong touching xinling when she was sleeping~ and lolololol the ending paragraph kkkk~ blackie is totallh heading to hell xD yay gonna go on the next chapter~ lalalalalaaaaa
Chapter 17: Soo FLUFFY! (And my head totally needs to be cleaned after reading your storiesXD)
Chapter 17: so....what the hell happened? did xiah xiah's brothers really die? or the ghosts came just to let the other two have and finally bam out babies?
Chapter 16: Yay! The next chapter will be the last. Wooweee!
Chapter 14: Hahaha Junsu. LOL@Xinling even with all that Junsu confusion and teeth chattering she still managed to ask about the gummy worms. <3 LOL
Chapter 13: LOL @ IS episode