Missing You
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                It was Saturday morning. The weather was the epitome of perfection; the sun was perfectly beaming like a dazzling light. The clouds were forming into different shapes, covering the entire blue planet. Zico was leaning at his seat while his eyes were following every movements of the woman that he likes. It’s been months when he met this girl. He didn’t remember what or how they met. The only thing he knows that he fell head-over-heels on her. Every time he went to the café, he wants that particular girl to serves him.

                “Man you’re drooling!” P.O guffawed and his friends laugh at him. Zico tore his gaze for a while at her, glare balefully at his friends and stares back again at her as if nothing happened.

                “That’s the main reason why I don’t want to fall in love. Look at Ji Ho, he looks like a stalker.”  Jaehyo scoffed.

                “More like a creeper.” Kyung added and they all nodded in agreement.

                Zico turned to them again. “Can you guys shut up for a while? You know what; you can now leave if you have nothing to do besides on pissing me off. You’re making a commotion.” Truth to be told, many people were staring at their direction because they are too rowdy. Others were starting to leave because their moods were totally ruined by their unethical noise.

                “Well how can we leave when we still didn’t eat? We’re here to have a breakfast; not to stalk, stalk and st- Ouch!” U-Kwon shouts as he hit by Zico on his head. This time, all eyes, as in all eyes turned to their direction, including his crush.

                “Oh man! She’s looking here!” P.O warned. Zico search for her and P.O was right; she was looking at their direction, particularly, on him. His heart skips a beat as his face tinted a shade of pink. Every time her gaze landed on him, his insides melt like a candle. The said girl walks towards their direction and it gives Zico enough time to check out the girl. She was wearing their usual uniform; a white polo with a red ribbon and a maroon skirt. A black stocking that was perfectly hugging her long, slim legs and 3-inch high heels were emphasizing her height. Her light make-up was perfectly matched on her rosy lipstick. Though she was smiling amiably at the other customer, her eyes indicate something else. Her small figure was looming over them, eyes fixated at Zico. He was about to talk to her when she hisses something that make them stop on their tracks.

                “Sorry for being rude but if you have nothing to do besides on making a scene here, it would be the very best when you all leave this café. This place was created to serve customers who love to drink and to relax; not to discuss and to disturb other customers.” Her voice was so soft yet authoritative. Jaws dropped, eyes widened. They all stared at her in disbelief.

                “Say what?!” P.O was the first one who snapped out of his daze. He boomed with his deep and husky voice, which make the others snapped as well.

                “Do you want me to repeat myself? I said you can leave now since you are disturbing the other customers.” She crossed her arms on her chest, waiting for them to leave immediately. P.O was about to retort when he met Zico’s warning glare, making him exhales exasperatedly.

                “Fine! We’re leaving . happy?! Aish~ this girl is impossible! I don’t even know why hyung was so in love with her,” He mumbled the last sentence. He threw his arms in the air, stood up and leaves. One by one, other members start to leave the café, leaving Zico alone on his seat. The girl was still standing in front of him, waiting for him to leave. He was waiting for her to say something, anything. But when he was rewarded with silence, he takes it a cue to make a move.

                “Sorry for creating a ruckus. It’s just that… my friends are really jerks. Haha.” When he noticed that the girl didn’t move, he sighs in dejection.

                “I’ll be leaving.” He stood up, grabs his belongings and walk towards the door. Oblivion to her, he secretly stared at her nametag that was pinned on her left chest. A wicked smirk spread on his lips.

                Yoonmi huh? Now I already know your name.


                “Yoonmi -unnie! Ppali!” a teenage girl, with probably the same age as Yoonmi, shouted across the café. Dozens of eyes stares at the girl named Missha, making her red from mortification.

                “Oh my gosh! Mianhae~” she bows repeatedly. She looks up and saw Yoonmi looking at her with a raised brow. She meekly smiles at her and went to her direction.

                “What’s with the shouting huh? Is shouting day today? Why, almost all of the people are shouting? Can’t you lower down your voice? Or do you just really want to ruin our customer’s day?” Yoonmi bombed her with so irrelevant questions.

                “I already said sorry okay? It’s just that we have a lot of thing to do.” She replies grumpily. Though they were best of friends, Yoonmi is still not used to her loud and light aura. She thinks that Missha is still a teenage girl; a typical teenage girl actually.

                “Okay I know. I get it. Just let me clean this table first.” She gestures at the table that Zico and his friends used. Missha nodded and starts to do her own work.

                When Missha went back to the counter, she grabs the clean towel on her waist bag, sprays the table that was never use and wipes it. She believes that although no one really use the table, she still has a responsibility to clean it. Before she could even finish wiping it, something caught her eyes. A notebook was lying on one of the chair. Curiosity got the best of her and she picks it up and read the contents of it. Her eyes read the contents of it and within few seconds, she was mesmerized by it. The whole content of the notebook was all about music. She rereads it once again and realization hit her; it was a music notebook. Though she is not a fan of music and literature, she knows that the contents of it are all about love. Love in music, love in nature, love in the future, you name it. Looking on her both sides, she cleared , close the notebook and holds it like it was hers. She continues to clean the table like nothing happened.

                Whoever leaves this notebook is a big idiot. How can he/she do it when all of his/her work was beyond perfect? But I guess I should also thank his/her idiocy. At least I can now have my own stress-reliever.

                She smiles to herself, leaves the table and proceeds to her next work.


                Saturday night runs slowly as the boys, also known as Block B, was now standing at the middle of noisy bar. They were at their usual hangout: the underground bar. It was one of their special places because they met there and made them one. This place also gives them money because they were all underground rappers. The bar was the epitome of hell; all girls were acting like a real . Boys were spending all their money just to have fun. Leader of the gangs are also here; the bar was their hideout and a place of transaction for underground business. Minors could also be seen there since they were not allowed to enter in other bars.

                “Man can we go somewhere else? I want to go anywhere but here.” P.O says grumpily as he drinks his beer.

                “We can but where? This is the only place we know here. I mean, this is the only place we’re belong.” Kyung shrugged and drank as well.

                P.O makes an inaudible noise, roll his eyes and face forward at the stage. The girl was dancing at the podium; all eyes on the man who has no intention to spare a glance at her. Zico was too quiet when they reach the club. The reason was so obvious; he didn’t have a chance to talk to his love.

                “For goodness’s sake Ji Ho! Can you please stop thinking about her?! Just this once?!” If Ji Ho is not their leader, maybe Jaehyo already smashed a flower vase on his head.

                “Don’t mind him. He’s just sad that he didn’t get anything from her.” U-known

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I'm actually looking for zico's fic and im glad i found this
oyyyyy balbobs paupdate ako., sapakin kita pagdi mo ito inupdate agad.,


love you.,