The Florist's Hyde.


A short story of a new florist who helps a sullen boy to mend his friendship with his best friend. 



Choi Sooyoung as a florist.


Kyungsoo as a gloomy school boy.


Kai as Kyungsoo's best friend.


p/s: images are not mine.



Please proceed with the story.


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Chapter 1: Wahhh~ this's so cute! You're such a good writer and it was so well written! Please make a sequel please please :)
letsjongout #2
Chapter 1: omg this is just so cute and well-written! please do make a sequel.
Chapter 1: lovely but sequel plz but can u make kaisoo pair hehe thks 4r lovely story<3
Chapter 1: heoll this need a sequel author like really!! ahh nicely writeen
booyaaaaa #5
Chapter 1: Aghhhhh 2soo!! This is da first time im shipping any other than kaisoo and taeny,my gawddd, you haveta make a sequell author nimm!! ASAP nee;D

P.s; love this story very mucho
Chapter 1: Omygosh!! So cute of squishy Kyungsoo!! And I was laughing when he gave that flower to Kai and the meaning hahaha :))) so cute xDDD
Sequel!! :"""> hihihi