ToL 7

Taste of Life



Sun rays shone through the window ceiling. Its warmness hit Yumi’s cheeks gently, pinched her closed eyes lightly made it blinked a few times to adjust the brightness of sun. Yumi closed her eyes again as she inhaled the fresh air rolling through her room. Felt the wind caressed her face.

She smiled softly as she opened her eyes just to see her angle stood next to the window. Curtain was blown by the wind. Chuckle escaped from her lips seeing her angle struggled to remove the curtain away from his face.

She fell back on her bed before she sat properly as Dongyu jumped to her bed embraced her tightly.

“Good morning, Mom…” he sang the words with bright smile tugged on his lips.

“Morning, Yu” she said brushing her nose with his.

She his hair with her right hand while her left hand held Dongyu’s small body. They closed their eyes as they felt each other warmness. Tighten their embrace.

That was the reason she felt joy when weekend came. She didn’t need to wake so early in the morning, bathed, had breakfast by herself, and went straight to her office. In the weekend she could wake a bit late and this was. Woken up by her little angle. Embracing each other for a few minutes just to feel their warmness.

Just by that small act from Dongyu, she could forget her tough day. It lifted up the tiredness from her shoulder easily. No, it wasn’t because she hated the other days, she enjoyed her every day of work, she grateful of it. It was just she overwhelmed by the joy she got in the weekend.

She could spend her whole day with her angle, without her stack of papers work. She could bathe Dongyu by herself, not like the other day whereupon her mother took over that job.

With bathed him, enrobed him a clothe, combed his hair, she felt that she indeed a mother. She liked that feeling. Always.

The feeling which lacked the other days because the busyness.

“Mom, what will we do today?” Dongyu asked as he hopped off of the stool as Yumi finished comb his hair.

“Mmm..” she hummed while tapped her index to her chin. “How about making cookies?” she asked.

“That’s sound good” he blurt out, jumped up and down in excitement.

“Ok, it’s settle then”


Yumi stopped what she was doing as she heard the bell rang. She hopped off of the chair, muttered a ‘wait a minute’ to Dongyu before rushing to the front door. She turned the knob of the door down. Warm smile tugged on her lips welcoming the girl that smiled back.

“Dongju, your friend is here!” she yelled out loud while closing the door behind her back. “Your friend…” she stopped her words looked at the girl. The girl mouthed her name as if she knew what made Yumi stopped. “Xieyi is here!” she continued her sentence.

She ushered Xieyi to the living room. Let her sat while waiting for Dongju to come downstairs. She muttered ‘sit comfortably’ with an assure smile before headed back to kitchen where Dongyu waited.

Xieyi flexed her leg, her lips curved a small smile. She felt grateful to this project thing they had. It helped her a lot to accomplish her promise that she swore to her love brother. This time was her second time coming to Dongju’s home. It was her chance to collect more information about Yumi as much as she could.

No, Xieyi had no mean to meddle Yumi’s life. She didn’t want to take advantage of Dongju either. But, she has to. No, she must. She just wanted to make her brother happy. At least with this she could pay what her brother had done to her. Wherein wasn’t equal enough to pay him, though.

Boredom took over her patience as Dongju hasn’t downed yet. Xieyi hopped off of the couch. She decided to take a look the living room that she hasn’t done the last time she came here.

There was a small picture frame that stood on the medium size table in the corner of living room. The picture contented with Dongyu and Yumi. He pecked her right cheek while Yumi smiled brightly, there was sparkle inside her eyes. The must be really happy, Xieyi thought.

Xieyi rolled her eyes to the opposite wall wherein a big frame placed on it. The picture with six peoples in it. Yumi, Dongyu (1 year old she guessed), Dongju, two elder women, and an elder man.  They all smiled happily.

Her face turned away from the picture as well as her heels. Unconsciously her feet had brought her to the front of dining room door. She peeked through the small open gaped of the door. The room was not big and not small. There was a small kitchen stool.

Her eyes captured a beautiful scene. Dongyu made various shape from the dough excitedly, Yumi rolled the dough to a thin layer, but not so thin while giggling at her son. Their face messed with while flour as they thrown the powder to each other playfully.

A chuckle escaped from Xieyi lips. “What a lovely”, she murmured.

Not wanting to interrupt that moment, Xieyi headed back to the living room. Sat down on the couch where she sat beforehand. 


As soon as Dongju threw his down on the couch, they started right away.

Silence engulfed both of them. Too silence for Xieyi. It made her hesitated to open . Made her couldn’t form a single word. She only dared to glance at him in between doing her work.

Xieyi tapped her index against the table a few times in second as she tried to find a way to encourage herself to open . As she too deep in thought she not aware that Dongju noticed her hesitation. Dongju stared at her finger and then at her face before he open his mouth.

“Is there something bothering you?” his question managed to snap her out of her deep thought. She blinked a few times to digest his words.

“I didn’t see your brother on that picture” she blurted out the words she couldn’t hold back. The words that she hesitated to escaped her lips minutes before. The words that urged to come out of her curiosity.

She looked at him with anticipation but Dongju turned his face away from her.

His lineament changed drastically. His face hardened, there were anger and disappointment, a slight of sadness. He bit his lower lips as he tried to seal his mouth. As if he didn’t want to talk about her brother, no not just that, it seemed like he wanted to burry all of his memories about his brother.

Xieyi felt uneasy as she looked at him. Did she say the wrong word? Did she invade his family matter too far? She really has no idea what was going on. Regret spread her body partly.

“He was a fool, a coward” the words that escaped from his lips with a low and deep voice.  The sound was so cold that could describe how he felt toward his brother.



Waa,,, it has been more than two weeks not updating this story..

I'm just too lazy to write.. lol


enjoy reading this chapter guys!!


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Chapter 6: So Lays father is also Yumis boss? His father would either accept their relationship or be totally against it. Did she even get married though? because she was probably 18 when she got pregnant.
Chapter 2: Aww Lay is so cute having a crush on her