The Ending Point




In far far away, there a Kingdom name Areillia.

There are live humans, mythical creatures and spirits.

Human civilization is divided into five nations,

The Water Realm

The Ice Realm

The Earth Realm

The Wind Realm 

The Fire Realm

Each nation has a distinct society, wherein people known as 

"The Elementals"

where they have an ability to control the element of their nation

They live happily and peacefully together,rule by their beloved King and Queen


Areillia In Danger




— Characters




                                                            FIRE REALM

       Symbol                                                            Nation


                                                                  The Fire Realm Princes



- The most good looking man in the Fire Realm Nation
-Known as the guy with the cross eyes.
-Also known for his womanzier demeanor and dates with all of the women in Areillia Kingdom
-Quick to think on his feet, he's slacker who doesn't want to inherit his family throne.
-Due to his womanizer, he was arranged to marry Yuki; the Ice Realm Princess
-He helds the Professional Level of Fire Elementals

The Fire Realms Princess


-She is the most beautiful women in her nation.
-Known for her cunning and intellect manners.
-Since she was the only girl in her family, she has tendencies to prove to her brothers that she is stronger than them.
-Like to pull a prank on her brothhes especially on Ken.
-Ravi's crime partner
-Childhood of Yuki
-She held the Expert Level of Fire Elemental.


"X" a.k.a Aoi's cub                                                          The Fire Realm Allies Fairies





                                   ICE REALMS

Symbol                                                              Nation












                                                         The Ice Realm Princes


The Ice Realm Princess


-Known as the most beautiful woman in her nation.
-She has a sarcastic and smart sense of humor and has earned the respect of all the people in her nation.
-Chilchood friend of Aoi.
-J-Hope's crime partner.
-She hates Hongbin due to his womanizer side especially when she was set to marry him.
-The only Areillian that known to be "Psionic" (Telekenesis)
-An Expert Level of Telekenisis and Low Level of Ice Elemental.



-He is a snowman that J-Hope and Yuki made since they were a little.
-He is goofy and naive, but exteremely lovable and caring towards his friend, especially Yuki and J-Hope. Because he was built during their childhood, Frostie retains the childlike personalities that filled by Yuki and J-Hope
-He is also intelligent but yet very talkative.
-Unlike Yuki, Frostie really admire Hongbin

The Ice Realm Allies Fairies








                                                            WIND REALM

         Symbol                                                     Nation


                                                         The Wind Realm Princes



-The second womanizer in Areillia Kingdom
-Close to Hongbin due loves to flirt with other girl
-He hides his true emotional due to his badass look.
-Zico loves to tease Aoi, Princess of The Fire Realm because no matter
what he teases, Aoi will pay back.. double.
-He is the second youngest among the Princes of Wind Realm
-He helds the Professional Level in Wind Elemental


The Wind Realm Princess

The Wind Realm Allies Fairy                                 The Wind Realm Genies






                                                           WATER REALMS

Symbol                                                                  Nation


                                        The Water Realm Princes and Princess


The Water Realm Fairy                                              Mermaids






                                                                EARTH REALM

Symbol                                                    Nation


                                      The Earth Realm Princes and Princess


            The Earth Realm Allies Fairy                         Earth Trolls






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