Just One Day


Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted. - Aldous Huxley



Jinhee is Taekwoon's childhood friend. She always be there for him whenever he feels down or anything and when he was heartbroken to know that the woman that he loves is dating someone else she stepped in and picked up the broken pieces of him and they eventually dating. She loves him too much until he took her for granted..and now she slipped off his fingers..






"I'm not quite sure about my feelings towards her but...I'm pretty sure that I don’t want to lose her."


"Alright. I understand. I guess I have to steal you from her"


"Why are you making a big fuss about this?"


"I'm not. You know what, we need to stop." 




Hello, as you can see from my perfectly horrible description, it's a new fanfic from me..Blegh I dont know what to say actually. But please comment and subscribe. (-_-)v


P/S Thank you to my dongsaeng Sugarlion to the poster!!


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Chapter 4: Update soon ^^
Maan2442 #2
Chapter 4: love the story your writhing please update soon.
Chapter 4: Nice story you write here, I love it! (a lot!♥)
Chapter 4: Ego ... ego ... both have ego ... aigoo ~ even if they're in art exhibition , they can just hug coz missing each other XDDDS
Chapter 4: why, so little interaction with Jinhee, need more taekwoonxjinhee T.T
waiting for the next update :2
xxparkhaneulxx #6
Chapter 3: please continue updating^^
Chapter 3: I feel like wanna slap Leo right now *though he's my bias ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ*
Yungri #8
Chapter 3: Luv it! Keep updating <3
steam21 #9
Chapter 2: this fic makes me really sad :(
I really want to read the continuation :(
Chapter 2: I think ....................................
Before it'll get extended to break up ... better they fix their relationship ...
It made my heart hurt ㅠㅠ