Chapter 003

In your Arms, Tonight


chapter three; 

                 the moment i knew


» After work, I wasted no time and immediately headed to where our high school reunion would be held at. I hailed a taxi and got in.



I guess women tend to stick with the friends with whom they truly get along.

“I never thought you’d get transferred to sales, Soojin!” Miyoung, my friend, exclaimed.

Miyoung and I had gone to high school together and worked at the same place. She is a CAD operator assigned to the interior design team.

Jiyeon rubbed her temples, “Man, don’t bring up work now. “

Young-Ae joined in, “Yeah! Time is money. Just think all the guys who acted juveniles in high school might have grown into cool guys by now. We should take chances while we can!”

Jiyeon swatted Young-Ae’s hands, “Hey! Nevermind Young-Ae, Soojin is a newlywed, don’t drag her into adultery!”

“Hey now, I’m not giving up the purity I’ve preserved for 25 years to just any guy.”

 “MIYOUNG! STEP IT UP ALREADY!” We all yelled at her, with a mix of laughter, for acting way too ‘preserved’ at this age we are in now.

Jiyeon and Young-Ae are also good friends of mine from high school. Jiyeon is already married while Young-Ae worked as a magazine journalist. Together, the four of us had been through all the good times and bad times together.

“So what’re you doing Soojin? Gonna go for it or not?”

“I.. uhh.. I’ll think about it first – ”

“Family comes first, your husband already a high earner anyway. So this could be a good reason to quit.” Jiyeon interfered.

I kept silent as my friends battle over the decision.

Miyoung patted my arm gently, looking straight in my eyes with care, “Don’t do that, your dream has finally come true, Soojin.”

Jiyeon turned to me, “You want kids right? Child-rearing is test of strength so the sooner you start the better.”

I thought of having kids with Sunggyu.. But, would he want that too?

“Well, give it some thought you only live once so try to live with no regrets.” Young-Ae sensed my uneasiness and thankfully, she answered for me.

“You’re right. I’ll take my time and think it over.”

“Personally, I think it’s best to have a balance in everything you do whether it’s work, home, or romance.” Young-Ae smirked at the word “romance.”  Oh typical Young-Ae..

Jiyeon raised her hands in the air, “Here we go with the provocative affairs again!"

All women started to chitchat, including men, fussing over something.


“What? He really came?”


The others girls were in a tizzy.

“Whoa, seriously?”

“For real!?”

Some men in suits exchanging business cards also rose to their feet.

I could see a built, handsome, well-toned looking man at the entrance, making his way to our table. As if everything was in a slow motion, my vision got blurred.

“No way.. Is that.. Woohyun..?”

“Hey check it out! Isn’t that your first boyfriend, Soo?” Miyoung asked with a playful tone in her voice, nudging me.

“It sure is, that’s Woohyun. He’s gotten hot!”

“Didn’t Woohyun go to Italy on a soccer scholarship after graduation?” Jiyeon asked. She looked at me, I gave a small nod.

Several years have passed.. but..

Oh geez.. My heart is still pounding..

Woohyun made his way straight up to me, “Soojin! Long time no see. How have you been?”

His melodic voice that I once fell in love with, echoed in my mind. Standing in front of me, my emotions are whirling. Nam Woohyun, why do you do this to me?

“I’ve been fine, thanks for asking. You look like you’re doing well too, Woohyun.”

“Sure I am! I’m on top of the world!” Woohyun gave a hearty laugh, something that you truly missed.

Someone from the crowd suddenly spoke to Woohyun, “I saw you on some sports news. You were chosen to be on the national team, right?”

“Congrats, bro!”

Woohyun swamped with old classmates in the blink of an eye.

“Hey long time no see guys! What’s up? You like a bunch of old fogeys!”

I looked at Woohyun, he seems to be having fun. It seems like his smile will never be wiped off from his face. I shook my head, still smiling a little bit.

“Shut up, Woohyun!”

“We ain’t no fogeys!”

“Let’s share a toast!” a man yelled from afar. Beers were ordered and Woohyun happily accepted one.

“Of course, Woohyun should be the one to give the toast.”

“All right!” Woohyun stood up on the table, feeling a bit anxious.

“Uhh.. Hello, as you may all know, I’m Nam Woohyun. I came back to Japan for two things actually. The first was, actually, to represent Korea in the world cup, I’ll become the best goalie in the world and I'll make you all proud. And the other thing is.. “

Woohyun cautiously glanced at me, boring his eyes onto mine.

“Soojin, I’ve come for you.”

I processed what Woohyun said for a couple of seconds before screaming, “Me!?” I shrieked.

I heard the girls shrieking in the background, everyone was looking our way.


What in the world is happening?



» author's ramblings:   Aaaaaaaaand I'm back again! Hi durrr. How have you all been doing? Only a few days before Christmas~ Don't get sick now like I do. -_-

» layout credit


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