Phaethon; Up In Flames


In which Minho is the son of Helios the sun god.



I guess all my inspiration comes from English class???

(warning: I took the diolague directly from the book Im basing the story on. The rest is my own adaptation of the story)


Based on the Phaethon story in Edith Hamilton's Mythology, Timeless Tales of Gods and Heros. 

I actually thought this was really long while writing it, but now.......sorry its so short :O

Plus I'm using Minho and not Taemin because Minho is the 'Flaming Charisma', so I pictured him while reading the story. 


Thank you to

For reviewing



But no form of preaching could get through to the boy. He could only picture himself proudly standing in the famous cart, steadily steering the horses with ease.  He did not feel a single drop of fear.


Nothing could stop Minho from what he wanted.

I really hope someone gets some enjoyment out of this


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