Hanging on a Cliff

Teenage Conflict

Shin Ae’s POV

An hour passed by without me being aware of it. All I could think about was the kiss we shared just the other night. I didn’t know it was possible to hate and love one thing at the same time.

Did it really mean nothing to him? Is it a habit of his to kiss random girls? I hope its not. I hope I’m his first. But how is that even possible? Aigoo! I’m going crazy!

Haechun suddenly rose from her seat beside me and walked out the door. Our next class is up. Where is she going?

It’s really uncomfortable for me when she’s not around. Finally, I went out to look for her.

She’s probably at the Comfort room. We always go together so I don’t know why she left me this time.

Because I wasn’t watching where I was going I bumped into another student and almost fell. But his arms caught me just before I did. For a second, I stared into his eyes. But they were waaay too smoky to stare at so I looked away.

“I’m sorry,” I bowed at TOP who was standing still very close to me.

I think he noticed my awkwardness and stepped backwards. I think he was about to say something but whatever it was, it didn’t matter anymore because I saw GDragon behind him.

He was glaring at me like he wanted to stab me with chopsticks.

“Get away from him!” his tone was very intimidating, but more importantly it stung deep into my heart.

When I didn’t do as he said, he grabbed my arm to push me away.

“Are you deaf? Do you not know who I am?”

I didn’t speak. He was holding my arm tightly but the pain didn’t equal that of what’s inside my chest.

“Well then let me tell you who I am—“

“That’s enough!” TOP’s voice echoed in the hallway, where we were.

GDragon’s grip loosened for a sec. He must have been frightened because I’m sure I am. TOP is one of those people who you wouldn’t want to bump into.

“What?” GDragon sounded surprised.

“Let her go. You’re hurting her.” TOP’s tone was very authoritative. He placed his hand on GDragon’s wrist.

The two exchanged looks that would cause warriors to surrender from a battle.

“Who is she to me? She’s nothing but sh—“

I freed myself from him before he finished his insult. I’ve had enough heartache for the day. With trembling strides, I escaped the scene.


GDragon’s POV

Picture a perfect day at PE class. You’re sitting next to your best friend at the bleachers enjoying a smart conversation. Then suddenly, a monster girl steps into the scene with a killer look on her face. Without a word, she punches you hard on the face.

TOP was as shocked as I was. But later I felt my blood boiling up!


But my best friend was already a few feet ahead of me. That girl better be a runner or she’s dead meat.


A girl accidentally bumped into TOP while we were trying to catch the monster girl. Oh great! Another fool has appeared.

TOP helped him up very gently---wait. What? Gently? TOP?

She apologized to him in a way that made the side of my lips twitch. Why is she standing so close? She bows shyly. I hate her.

“Get away from him!”

She didn’t respond. What a pabo.

“Are you deaf? Do you not know who I am?”

Still she said nothing. I gripped her arm but she didn’t seem to feel anything. It’s like talking to a person in coma.

“Well then let me tell you who I am—“

“That’s enough!” his voice is like lightning, strong and it pierces through me.

I don’t know if the girl in front of me is aware that she has stopped breathing and is shaking.

“What?” I couldn’t hide how surprised I was.

“Let her go. You’re hurting her.” TOP’s tone was very authoritative. He held my wrist, warning me to do as he says.

What the heck is his problem?

 “Who is she to me? She’s nothing but sh—“

I couldn’t finish my insult because the girl then walked away.

TOP also took his hand off me. He didn’t say anything, he just turned around and disappeared before me. I felt like I was left hanging by a cliff so I took a different path from him.

Haechun’s POV

Why did I run? I definitely know he deserve that punch (sigh) that guy… his stare…yah it was his stare that made me run off my feet not my punch…


Ohh what’s that? I slowly turn my back to see what that scream was all about…when I finally got my balance back my muscles tightened and I can’t move my eyes I was again staring at this egocentric guy and what really caught my attention was that my BEST friend is in his arms what in the world just happened? I want to go near them but my inner self is warning me that one more step will surely put me into my own grave. Right now the situation is not that great to put myself in and tries to save my friend because if I do that both of us might die so without moving I stay where I was and try to read the situation more clearly I won’t make the same mistake twice…

 “yah!!” I shouted I hear my own voice vibrates within me

“what?!! You’re blocking my way”  gd’s voice was caustic

“you bump into me and you didn’t even say sorry” I was super annoyed

“I told you were in my way!! and Why should I apologize to a peasant?... i think you were the one who should apologize to me look what you’ve done to my face” he was pointing at his bloody lips and instead of getting mad I actually smiled, the way he acted was kinda cute. He is like a kid complaining about his bruise

“y..y..you deserve that punch you know” I try to explain my self but my i can’t hide my smile making look like I was teasing him

“yah!!!why are you giggling?? Do you think it’s fun to mess with my face…come with me I’ll make you pay!!!” he grabs my hand and pulls me as if I did something serious that I deserve to be dragged out. When we reach our school garden no one was there. Ofcourse no one will be there since its class hour. this feeling was strange I was not scared nor feeling like I want to complain but I wanna hear him out I want to look at him… now I know why shinae and the other girls likes him,. But when he was about to say something the bell had rung its time for our next class.

“yah!!what’s your next class?” he ask arrogantly

“music…” I reply

“then let’s go we’ll continue this confrontation after our class…and don’t you dare run away or think about hiding because I will sure find you understand” why can’t I take his words seriously? I know what he just said was a warning but for me it doesn’t sound like that at all… as in who the hell cut off a fight then say we continue it later right? I think he is crazy…

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sujushineegg #1
aah!! nce really nice please update soon!!
Chapter 4: It's getting intense here... Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 1: Interesting... :)
very interesting story guys <br />
I can totally understand Haechun TOP's stare can be very intimidating, y but scary does that make any sense
AW, poor Jiyongie. He's so confused.