My ten o’clock customer


My name is Constance and I’m here in Japan to study and discover this country I love. I’m at the university during the day and then I worked at a coffee shop at night.

My life there was quite ordinary until the day I met him. He is my ten o’clock mysterious customer ……


Finally……here it is: your special fanfic for your 18th birthday!!!

Qu’est ce que j’ai galéré avec cette fic ^^ J’ai largement sous-estimé le temps qu’il me fallait pour mettre à plat mes idées mais c’est maintenant terminé. J’ai donc deux semaines de retard mais je suis contente de quand même pouvoir te présenter le résultat. J’espère que ça te plaira. Comme le titre et le résumé te l’auront suggéré, c’est une fic totalement indépendante des deux autres donc je croise les doigts.

Allez ! On arrête le blabla ! Bonne lecture !!

Bizoo ma groubignouche cendrée ! 


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Chapter 3: Wow!! So beautiful!! I hope you can do a sequel!! Please!! I love it!!
Thanks for the fic, it's really original. Fighting with the next!! ^_^
Chapter 3: Wow!! So beautiful!! I hope you can do a sequel!! Please!! I love it!!
Thanks for the fic, it's really original. Fighting with the next!! ^_^
Chapter 2: Wait...I'm really an idiot in that (feffing cool) fanfic! >.<
“I locked him in our bathroom while he was preparing to come! I wanted to meet the girl who was motivating Minho to come to the coffee shop each night! Before, he was always pestering when it was his turn to come here but few weeks ago, he suddenly volunteered to come every night! Now I understand why!” He winked at me."

He said Minho! He said it! Why didn't I understand who he was? I'm stupid. But Ii'm still fangirling like crazy when I read this storyyyy! ^-^ <3
JeMerald #4
Chapter 3: WAIT!!!!! There's still a problem on the distance between their relationship!!!!! Author-nim! Don't end it yet!!! Please!!!~~~ ^_^ good job author-nim! ^^
Chapter 3: I looooved it! It was so sweet and cute and even funny! A stripper?! That cracked me up! ^-^
I read it quickly, I was just so eager to know what would happen! I'll maybe re-read it again later to enjoy the words more! :D And I'l maybe find some more things to say (more like "some more things to fangirl on")
OK, I know what I have to do: go to Japan, work in a cafe with the name of Kimiko and have a friend called Sunako (Yamato Nadeshiko inspiration? x) ) and hell yeah I'll meet Choi Minho! XD
But I think you underestimated my Flame X Ray: I'm sure I would have recognized him in a second! *looks like a creepy sasaeng fangirl*
What make me laugh is to think that I would be able to speak japanese so easily! XD
But anyway arigato gozaimasu Anee san! ^-^